By Barry Fisher We all know the stats. The security workforce shortage is impacting two-thirds of organizations, while the gap — currently at 4 million — continues to grow. Security teams are short-staffed, to the point where a 25% say the inability to keep with the workload is a root cause of security incidents.
The conversation typically focuses on challenges like the growing demand outpacing supply. Forrester even goes as far as saying that much of the problem is “self-inflicted” — and one reason is that employers “expect to hire MacGyver but pay like McDonalds.”
We’re looking at the problem wrong.
In the words of MacGyver himself, “there always seems to be a way to fix things.” But this is the wrong fix.
Yes, the talent shortage is real. But there’s another reason why organizations have a shortage of skilled talent. Every new technology added to your security infrastructure not only adds complexity but is resource intensive, not to mention the decreased efficacy in detecting and preventing threats.
So clearly throwing bodies at the problem has not worked here. Talk about a self-inflicted cycle.
The disconnect between technology, ­people, and processes
We could always count on MacGyver to come up with an ingenious way to solve a problem. In one instance, he took out a flashlight spring to fix a compressor, while saying, “When something’s broken, the easiest thing to do is just throw it away and forget about it. But if you step back and take a look at what you’ve got, sometimes you find a totally different way of making it work.”
To apply this idea to security, it’s time to step back and take a look at what you have — not just technology but also people and processes — and find a totally different way to make them work. Together.
The appeal of the move from products to platform has flooded the industry with platform solutions that end up integrating two or more products together. These platforms that simply layer technology to deal with your most pressing security concern aren’t effectively eliminating the complexity that your teams have to deal with. Adding more technologies may seem like the most straightforward approach to reduce alert fatigue but it’s not necessarily the right solution.
You need a platform embedded into your security technologies that empowers your security teams to make decisions based on complete and actionable insights. At the end of the day, the goal needs to be simply to create a seamless, simpler, more consistent experience that allows a threat to be detected in one area of the enterprise and be blocked everywhere else – from the data center, network, and cloud, to email, the web, endpoints, and everywhere in between. We believe that you can do so by leveraging integration, automation, and analytics to ensure that your technologies are working for you.
Making NetOps and ITOps an extension of SecOps
At Cisco, our approach is to bridge technology, people, and processes. We’ve taken the time to build the mortar into your entire security infrastructure—the new security platform called Cisco SecureX. It doesn’t just connect to Cisco products; it transforms your infrastructure from a series of disjointed solutions into a fully integrated environment. This transforms your security teams from business blockers to business enablers empowered to scale and meet the needs of tomorrow.
Instead of telling our customers they need to hire more experts to manage their security solutions, we want to help them mitigate the talent shortage by uniting teams, solutions, and processes into a consistent experience.
To that end, we asked the question: How can we reduce the ITOps and NetOps reliance on SecOps, and stop the bottlenecks these teams create for each other? How can SecOps, ITOps, and NetOps collaborate with unified workflows?
Let’s say the IT help desk receives a ticket about a slow-running computer. In a typical organization, the workflow may look like this:
The technician connects remotely into the server and sees that the process is using up memory, but there’s not enough visibility to identify the root cause of the problem.
Next step is to involve SecOps and NetOps to gain more context. Since those teams don’t share context, they may not be able to pinpoint the exact issue either.
After an hour or more of troubleshooting and working with SecOps and NetOps, the ITOps‘ answer is to reimage the slow computer.
We wanted to break down these kinds of siloes that the teams work in, and at the same time make security more efficient. And Cisco SecureX does just that. At RSA 2020 this year we introduced Cisco SecureX – a new way for users to experience Cisco’s Security portfolio. Cisco SecureX streamlines our customers‘ operations with unified visibility across their security portfolio and provides out-of-box integrations, powerful security analytics, and automated workflows to speed threat detection and response.
With SecureX, this is how the workflow would look like in the same scenario:
The Security Analyst uses the SecureX dashboard — with access to a list of all users, devices, and apps — to investigate a malicious cryptomining attempt that was exploiting vulnerabilities on your endpoint and server-based applications.
After identifying the problem, the analyst uses analytics to uncover where cryptomining activity may be occurring in your organization. Armed with a holistic understanding of the threat, the analyst now proceeds to block network connections to web sites known to participate in mining cryptocurrencies and isolates the endpoint host using SecureX’s threat response application.
Once he accesses the computer remotely to confirm that the cryptomining app connection was terminated, he simply reconnects the endpoint to the network.
Cisco SecureX unifies visibility, enables automation and strengthens security.
The entire sequence takes just 10 minutes instead of an hour or more, without involving SecOps and NetOps. SecureX provides all of your security teams – SecOps, NetOps, and ITOps personalized views of the same shared context, enabling them to collaborate better than ever before. This means they can more easily harmonize your security policies and drive stronger outcomes.
How SecureX helps mitigate the skills gap
Now, I’m not saying that SecureX solves the talent shortage on a global scale. The reality is that digital transformation, coupled with the growing threat landscape, will continue to place more demand on organizations to hire additional talent.
What SecureX can do, however, is start solving that self-inflicted problem we talked about earlier — the one caused by unnecessary complexities we as an industry have created. With no disrespect to our resourceful hero, we want to stop you from MacGyvering your security with dozens of point tools — and finally close the gap between your technology, people, and processes.
Want to see for yourself how you can do that? Sign up for our SecureX Waitlist and learn more about SecureX here.
The post Are You Going About the Talent Shortage Wrong? It’s Time to Stop MacGyvering appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Megha Mehta While organizations would ideally like to do everything they can to block a cybersecurity attack, the reality is that internal and external threats targeting your network can find a way to infiltrate and cause a major breach. So how can you answer questions like – Have we been compromised? What did it impact? The answer is continuous network monitoring for early threat detection. Every cyber threat touches the network so being able to detect malicious activity as soon as it occurs can prevent a threat from turning into a high impact incident.
Cisco Stealthwatch provides enterprise-wide visibility, from the private network to the public cloud by collecting network telemetry. It then applies advanced security analytics in the form of behavioral modeling and machine learning to pinpoint anomalies and further reduce them to critical alerts in order to detect advanced threats in real-time. With a single, agentless solution, you get comprehensive threat monitoring, even in encrypted traffic.
In this post, I would like to provide some examples of threats Stealthwatch has been able to uncover in our customers‘ environments that enabled them to take actions to stop a breach:

Traffic to suspicious geographies – With nation-state actors increasingly targeting organizations to disrupt operations, steal trade secrets, or maintain clandestine access in the network, it is necessary to be able to detect geographically unusual access. Behavior like a US employee suddenly logging in from an country she has never connected from before, or a large amount of traffic to a suspicious country that your organization has no business in – Stealthwatch alerts on all that.

Insecure network protocols – The use of insecure protocols makes your organization vulnerable to attacks. But your network is so big, complex and ever-changing. How do you find when and where violations to your corporate security policy are occurring? With Stealthwatch, you can set up custom monitoring to alert on any communication based on applications, ports, destinations, and dozens of other characteristics. For example, Server Message Block (SMB) traffic from outside of the organization was how the WannaCry campaign was executed. Another scenario is being able to identify if the Network Time Protocol (NTP) is being exploited by attackers to route your server time queries elsewhere.

IoT/OT device compromise – The “things” connected to the network such as medical devices, factory thermal controls, video cameras, production and assembly robotics, etc. are especially at risk and attackers are increasingly exploiting them to gain access to the rest of the network. Because no form of antivirus or endpoint security can be installed on them, they must be primarily protected through network monitoring. Being able to detect unauthorized access to these devices is key. For example, Stealthwatch once found that a vending machine was being exploited by attackers to launch a DDoS attack within a school that caused their learning systems to go down. Another organization had their Internal Protocol (IP) camera surveillance systems compromised.

Restricted application access – We have seen many instances in the past year where an organization’s compute resources have been used for illicit cryptomining. In one of our previous blogs, we discussed in detail how Stealthwatch is able to detect this activity, even if it’s browser-based and not running a mining application on the user’s device. Stealthwatch has also uncovered access to Torrent websites. Accessing restricted applications, whether it’s by external actors or by unwitting/malicious insiders, violates organizational policies and increases risk of a breach.

Misconfigured cloud accounts – Stealthwatch also monitors cloud environments, using the same approach of collecting and analyzing telemetry without any probes or agents. One of the major causes of a breach within the cloud comes from misconfigured assets. Overly permissive access control lists or security groups, or a stale access key can be exploited by attackers to gain access to cloud accounts. In fact, attackers used the same approach in the recent breach of a major bank that was hosted on AWS.

These are just some of the types of incidents that a network traffic analysis (NTA)/network detection and response (NDR) solution like Stealthwatch can detect. Stealthwatch collects telemetry from all parts of the network and provides enough contextual information along with the alert to easily investigate the traffic, and then take immediate action to respond to the threat. Our customers are always amazed at the things they were missing before deploying Stealthwatch to monitor their network. To gain confidence in your security effectiveness, sign up for our free 2-week visibility assessment today!
In this post, we discussed how real-time detection of a security event can aid in effective breach defense. To learn about other ways in which Cisco can help with breach defense, go to:
The post Five ways to detect early signs of a breach using the network appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

In Zeiten, in denen viele Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter verunsichert sind, oder über Notfallpläne im Falle einer Quarantäne nachdenken, haben wir ein paar Corona-Tipps für Unternehmen zusammengestellt, die das dezentrale Arbeiten vereinfachen und sicher gestalten:

UPDATE 26.03.2020:

Unser Partner G DATA stellt drei kostenfreie Trainings zum Thema „Sicher arbeiten im Home-Office“ bereit. Eine Registrierung ist hier erforderlich.

Die Sorge vor einer Infektion mit dem Corona-Virus wächst und immer mehr Unternehmen lassen ihre Mitarbeiter von zu Hause arbeiten. Häufig nutzen sie dafür ihren privaten PC – ein offenes Tor für Cyberkriminelle, die es auf ihre Firmendaten abgesehen haben.

Dafür stellt G DATA kostenfreie 180-Tage-Lizenzen der G DATA Internet Security für Windows und Mac für Home-Office-User zur Verfügung. Fragen Sie uns nach Ihrer 180-Tage-Lizenz für Ihre Mitarbeiter im Home-Office.


Mit unserem Partner Fortinet ermöglichen wir sichere Verbindungen vom Home-Office in das Unternehmensnetz.

Dabei wird auf dem Notebook des Mitarbeiters der FortiClient als VPN-Software installiert und mit der zentralen FortiGate Firewall des Unternehmens verbunden. Je nach Rechtezuweisung kann der Mitarbeiter damit von zu Hause auf alle ihm erlaubten Ressourcen im Unternehmen zugreifen und somit arbeiten, als wäre er vor Ort. Für gesteigerte Sicherheit sorgt dabei die optionale 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung mittels FortiToken Mobile. Hier wird über eine App auf dem Smartphone des Mitarbeiters ein Einmal-Passwort erzeugt, dass nur für kurze Zeit gültig ist und somit ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit bietet.

Die passenden mobilen Endgeräte stellen wir mit unserem Partner Fujitsu zur Verfügung. Wie in einem aktuellen Fall gezeigt, sind wir momentan auch kurzfristig noch lieferfähig. Dabei stehen neben der Kaufoption auch Leasing, oder Hardware-as-a-Service als Optionen bereit.

Kommunikation ist jedoch im Normalfall nicht nur auf E-Mails beschränkt, sondern ein vollwertiger mobiler Arbeitsplatz umfasst auch Telefonie, Video, Instant Messaging, Präsenzinformationen u.v.m.
Hierbei unterstützen wir Sie mit unseren Partnern Cisco und Innovaphone.

Dabei ist es egal, ob Sie eine Cloud-Telefonanlage bevorzugen, oder ob Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter an die eigene Anlage im Unternehmen anbinden möchten. Wir haben die passende Lösung, damit auch Ihre mobilen Nutzer, oder Mitarbeiter im Home-Office als ganz normale Teilnehmer Ihrer Anlage auftreten – mit offizieller Firmenrufnummer und interner Durchwahl.

Wenn es darüber hinaus gehend um standortübergreifende Zusammenarbeit geht, ist Cisco Webex eine hervorragende Wahl. Durch die Präsenz in vielen Ländern der Welt ist Cisco Webex eine hervorragende Lösung zur Zusammenarbeit.


Webex kann als Plattform von den allermeisten Endgeräten aus genutzt werden, egal ob Desktop, Notebook, Tablet, oder Smartphone.

AKTUELLE AKTION: Unser Partner Cisco stellt eine zeitlich unbefristete Einzellizenz kostenfrei zur Verfügung.

Bei darüber hinausgehenden Anforderungen kann die Webex-Lösung natürlich auch um Videokonferenzsysteme, oder Smartboards erweitert werden.

Für die Notfallprävention in Sachen Corona, aber auch für ganz einfach mehr Flexibilität und zukunftsfähigeres Arbeiten, bieten wir die unterschiedlichsten Möglichkeiten für Unternehmenskunden an.

Sprechen Sie mit uns und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam das passende Konzept für Ihr Business erarbeiten.


Daniel Wenzlau
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Dirk Zurawski
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By Dr. Gee Rittenhouse Helping employees, customers and partners in a time of need is one of Cisco’s core values. Right now, COVID-19 is forcing many people around the world to work remotely. This is putting a sudden strain on both IT and security teams who are being tasked with providing support for an unprecedented number of offsite workers and their devices.
Recently, Cisco Webex expanded its free offerings to allow employees to stay connected to their teams and continue their business operations. Today, Cisco is broadening this offer to include security for remote employees by providing extended free licenses and expanded usage counts at no extra charge for three of our key security technologies that are designed to protect remote workers anywhere, anytime and on any device.
Cisco Umbrella protects users from malicious Internet destinations whether they are on or off the network. Because it is delivered from the cloud, Umbrella makes it easy to protect users everywhere in minutes. With this offer, existing customers can exceed their user limit to support an increase in remote workers, and new customers can access a free license.
Duo Security enables organizations to verify users‘ identities and establish device trust before granting access to applications. By employing a zero-trust model, it decreases the attack surface and reduces risk. With this offer, existing customers can exceed their user limit to support an increase in remote workers, and new customers can access a free license.
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client empowers employees to work from anywhere on company laptops or personal mobile devices. It also provides the visibility and control security teams need to identify who and which devices are accessing their infrastructure. Existing AnyConnect customers can exceed their user limit to support an increase in remote workers, and new customers can access a free license. To get started, existing and new customers should talk with a Cisco representative or partner to get the requested usage counts.
These offers will be available from now until July 1, 2020. Supporting our customers and partners remains a top priority, and we hope these proactive steps help companies manage the business impact and keep employees safe during this evolving situation.
The post As the Number of Remote Workers Rises, Cisco Supports Customers with Expansion of Free Security Offerings appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Source:: Innovaphone

By Paul Burdette Last week, for the fourth time in the last five years, Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) was recognized as the top solution in the Trust Awards category for Best NAC Solution at the 2020 SC Awards. The announcement was made on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 during the 24th annual SC Awards gala in San Francisco, presented by SC Media, a CyberRisk Alliance company.

Receiving this award during the RSA Conference, where the world goes to talk security, is a great achievement and a testament to our team, which has been pushing innovation within ISE and leading the network access control (NAC) market for almost ten years. We thank SC Media for this honor, and we see this award as further validation that Cisco ISE is the linchpin solution for zero trust in the workplace, in both IT and OT environments.
How did we do it?
Winning this award is no small feat. SC Media has been arming cybersecurity professionals with unbiased information and analysis for over thirty years. They are respected in the industry, and here at Cisco.
When asked why Cisco, and why ISE, Illena Armstrong, VP, editorial, SC Media said – “Our judges considered many strong candidates this year for the Trust Awards category, but a select few stood out, excelling in key areas such as functionality, innovation, scalability, ease of use, cost of ownership, return on investment, and customer friendliness. Cisco (and Identity Services Engine) truly emerged as a heavy hitter in a crowded field of players.”
Garnering these accolades from the market and your peers is always great. But at Cisco, when we win, our customers win, because we know we are solving their top security challenges, and that is awesome! Cisco ISE has been helping customers gain the visibility they need to enable secure access and control since 2011. This level of continual innovation only furthers the endorsement of our more than 30,000 customers around the globe.
According to Shannon Cranko, Principal Engineer with Dimension Data, Cisco ISE “is the most comprehensive and complete NAC product that exists, with the ability to scale without buying additional products and licensing.”
What makes ISE so cool?
SC Media attributed this award in part to Cisco ISE’s extensive ecosystem for automated solution integration – with technologies such as Cisco Stealthwatch as well as third-party solutions. Through our standards-based integration platform, called pxGrid, ISE adds an actionable arm of policy enforcement to passive security solutions, accelerating their value and enabling an unprecedented level of dynamic threat containment to limit the lateral movement of threats like ransomware.
According to SC Media, “Cisco ISE users can expect a positive impact on economics and an impressive return on investment.” It cites a Forrester report, which found that organizations using ISE have seen savings of about $1.9 million, and that some have achieved 120 percent ROI with a payback period of just 12 months.
Protecting the future with ISE
As with most Cisco Security solutions, ISE is highly scalable, supporting a staggering 2 million concurrent endpoint sessions. Achieving scale is critical as our customers take on IoT and are bringing more and more connected devices into both their IT and OT environments.
Also, ISE is not just enabling zero trust in the workplace with secure access and control for today’s network. As our customers migrate to embrace the ease of automation and management within Cisco’s DNA Center, ISE is the centerpiece for policy enforcement within SD-Access. So, when customers choose ISE for network visibility and segmentation, and to contain threats, they are also choosing to add future value and simplify their secure network operations. And this is why ISE is so well positioned to continue dominating the market well into the future.
For more information
The ISE age is far from over! We are looking ahead and aim to be a trusted partner for years to come, offering an integral solution from one of the world’s top security companies. More exciting announcements for ISE and Cisco Security are coming in the months ahead. Visit our Cisco ISE page for more information. We would love to give you a demo of this award-winning solution.
The post Cisco Identity Services Engine wins…again! appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed between Feb 28 and Mar 6. As with previous roundups, this post isn’t meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we’ve observed by highlighting key behavioral characteristics, indicators of compromise, and discussing how our customers are automatically protected from these threats.
As a reminder, the information provided for the following threats in this post is non-exhaustive and current as of the date of publication. Additionally, please keep in mind that IOC searching is only one part of threat hunting. Spotting a single IOC does not necessarily indicate maliciousness. Detection and coverage for the following threats is subject to updates, pending additional threat or vulnerability analysis. For the most current information, please refer to your Firepower Management Center,, or
Read More
20200306-tru.json – This is a JSON file that includes the IOCs referenced in this post, as well as all hashes associated with the cluster. The list is limited to 25 hashes in this blog post. As always, please remember that all IOCs contained in this document are indicators, and that one single IOC does not indicate maliciousness. See the Read More link above for more details.
The post Threat Roundup for February 28 to March 6 appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Ganesh Umapathy Cisco’s recently released their 2020 CISO Benchmark Report that makes several key recommendations for security professionals to achieve a zero trust vision. The following are a couple of recommendations that are relevant to the discussion in this blog regarding device trust:
More than half (52%) of the respondents said that mobile devices are now very or extremely challenging to defend. Solution: Have an up-to-date asset inventory that distinguishes between managed and unmanaged devices, providing a hygienic check on them as part of an integrated IT and security function.
Forty-six percent of organizations (up from 30% in last year’s report) had a security incident caused by an unpatched vulnerability. Solution: Organizations should maintain an up-to-date inventory of all devices in their environment and perform a risk analysis for any missing patches
Enterprise IT networks have changed significantly in the last few years. Businesses are leveraging cloud and mobile technologies to enable faster digital transformation. At the same time, IT teams need to optimize for cost and productivity.
From a cybersecurity standpoint, this means enabling secure and direct access to business applications for a diverse set of users – remote workers, vendors and contractors; and their devices that typically reside outside of the control of corporate EMM (enterprise mobility management) and MDM (mobile device management) solutions.
Enforcing security policy compliance seamlessly across managed, BYOD and 3rd-party devices poses a significant challenge for the security team. In most cases, IT security teams lack the insights and an enforcement mechanism when making an access decision on endpoints, particularly among the unmanaged devices. There’s a few key checks that organizations should perform before granting access in order to attest whether a device is trustworthy:
Is the device managed?
Is the operating system (OS) version and the patch level up to date?
Is the enterprise antivirus (AV) agent installed and running?
Is disk encryption turned ON?
Does the device have a password set?
How Duo Verifies Device Trust
Duo enables organizations to verify the trustworthiness of any device – managed or unmanaged – by providing the following three key capabilities:
Complete Visibility: Visibility is important to verify and enforce device trust policies. Duo provides in-depth device visibility across all major operating systems, and helps administrators differentiate between corporate-managed devices and BYOD, based on the enrollment status in device management systems.

Duo’s extensive logging and reporting enables organizations to maintain inventory of all devices accessing corporate resources. A comprehensive dashboard helps administrators understand the overall organizational security posture, and a quick drill-down with a few clicks allows them to identify users that are using risky devices running out-of-date operating systems (OS), browsers, Flash and Java versions. And all of this data can be easily exported to popular log management and analysis tools.
Assess Device Posture: Duo makes it easy for organizations to gain just the right level of visibility needed to verify the trust of any device that requires access to corporate data. Administrators can enforce corporate security policy compliance and block non-compliant devices at the time of authentication. Duo becomes a critical enforcement point to ensure that users maintain an acceptable level of device hygiene, whether it is updating the OS patch level or enabling security features such as enterprise AV agents and disk encryption, before granting application access.

Duo’s novel approach to assessing device health posture is geared to address the diverse population of managed and unmanaged devices that access enterprise networks. Duo helps administrators ensure that their endpoint fleet is in compliance with corporate security policies and empowers end users with self-remediation, which reduces the number of IT tickets raised or calls to a support help desk.
Continuous Inspection: Organizations have limited IT resources (staff and tools), and find it tough to effectively respond to endpoint security events, especially when those devices are outside the network. By integrating Cisco AMP for endpoints with Duo, organizations can set a policy to automatically block malware-infected devices from accessing applications. Duo blocks only the device and the user can log in from any other device that is policy-compliant in order to be productive.

Learn more about Duo’s Device Trust.
Use Cases For Duo Device Trust
Use Case
Duo Feature
Implementation Option
Maintain inventory of all devices accessing protected applications
Device Insight
Agentless / Browser-based
Enforce risk-based access controls for managed and unmanaged devices (BYOD)
Device Insight

Agentless / Browser-based

Device Health App
(MacOS, Windows);
Duo Mobile App
(iOS, Android)
Application-based (offers granular control)
Protect your environment and limit access to corporate-managed devices
Trusted Endpoints
(Works with JAMF Pro, AirWatch/ Workspace ONE, MobileIron, Microsoft Intune, etc….)

Three Reasons To Choose Duo
Duo offers the most comprehensive user trust and device trust capabilities in the market today that cater to a wide variety of use cases and a diverse population of workforce devices (managed and unmanaged).
Duo helps organizations to improve security in a manner that is user friendly and enables productivity. Users are empowered with self-remediation for out-of-policy devices, so security does not interrupt daily tasks.
Duo is focused on integrating across the Cisco Security portfolio so that customers can reduce their total cost of ownership (TCO) by consolidating security vendors, streamlining security operations and enabling automation.
For organizations, all this translates to reducing cyber risk and enforcing cyber hygiene. Try it for free by signing up for a 30-day trial.
The post Enforce Endpoint Compliance and Cyber Hygiene With Duo Device Trust appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Christina Hausman One of the key challenge’s businesses face is how to provide a secure infrastructure for applications without compromising agility. With the rise of cloud usage, containers, and microservices, many companies choose microsegmentation as the means to protect critical applications from compromise. Choosing a proactive approach to security to build upon their existing perimeter defenses.

Microsegmentation refers to a method of securing multi cloud data centers using granular segmentation rules for the individual workload or application, reducing the risk of an attacker moving from one compromised workload or application to another. It can be thought of as an evolution of traditional firewall style controls to support hybrid cloud, containerized environments.
This granular control means communication can be allowed between specific parts of an application and all other communications denied, commonly referred to as zero trust or whitelisting. As a result, the data center is significantly hardened as attackers cannot move from one compromised application or workload to another.
Microsegmentation sounds great in theory but real-life implementation is challenging. A successful microsegmentation project needs to begin with a thorough discovery process to map data flows on how applications, services, and systems all communicate with each other. Visibility is critical at this beginning stage of the microsegmentation journey.

Locking down application workloads without a deep, thorough understanding of exactly what communications are taking place and how data is flowing could result in failures and outages which will stall or result in the cancellation of the microsegmentation project all together.
Once a baseline or application dependency map is created with the application components, communications, and dependencies, then a business can begin the process of generating and enforcing microsegmentation policies. In todays‘ threat environment its not enough to be aware; it’s important to move to active protection through consistent policy enforcement across the multicloud infrastructure.
One challenge in the microsegmentation journey is relying on a manual process to map application flows and determine what segmentation (whitelist) policies should be put in place. Manual processes don’t scale to meet the needs of today’s business with the complexities of today’s applications and workloads.
What’s needed is an automated process for whitelist policy generation and enforcement that leverages application behavior based on workload context and machine learning to recommend microsegmentation policies based on the specifics of the environment. An automated policy that also includes insights from existing security policies based on business needs plus leverage information from 3rd party sources. Automation also shortens the length of deployment time for the microsegmentation policies. Without comprehensive visibility and automation many microsegmentation projects fail.
Microsegmentation is not a “one and done” project, but a journey. Applications, workloads, and their environment are constantly changing. Automation is important to ensure your microsegmentation policies are kept up to date as application behavior changes and to track compliance to identify deviations quickly.
Microsegmentation is an important step for businesses to protect their applications. For more information on successful microsegmentation with Cisco Tetration, please watch:

The post Starting Your Microsegmentation journey appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Bisonal is a remote access trojan (RAT) that’s part of the Tonto Team arsenal. The peculiarity of the RAT is that it’s been in use for more than 10 years — this is an uncommon and long period for malware. Over the years, it has evolved and adapted mechanisms to avoid detection while keeping the core of its RAT the same. We identified specific functions here for more than six years.
This is an extremely experienced group likely to keep their activities even after exposure, even if we identified mistakes and bad copy/paste, they are doing this job for more than 10 years. We think that exposing this malware, explaining the behavior and the campaigns where Bisonal was used is important to protect the potential future targets. The targets to this point are located in the public and private sectors with a focus on Russia, Japan and South Korea. We recommend the entities located in this area to prepare for this malware and actor and implement detections based on the technical details provided in this article.
More >>
The post Bisonal: 10 years of play appeared first on Cisco Blogs .

Source:: Cisco Security Notice