By Talos Group Today, Talos is releasing details of three new vulnerabilities discovered within Apache OpenOffice application. The first vulnerability, TALOS-2017-0295 within OpenOffice Writer, the second TALOS-2017-0300 in the Draw application, and the third TALOS-2017-0301 discovered in the Writer application. All three vulnerabilities allow arbitrary code execution to be performed. Read More >>

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Kevin Rollinson On September 12, Gartner – the leading research and advisory company – released a competitive report on the secure web gateway (SWG) market. The report highlights the significant transformation as the traditional SWG gives way to a new platform –– the secure internet gateway (SIG). Gartner states, “the SIG service platform offers a new promise to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Kevin Rollinson On September 12, Gartner – the leading research and advisory company – released a competitive report on the secure web gateway (SWG) market. The report highlights the significant transformation as the traditional SWG gives way to a new platform –– the secure internet gateway (SIG). Gartner states, “the SIG service platform offers a new promise to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Matthew Packer With the constant news headlines about data theft it is mandatory that organizations understand what data is entering, traversing, and leaving their networks and have the ability to examine that data if necessary for conducting network forensic investigations. Two popular style of attacks that are constantly in the news are data hoarding (Edward Snowden) and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Matthew Packer With the constant news headlines about data theft it is mandatory that organizations understand what data is entering, traversing, and leaving their networks and have the ability to examine that data if necessary for conducting network forensic investigations. Two popular style of attacks that are constantly in the news are data hoarding (Edward Snowden) and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Akers We often hear of the many challenges of the industrial revolution, but one of the scourges of this time period that often goes unmentioned was mass fires. To the people of the time, great fires threatened the very viability of industrialization. The number of fires bearing the moniker ‘great‘ helps prove this point: The 1835 […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Akers We often hear of the many challenges of the industrial revolution, but one of the scourges of this time period that often goes unmentioned was mass fires. To the people of the time, great fires threatened the very viability of industrialization. The number of fires bearing the moniker ‘great‘ helps prove this point: The 1835 […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Expands Security Fabric Visibility and Protection into the Industrial Internet of Things

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Expands Security Fabric Visibility and Protection into the Industrial Internet of Things

Source:: Fortinet

Unser Partner Fortinet hat 5 Bereiche identifiziert, die die Handhabung von Security-Themen im Unternehmensumfeld dramatisch erschweren. Mit diesen Themen sollten sich alle Unternehmer beschäftigen, wenn sie die Herausforderungen im Security-Umfeld verstehen wollen und die möglichen Gefahren für das Unternehmen korrekt einschätzen und bewerten wollen.

  1. Das Internet der Dinge, oder IoT
  2. Die Adaption von Cloud-Anwendungen
  3. Ransomware
  4. SSL
  5. Mangelnd ausgebildete Mitarbeiter mit Security-Skills

Sehen Sie in dieser Grafik, welche Herausforderungen die 5 Themen mitbringen:

Wir sprechen mit Ihnen diese Themen an und zeigen Ihnen Herangehensweisen, um für die anstehenden Herausforderungen gewappnet zu sein:

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Bastian Breidenbach

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Dennis Goslar

Dirk Zurawski
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