By Claudia Martinez Billions of corporate messages flow back and forth on a daily basis. And with over 90% of breaches starting with an email, organizations today face a daunting challenge when choosing the best email security solution to stop emails with phishing links or malicious attachments that unleash ransomware, phishing or business email compromise attacks. Securing the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

Mit unseren FUJITSU Aktionsmodellen im Monat November finden Sie mit Sicherheit sinnvolle Ansätze, um Ihr Budget bis zum Jahresende nachhaltig und zukunftsorientiert zu investieren.

Hier ein paar Tipps.

Schöner arbeiten: Mit unseren Büro-PCs und Bildschirmen ganz einfach, denn die sind schick,  super leise, flott unterwegs und sorgen mit dem Green-IT-Label auch noch für Ihr gutes Gewissen!

Schneller fertig werden: Die rasend schnellen Server- und Speichersysteme (insbesondere die mehrfach ausgezeichneten All-Flash-Storage-Systeme) sorgen dafür, dass Sie immer zügig an die erforderlichen Daten kommen und damit schneller mit Ihren Aufgaben fertig werden.

Arbeiten, wo Sie wollen: Ob mit Tablet oder Notebook, ob mit Touch-Bedienung, oder klassisch mit Tastatur und Maus, unsere mobilen Arbeitstiere lassen Sie nicht im Stich. Mit Akkus, die den gesamten Arbeitstag durchhalten, oder mit LTE-Modem – Sie entscheiden, wann und wo Sie Ihr Pensum schaffen.

Hilfestellung bei der Auswahl der richtigen Lösung gibt’s einfach dazu:

DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
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Daniel Wenzlau
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DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
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By Talos Group Vulnerabilities discovered by Marcin Noga of Cisco Talos Talos is releasing seven new vulnerabilities discovered within the libxls library: TALOS-2017-0403, TALOS-2017-0404, TALOS-2017-0426, TALOS-2017-0460, TALOS-2017-0461, TALOS-2017-0462, and TALOS-2017-0463. These vulnerabilities result in remote code execution using specially crafted XLS files. Overview libxls is a C library supported on Windows, Mac and Linux which can read Microsoft […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Vulnerabilities discovered by Marcin Noga of Cisco Talos Talos is releasing seven new vulnerabilities discovered within the libxls library: TALOS-2017-0403, TALOS-2017-0404, TALOS-2017-0426, TALOS-2017-0460, TALOS-2017-0461, TALOS-2017-0462, and TALOS-2017-0463. These vulnerabilities result in remote code execution using specially crafted XLS files. Overview libxls is a C library supported on Windows, Mac and Linux which can read Microsoft […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Scott Pope Expanding the Cisco Security Technology Ecosystem Today we are delighted to announce that the Cisco Security Technology Alliance (CSTA) is adding 26 technology integrations to expand its partner ecosystem to over 140 partners representing 225+ product platform integrations. Some of these integrations are with net-new partners while others are with existing partners that have integrated […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Scott Pope Expanding the Cisco Security Technology Ecosystem Today we are delighted to announce that the Cisco Security Technology Alliance (CSTA) is adding 26 technology integrations to expand its partner ecosystem to over 140 partners representing 225+ product platform integrations. Some of these integrations are with net-new partners while others are with existing partners that have integrated […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Microsoft has released its monthly set of security advisories for vulnerabilities that have been identified and addressed in various products. This month’s advisory release addresses 53 new vulnerabilities with 19 of them rated critical, 31 of them rated important and 3 of them rated moderate. These vulnerabilities impact Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Scripting Engine, […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Microsoft has released its monthly set of security advisories for vulnerabilities that have been identified and addressed in various products. This month’s advisory release addresses 53 new vulnerabilities with 19 of them rated critical, 31 of them rated important and 3 of them rated moderate. These vulnerabilities impact Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Scripting Engine, […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice