By Ron Sterbenz Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud recently launched as a fully procurable SaaS service available on AWS Marketplace. As a security service available on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Stealthwatch Cloud provides security monitoring, visualization, and automatic threat detection. Stealthwatch Cloud uses advanced modeling and machine learning techniques to identify behavior changes in AWS provisioned entities. Stealthwatch Cloud learns […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Ron Sterbenz Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud recently launched as a fully procurable SaaS service available on AWS Marketplace. As a security service available on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Stealthwatch Cloud provides security monitoring, visualization, and automatic threat detection. Stealthwatch Cloud uses advanced modeling and machine learning techniques to identify behavior changes in AWS provisioned entities. Stealthwatch Cloud learns […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Joe Malenfant Machine learning. Next-generation antivirus. Artificial intelligence. These are all terms you likely see in your inbox on a daily basis from various endpoint security vendors. Meanwhile, you’re trying to protect your business and don’t have time to assess the 50+ vendors touting the latest tool designed to solve all of your endpoint security problems and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Joe Malenfant Machine learning. Next-generation antivirus. Artificial intelligence. These are all terms you likely see in your inbox on a daily basis from various endpoint security vendors. Meanwhile, you’re trying to protect your business and don’t have time to assess the 50+ vendors touting the latest tool designed to solve all of your endpoint security problems and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Threat Landscape Report Reveals Cybercriminals Successfully Using Common Exploits and „Swarm“ Technology to Attack at Speed and Scale

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Threat Landscape Report Reveals Cybercriminals Successfully Using Common Exploits and „Swarm“ Technology to Attack at Speed and Scale

Source:: Fortinet

G DATA Ratgeber – Was ist eigentlich ein Exploit?

Das Bild von der Lücke im Zaun macht sehr gut deutlich, um was es hier geht. Die Software auf Ihrem Computer besteht aus unzähligen Zeilen Programmcode, der – auch wenn vom Hersteller gar nicht beabsichtigt – Schwachstellen und Lücken enthält.

Diese Lücken im „Programm-Zaun“ versuchen Kriminelle auszunutzen und dadurch auf Ihren Rechner zu gelangen, um dort ihr Unwesen zu treiben, z.B. Daten ausspähen oder verändern, oder eben Ihre Daten verschlüsseln und eine Erpressung starten (vgl. unsere Artikel über Ransomware).

Auch wenn Hersteller, wie z.B. Microsoft und Adobe mit monatlichen Sicherheitsupdates solche Lücken schließen, reicht das als Schutz nicht aus, denn von der Entdeckung bis zur Lösung vergehen nicht selten Wochen, in denen Angreifer Sie ins Visier nehmen. Dennoch ist gerade auch das zeitnahe Einspielen dieser Software-Patches ein wichtiger Baustein für Ihre IT-Sicherheit.

Wie genau Exploits genutzt werden und was diese auf Ihrem PC tun, erfahren Sie im Security-Blog unseres Partners G DATA.

Oberberg-Online ist seit über 15 Jahren zertifizierter G DATA Partner und bietet darüber hinaus ein komplettes IT-Security-Portfolio für Unternehmen an. Ob moderne UTM-Firewalls an der Unternehmensgrenze, Firewalls zur internen Abschottung Ihrer Abteilungen (damit sich Schadsoftware nicht ungehindert in Ihrem Netzwerk ausbreiten kann), Mail-Security, Web-Application-Firewalls, Sandboxing (zur Erkennung bisher unbekannter Malware, für die noch keine Signaturen vorliegen), Endpoint-Security mit G DATA, bis hin zu Backup-Strategien (ob vor Ort, oder sicher in unser eigenes, regionales Rechenzentrum) –

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By Talos Group This post was authored by Warren Mercer, Paul Rascagneres and with contributions from Jungsoo (Jason) An. Earlier this year, Talos published 2 articles concerning South Korean threats. The first one was about the use of a malicious HWP document which dropped downloaders used to retrieve malicious payloads on several compromised websites. One of the website was a compromised government website. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Warren Mercer, Paul Rascagneres and with contributions from Jungsoo (Jason) An. Earlier this year, Talos published 2 articles concerning South Korean threats. The first one was about the use of a malicious HWP document which dropped downloaders used to retrieve malicious payloads on several compromised websites. One of the website was a compromised government website. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Naveen Menon On 21 November 2017, Cisco and INTERPOL announced an agreement to share threat intelligence as the first step in jointly fighting cybercrime. In this podcast, I talk about the significance of this global agreement signed out of Singapore and how Cisco’s level of security expertise will help law enforcement in INTERPOL’S 192 member countries combat cybercrime.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice