Fortinet Drives Adoption of Secure SD-WAN for Distributed Enterprise Branches

Source:: Fortinet

Sie kennen das vermutlich auch. Kontakte der Vertriebsmannschaft liegen im CRM, kaufmännische Kontakte werden im ERP verwaltet, Support-Anfragen landen im internen Ticket-System und es gibt möglicherweise auch noch eine alte Datenquelle namens Excel-Tabelle.

Wie wäre es, wenn es eine Lösung gäbe, die alle Kontakte zentral zusammenführt und bereitstellt, die ein einheitliches Kontaktformat und normalisierte Rufnummern bietet? Eine Lösung, die über Standard-Protokolle, wie z.B. LDAP, HTML oder XML kommuniziert und so eine Anbindung an Ihre Kommunikationssysteme einfach macht.

Mit MetaDirectory unseres Partners ESTOS bieten wir genau diese Lösung an. Bei vielen unserer Innovaphone-Kunden ist MetaDirectory seit Jahren zuverlässig im Einsatz, so dass wir auf einen großen Erfahrungsschatz bei der Implementierung und der Integration unterschiedlichster Datenquellen zurückblicken können.

Was MetaDirectory bietet, zeigt ESTOS in diesem kurzen Video:

Details dazu finden sich auch auf der Produktseite des Herstellers.

Wenn Sie MetaDirectory live erleben möchten, sind Sie herzlich dazu eingeladen. Wir nutzen das Produkt seit vielen Jahren auch in unserem Hause und zeigen Ihnen gerne, wie wir damit arbeiten. Mail oder Anruf genügen und wir stimmen einen Termin dazu ab:

Dirk Zurawski
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Sebastian Lutz

DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052

By Talos Group This post was authored by Michael Gorelik and Josh Reynolds Executive Summary Throughout this blog post we will be detailing a newly discovered RTF document family that is being leveraged by the FIN7 group (also known as the Carbanak gang) which is a financially-motivated group targeting the financial, hospitality, and medical industries. This document is […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Michael Gorelik and Josh Reynolds Executive Summary Throughout this blog post we will be detailing a newly discovered RTF document family that is being leveraged by the FIN7 group (also known as the Carbanak gang) which is a financially-motivated group targeting the financial, hospitality, and medical industries. This document is […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Erin Float Today, we released the last Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication of 2017. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Erin Float Today, we released the last Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication of 2017. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Susan Runowicz-Smith New troubling cyberattacks are in the news almost daily. No one is immune. Have you checked your credit score lately? I just finished freezing mine. A national credit bureau breach is the latest wide-ranging theft of data to hit the news. You are probably wondering: “Is my network secure and what would happen if we […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Susan Runowicz-Smith New troubling cyberattacks are in the news almost daily. No one is immune. Have you checked your credit score lately? I just finished freezing mine. A national credit bureau breach is the latest wide-ranging theft of data to hit the news. You are probably wondering: “Is my network secure and what would happen if we […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Edna Conway Third parties remain a critical source of security risk. The recent discovery of malware embedded within the consumer application CCleaner, discovered by Cisco’s Talos cybersecurity research team, reminds us that cyber hygiene lies not just within ourselves. Talos stated in its September 18th Update: “Supply chain attacks are a very effective way to distribute malicious […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Edna Conway Third parties remain a critical source of security risk. The recent discovery of malware embedded within the consumer application CCleaner, discovered by Cisco’s Talos cybersecurity research team, reminds us that cyber hygiene lies not just within ourselves. Talos stated in its September 18th Update: “Supply chain attacks are a very effective way to distribute malicious […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice