By Panos Kampanakis Cryptography is very important in today’s world. Improper or maliciously altered crypto implementations have been a concern for the industry in recent years. To alleviate the risk, Cisco has been working with the industry, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other international organizations on finding ways to validate crypto implementations and speed […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Akers Whether it is misconfigured cloud assets, phishing, or malware, protecting your public cloud workloads from threats is a challenge with expensive consequences. If you have tried to extend your on-premise threat detection solutions in the public cloud, you probably know that they can be hard to manage, limited in scope, and ultimately ineffective. The good […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Akers Whether it is misconfigured cloud assets, phishing, or malware, protecting your public cloud workloads from threats is a challenge with expensive consequences. If you have tried to extend your on-premise threat detection solutions in the public cloud, you probably know that they can be hard to manage, limited in scope, and ultimately ineffective. The good […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Harini Pasupuleti Your internet connection is slower than usual, your PC is also very slow, and you notice that your CPU fan is running faster when you are on a given website. All the above symptoms indicate that you could be a victim of cryptojacking. This is a new kind of menace in which malicious users or […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Harini Pasupuleti Your internet connection is slower than usual, your PC is also very slow, and you notice that your CPU fan is running faster when you are on a given website. All the above symptoms indicate that you could be a victim of cryptojacking. This is a new kind of menace in which malicious users or […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Kevin Rollinson We’re excited to announce the availability of the Cisco Security Connector app for iOS, a first of its kind enterprise security solution for iPhone and iPad. Working with Apple, our team of engineers used new platform capabilities and APIs embedded into iOS 11 to deliver the deepest visibility and control for enterprise-owned iOS devices. So […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Kevin Rollinson We’re excited to announce the availability of the Cisco Security Connector app for iOS, a first of its kind enterprise security solution for iPhone and iPad. Working with Apple, our team of engineers used new platform capabilities and APIs embedded into iOS 11 to deliver the deepest visibility and control for enterprise-owned iOS devices. So […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

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By Steve Martino Aside from scuba diving and working with Cisco customers to improve cyber resiliency, cooking is one of my greatest passions. My favorite dishes are a fusion of the best ingredients, each complementing the other and accentuating the right flavors to achieve culinary heaven. You see, if you stick with one ingredient, you are stuck with […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Steve Martino Aside from scuba diving and working with Cisco customers to improve cyber resiliency, cooking is one of my greatest passions. My favorite dishes are a fusion of the best ingredients, each complementing the other and accentuating the right flavors to achieve culinary heaven. You see, if you stick with one ingredient, you are stuck with […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice