By Talos Group Talos has discovered two remote code execution vulnerabilities in the the FreeXL library. FreeXL is an open source C library to extract valid data from within an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet. Exploiting these vulnerabilities can potentially allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the victim’s machine. If an attacker builds a specially crafted XLS (Excel) […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet’s Expanded Presence and Cybersecurity Growth Boosts Innovation and Expansion of Vancouver’s Tech Sector

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet’s Expanded Presence and Cybersecurity Growth Boosts Innovation and Expansion of Vancouver’s Tech Sector

Source:: Fortinet

By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Alex Chiu. Earlier this week, a critical vulnerability in Apache Struts was publically disclosed in a security advisory. This new vulnerability, identified as CVE-2017-9805, manifests due to the way the REST plugin uses XStreamHandler with an instance of XStream for deserialization without any type filtering. As […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Alex Chiu. Earlier this week, a critical vulnerability in Apache Struts was publically disclosed in a security advisory. This new vulnerability, identified as CVE-2017-9805, manifests due to the way the REST plugin uses XStreamHandler with an instance of XStream for deserialization without any type filtering. As […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Akamai veröffentlicht einmal im Quartal den „Akamai State of the Internet Bericht“. Durch die führende Rolle als Anbieter von Content Delivery Netzwerken liefert Akamai täglich mehrere Billionen Webtransaktionen und gelangt so zu ausgesprochen repräsentativen Einblicken in die jeweils aktuellen Bedrohungsszenarien im Internet.

Im zweiten Quartal 2017 stieg die Anzahl der DDoS-Attacken um 28% an, jedoch wurden erstmals seit längerer Zeit keine großen Attacken mit mehr als 100GBit/sek. verzeichnet. Ein Einzelkunde wurde allein mehr als 500 mal angegriffen. Bei diesen alarmierenden Zahlen bieten wir Ihnen gerne ein Gespräch zum Thema Abwehrmöglichkeiten, oder einen managed Service an.

Insgesamt gingen natürlich Wannacry und Petya intensiv auch durch die Presse.

Angriffe auf Webanwendungen nahmen deutlich zu. Im Gegensatz zu Denial-of-Service-Attacken, die Dienste eine Zeit lang lahm legen, zielen Angriffe auf Anwendungen darauf ab, das Unternehmensnetz zu kompromittieren. Gelingt dieses, sind die Auswirkungen drastisch höher.

Wir haben hier für Sie die auf deutsch verfasste Management-Summary hinterlegt, die kurz und knapp deutlich macht, dass man sich mit dem Thema Sicherheit auch in der Zukunft intensiv auseinandersetzen sollten.

Dafür sind wir gerne Ihr Sparringspartner und spiegeln Ihnen gerne Ihre aktuelle Situation, um dann gemeinsam an einer Strategie zu arbeiten.

DSC_2022 klein
Bastian Breidenbach

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Dennis Goslar

Dirk Zurawski
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By Talos Group The vulnerabilities were discovered by Nicolai Grødum of Cisco. Today, Talos is releasing details of vulnerabilities discovered in Microsoft Edge browser as well as older versions of Google Chrome (CVE-2017-5033) and browsers based on the Webkit such as Apple Safari (CVE-2017-2419). An attacker may be able to exploit the vulnerabilities and bypass the Content Security […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group The vulnerabilities were discovered by Nicolai Grødum of Cisco. Today, Talos is releasing details of vulnerabilities discovered in Microsoft Edge browser as well as older versions of Google Chrome (CVE-2017-5033) and browsers based on the Webkit such as Apple Safari (CVE-2017-2419). An attacker may be able to exploit the vulnerabilities and bypass the Content Security […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By John N. Stewart One of the best aspects of my job is when I get to recognize my team for their passion, dedication and excellence – characteristics that I see and appreciate in them every day. It is always exciting and humbling when they are recognized across the industry for their outstanding work. Today, I’m extremely proud to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By John N. Stewart One of the best aspects of my job is when I get to recognize my team for their passion, dedication and excellence – characteristics that I see and appreciate in them every day. It is always exciting and humbling when they are recognized across the industry for their outstanding work. Today, I’m extremely proud to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice