By Dov Yoran On May 30, 2017, Cisco and IBM Security announced a key relationship to address the rising tide of security threats and the need to respond rapidly. Cisco and IBM Security will work together to offer specific product integrations, a managed security service provider (MSSP) roadmap, and threat intelligence collaboration programs. The relationship focuses on making […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Dov Yoran On May 30, 2017, Cisco and IBM Security announced a key relationship to address the rising tide of security threats and the need to respond rapidly. Cisco and IBM Security will work together to offer specific product integrations, a managed security service provider (MSSP) roadmap, and threat intelligence collaboration programs. The relationship focuses on making […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Dave Liebenberg In the past few months, Talos has observed an uptick in the number of Chinese websites offering online DDoS services. Many of these websites have a nearly identical layout and design, offering a simple interface in which the user selects a target’s host, port, attack method, and duration […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Dave Liebenberg In the past few months, Talos has observed an uptick in the number of Chinese websites offering online DDoS services. Many of these websites have a nearly identical layout and design, offering a simple interface in which the user selects a target’s host, port, attack method, and duration […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Scott Bower Email continues to be both the number one way business people across the globe communicate, as well as the number one threat vector that can endanger the very thing it is trying to enable, getting business done. However, our global economy means now, more than ever, senders and receivers of email can be anywhere in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Scott Bower Email continues to be both the number one way business people across the globe communicate, as well as the number one threat vector that can endanger the very thing it is trying to enable, getting business done. However, our global economy means now, more than ever, senders and receivers of email can be anywhere in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Die Sommerferien in NRW haben Halbzeit. Für die Urlaubsheimkehrer haben wir auch im August wieder spannende Aktionsmodelle unseres Partners FUJITSU zusammengestellt.

Die Cash-Back-Aktion für ausgewählte mobile Systeme läuft noch bis Ende August. Sichern Sie sich jetzt 100,00 EURO je Gerät (für Unternehmen bis zu 50 Mobiles aktionsberechtigt!).

Die gesamten Aktionsmodelle aus den Bereichen mobiles Arbeiten finden Sie hier.

Zubehör, Desktop-PCs und Workstations sind hier zu finden. Server und Storage-Lösungen haben wir an dieser Stelle bereitgestellt.

Wie immer gilt: Wenn Ihre Wunschkonfiguration nicht dabei ist, helfen wir gerne persönlich weiter:

DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
02261 9155055
DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052
Daniel Wenzlau
02261 9155054

By Talos Group Since public disclosure in April 2017, CVE-2017-0199 has been frequently used within malicious Office documents. The vulnerability allows attackers to include Ole2Link objects within RTF documents to launch remote code when HTA applications are opened and parsed by Microsoft Word. In this recent campaign, attackers combined CVE-2017-0199 exploitation with an earlier exploit, CVE-2012-0158, possibly in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Since public disclosure in April 2017, CVE-2017-0199 has been frequently used within malicious Office documents. The vulnerability allows attackers to include Ole2Link objects within RTF documents to launch remote code when HTA applications are opened and parsed by Microsoft Word. In this recent campaign, attackers combined CVE-2017-0199 exploitation with an earlier exploit, CVE-2012-0158, possibly in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Die Anmeldung für unser 4. Business-Frühstück steht nun zur Verfügung.

Termin ist der 28.09.2017 um 09:00 Uhr in unserem Hause.

Wem vmWare zu teuer ist, sollte sich den Slot zum Thema Microsoft HyperV anhören…und wer auf Security Made in Germany steht, ist mit unserem Partner G DATA aus Bochum bestens versorgt.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Frischer Kaffee, knusprige Brötchen und 2 Top-Referenten, die Ihnen folgende Themen näher bringen:

Referent: Stefan Buers

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 – Was kann die neue Generation des Betriebssystems?
  • Virtualisierung mit HyperV – vmWare ist Ihnen zu teuer? Vielleicht kommen Sie ja bereits mit dem „eingebauten Virtualisierer“ des neuen Server 2016 zurecht.

Referent: Timo Offermann

  • G DATA – Wie steht es um die aktuelle Bedrohungslage im Netz? Eine Antwort aus Sicht des deutschen Security-Pioniers aus Bochum.
  • Security und Management „Made in Germany“

Die Anmeldung erfolgt entweder hier auf unserer Xing-Eventseite, oder direkt bei Ihren Ansprechpartnern:

DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
02261 9155055
DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052
Daniel Wenzlau
02261 9155054