By John Dominguez You’re walking down the sidewalk, headphones in your ears, music blasting, and your head is buried in your phone reading a text message. CRUNCH. You look down and you’ve just stepped in a pile of… (no, not that)… broken glass. A car parked on the street was broken-into, and the glass from the shattered window […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By John Dominguez You’re walking down the sidewalk, headphones in your ears, music blasting, and your head is buried in your phone reading a text message. CRUNCH. You look down and you’ve just stepped in a pile of… (no, not that)… broken glass. A car parked on the street was broken-into, and the glass from the shattered window […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

FUJITSU CELVIN NAS sind die idealen Netzwerk-Datenspeicher für KMU. Kombiniert mit den Vorteilen eines dezentralen Backups in der Regio-Cloud Oberberg senken Sie das Risiko vor Datenverlust deutlich – und schlafen bedeutend ruhiger.

Stellen Sie sich einfach einmal vor, in Ihrem IT-Raum kommt es zu einem Brand, oder zu einer Überhitzung, die Ihre Daten unlesbar machen. Wie lange benötigen Sie, um die verlorenen Daten wiederherzustellen? Gelingt dies überhaupt? Gibt es eine räumlich getrennte Version des Backups?

Minimieren Sie diese Risiken auf einfache Art und Weise. Mit einem preiswerten FUJITSU CELVIN NAS System in unserem regionalen Rechenzentrum haben Sie immer eine Kopie Ihrer Daten außerhalb des eigenen Gefahrenbereiches verfügbar. Nicht im Ausland, nicht bei Datenhändlern, sondern bei Oberberg-Online, Ihrem persönlichen Partner in der Region.

Wie einfach und preiswert ruhiger Schlaf zu bekommen ist, zeigen wir Ihnen gerne:

Daniel Wenzlau
02261 9155054
DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
02261 9155055
DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052

By Thomas Licisyn Trust gets a bad rap in the security industry, but in reality, it’s a necessary part of any relationship. Without trust, today’s organizations couldn’t function, and productivity would come to a screeching halt. The thing is – how do you know that the devices coming onto your network are trustworthy? We already verify user access […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Thomas Licisyn Trust gets a bad rap in the security industry, but in reality, it’s a necessary part of any relationship. Without trust, today’s organizations couldn’t function, and productivity would come to a screeching halt. The thing is – how do you know that the devices coming onto your network are trustworthy? We already verify user access […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Sean Mason While there are a number of ways to err during the course of responding to an incident, it never seems to fail that the number one misstep I have continued to see comes down to internal communications among those working on the incident and communications to stakeholders. To that point, it’s astonishing that something seemingly as […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Sean Mason While there are a number of ways to err during the course of responding to an incident, it never seems to fail that the number one misstep I have continued to see comes down to internal communications among those working on the incident and communications to stakeholders. To that point, it’s astonishing that something seemingly as […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Omar Santos I am pleased to announce that the OASIS CSAF Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) Version 1.2 committee specification is now available. As covered in our previous blog posts, the purpose of the OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee (TC) is to standardize the practices for structured machine-readable security vulnerability-related advisories. The CSAF TC is focusing […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Omar Santos I am pleased to announce that the OASIS CSAF Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) Version 1.2 committee specification is now available. As covered in our previous blog posts, the purpose of the OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee (TC) is to standardize the practices for structured machine-readable security vulnerability-related advisories. The CSAF TC is focusing […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Omar Santos I am pleased to announce that the OASIS CSAF Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) Version 1.2 committee specification is now available. As covered in our previous blog posts, the purpose of the OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee (TC) is to standardize the practices for structured machine-readable security vulnerability-related advisories. The CSAF TC is focusing […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice