By Talos Group Today, Microsoft has released its monthly set of security advisories for vulnerabilities that have been identified and addressed in various products. This month’s advisory release addresses 34 new vulnerabilities with 21 of them rated critical and 13 of them rated important. These vulnerabilities impact Edge, Exchange, Internet Explorer, Office, Scripting Engine, Windows, and more. In […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Today, Microsoft has released its monthly set of security advisories for vulnerabilities that have been identified and addressed in various products. This month’s advisory release addresses 34 new vulnerabilities with 21 of them rated critical and 13 of them rated important. These vulnerabilities impact Edge, Exchange, Internet Explorer, Office, Scripting Engine, Windows, and more. In […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Sabiha Rouksana H. As of today more than half of the web traffic is encrypted. That’s a big win for businesses and all of us, since it guards against eavesdropping and tampering with content as it moves from device to server and back again. Of course this rise in encryption comes with one big, obvious downside. Hackers too now […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Sabiha Rouksana H. As of today more than half of the web traffic is encrypted. That’s a big win for businesses and all of us, since it guards against eavesdropping and tampering with content as it moves from device to server and back again. Of course this rise in encryption comes with one big, obvious downside. Hackers too now […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Sujata Ramamoorthy [This is part one of a four-part blog series about DevSecOps.] Today, companies are transforming their business to offer customers connected digital experiences where products and services are increasingly powered by mobile, cloud and data analytics capabilities. Developers in turn are moving to Development Operations (DevOps) processes to meet the need for greater agility and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Sujata Ramamoorthy [This is part one of a four-part blog series about DevSecOps.] Today, companies are transforming their business to offer customers connected digital experiences where products and services are increasingly powered by mobile, cloud and data analytics capabilities. Developers in turn are moving to Development Operations (DevOps) processes to meet the need for greater agility and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Protects Operational Technology Deployed in the Harshest Environments

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Protects Operational Technology Deployed in the Harshest Environments

Source:: Fortinet

Zwei Drittel mehr Hacker-Angriffe im Jahresvergleich

Das zeigt der Akamai „State of the Internet“ Sicherheitsbericht für das dritte Quartal.

Im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum stieg die Anzahl der Hackerangriffe im Netz um 69%.

Wichtige Kennzahlen sind sicher der Anstieg der DDoS-Angriffe (z.B. durch das Miri-Botnetz oder denWireX-Schädling) um 8% allein im Vergleich zum letzten Quartal, die Entwicklung der Angriffe auf Webanwendungen, die im selben Zeitraum um 30% anstiegen und der Einstieg von Deutschland in die Top 5 der Ursprungsländer für IP-Adressen bei DDoS-Attacken (> 55.000).

Das bedeutet u.U., dass IoT-Geräte nicht die erforderliche Absicherung haben und somit als Bots genutzt werden können. Alle Kennzahlen finden Sie in der Akamai-Infografik zum Thema.

DDoS-Angriffe sind auch in unserer Region an der Tagesordnung und können Unternehmen lahm legen – oft gefolgt von einer Zahlungsaufforderung, um künftige Angriffe zu vermeiden – natürlich ohne Gewähr und ohne Rechnung.

Sprechen Sie mit uns über die Möglichkeiten, auf DDoS-Angriffe zu reagieren und nutzen Sie unsere Expertise.

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Bastian Breidenbach

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Dennis Goslar

Dirk Zurawski
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By Talos Group Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed between December 01 and December 08. As with previous round-ups, this post isn’t meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we’ve observed by highlighting key behavior characteristics, indicators of compromise, and how our customers are automatically […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice