By Talos Group Talos is disclosing the presences of remote code execution vulnerabilities in the processing of Yet Another Markup Language (YAML) content in Ansible Vault and Tablib. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities through supplying malicious YAML content to execute arbitrary commands on vulnerable systems. YAML is a data serialisation markup format which is designed to be readable […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Am kommenden Sonntag startet in Nümbrecht die Veranstaltungsreihe „Nümbrecht im Lesefieber“. Schon seit vielen Jahren unterstützen wir kulturelle Veranstaltungen im Oberbergischen und freuen uns, dass wir diese spannende, neue Reihe begleiten können.

Vom 17.09. bis zum 07.10.2017 finden 35 Veranstaltungen zum Thema Lesen an den unterschiedlichsten Orten in der Gemeinde Nümbrecht statt – teils in Kombination mit Musik, mit Kunst, oder auch unter freiem Himmel.

Elke Pfesdorf, Claudia Schulte-Terboven und Dr. Birgit Gottschalk haben den gemeinnützigen Verein Nümbrecht im Lesefieber ins Leben gerufen und ein umfangreiches „Erstlingswerk“ – sprich Programm – auf die Beine gestellt.

Sehr gerne fördern wir den Start dieser Reihe und können nur empfehlen, sich die ein oder andere Lesung anzuhören.

Das Programm findet man hier. Oberberg-Online wünscht ein gutes Gelingen und freut sich auf tolle Termine in Nümbrecht.

By Jason Lamar When you begin remodeling an older home you realize that some walls are there for good reasons. Others block our modern, open-floor-plan lifestyles and can come down. Years ago, factories and utilities separated their Information Technology (IT) and Operations Technology (OT) teams. The thinking was that such walls helped ensure reliability and uptime so that […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jason Lamar When you begin remodeling an older home you realize that some walls are there for good reasons. Others block our modern, open-floor-plan lifestyles and can come down. Years ago, factories and utilities separated their Information Technology (IT) and Operations Technology (OT) teams. The thinking was that such walls helped ensure reliability and uptime so that […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Cory Duplantis of Talos Overview LibOFX is an open source implementation of OFX (Open Financial Exchange) an open format used by financial institutions to share financial data with clients. As an implementation of a complex standard, this library is used by financial software such as GnuCash. Talos has discovered an […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Cory Duplantis of Talos Overview LibOFX is an open source implementation of OFX (Open Financial Exchange) an open format used by financial institutions to share financial data with clients. As an implementation of a complex standard, this library is used by financial software such as GnuCash. Talos has discovered an […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Microsoft has released its monthly set of security advisories for vulnerabilities that have been identified and addressed in various products. This month’s advisory release addresses 81 new vulnerabilities with 27 of them rated critical, 52 rated important, and 2 rated moderate. These vulnerabilities impact Edge, Hyper-V, Internet Explorer, Office, Remote Desktop Protocol, Sharepoint, Windows Graphic […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Microsoft has released its monthly set of security advisories for vulnerabilities that have been identified and addressed in various products. This month’s advisory release addresses 81 new vulnerabilities with 27 of them rated critical, 52 rated important, and 2 rated moderate. These vulnerabilities impact Edge, Hyper-V, Internet Explorer, Office, Remote Desktop Protocol, Sharepoint, Windows Graphic […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Unser Partner FUJITSU ist stolz auf die eigene Workstation-Kompetenz. Mit lediglich 20 dB(A) erlaubt Ihnen unser Aktionsmodell, auch in empfindlichen Umgebungen nahezu geräuschlos mit voller Leistung anspruchsvolle Anwendungen auszuführen.

Maximale Prozessor-und Grafikleistung plus hohe Erweiterbarkeit. Die Fujitsu CELSIUS M-Workstations sind wie für Sie geschaffen.

Beispielhaft haben wir eine Musterkonfiguration zusammengestellt:


  • Intel® Xeon® Prozessor E5-1620 v4 (10M Cache, 3,50 GHz)
  • Windows 7 Professional 64-bit vorinstalliert – mit Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Lizenz1
  • Intel® C612
  • 1x 8 GB, DDR4, 2.400 MHz
  • 1x 128 GB, SSD SATA III, 2,5 Zoll, 1x 2.000 GB, HDD SATA III, 7.200 U/min, 3,5 Zoll, 1x MultiCard-Leser 24-in-1, USB 2.0, 3,5″, 1x DVD Super Multi, SATA
  • LAN: 10/100/1000 MBit/s Intel® I217LM, 9 x USB 2.0, 4 x USB 3.0 (USB frontseitig:4 (2x USB 3.0), USB rückseitig: 6, USB intern: 3, davon 1 Typ A ), 1 x Audio: Eingang, 1 x Audio: Ausgang (rückseitig), 1 x Audio: Ausgang, On Board, Realtek ALC671, High Definition Audio, 1 Grafikkarten-Stromschiene (8-poliger Stecker / 18,5 A @ 12 V), 100 V – 240 V, 50 Hz – 60 Hz, 600 W mit bis zu 90 % Energieeffizienz, 1 x Audio: Eingang (rückseitig), DeskView Lizenz enthalten
  • 3 Jahre Bring-In Service

€ 1.559,00 UVP inklusive MwSt.

Viele weitere Konfigurationen unseres Aktionsmodells stellen wir Ihnen gerne vor:

Daniel Wenzlau
02261 9155054
DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
02261 9155055
DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052

By Talos Group Talos has discovered two remote code execution vulnerabilities in the the FreeXL library. FreeXL is an open source C library to extract valid data from within an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet. Exploiting these vulnerabilities can potentially allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the victim’s machine. If an attacker builds a specially crafted XLS (Excel) […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice