Upper Grand District School Board Selects Fortinet to Enable 21st Century Teaching and Learning

Source:: Fortinet

Upper Grand District School Board Selects Fortinet to Enable 21st Century Teaching and Learning

Source:: Fortinet

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

By Talos Group Today, Talos is disclosing a pair of vulnerabilities in the VNC implementation used in VMWare’s products that could result in code execution. VMWare implements VNC for its remote management, remote access, and automation purposes in VMWare products including Workstation, Player, and ESXi which share a common VMW VNC code base. The vulnerabilities manifest themselves in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Today, Talos is disclosing a pair of vulnerabilities in the VNC implementation used in VMWare’s products that could result in code execution. VMWare implements VNC for its remote management, remote access, and automation purposes in VMWare products including Workstation, Player, and ESXi which share a common VMW VNC code base. The vulnerabilities manifest themselves in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Virus Bulletin conference is a well regarded intimate technical conference focused on malware research. It provides a good balance between listening to technical talks and spending time exchanging experiences with colleagues from different companies; all working on the same task of making our computing environments more secure. This past October, Talos participated at the Virus […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Virus Bulletin conference is a well regarded intimate technical conference focused on malware research. It provides a good balance between listening to technical talks and spending time exchanging experiences with colleagues from different companies; all working on the same task of making our computing environments more secure. This past October, Talos participated at the Virus […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

An alle Freiberufler, Handwerker und kleine Gewerbetreibende: Das FUJITSU CELVIN NAS QE707 ist da und befriedigt die steigende Nachfrage nach größeren Kapazitäten und den Bedarf an zentralem Datenmanagement in kleinen Netzwerkumgebungen.

Das neue FUJITSU Storage CELVIN NAS QE707 überzeugt außerdem mit einem einfachen Produkt-Setup, leichter Administration und reibungsloser Integration.

Das Speichern, Verwalten und Teilen von Daten war noch nie so einfach!

Mehr Infos zu den FUJITSU Speicherlösungen und einen preiswerten Einstieg gibt es bei:

Daniel Wenzlau
02261 9155054
DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
02261 9155055
DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052

By Panos Kampanakis Cryptography is very important in today’s world. Improper or maliciously altered crypto implementations have been a concern for the industry in recent years. To alleviate the risk, Cisco has been working with the industry, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other international organizations on finding ways to validate crypto implementations and speed […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice