By Talos Group Today, Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities that have been identified in CorelDRAW X8. CorelDRAW X8 is graphics suite used for manipulating raster and vector images and is a common alternative to Adobe Creative Cloud. Several of the vulnerabilities being disclosed today specifically affect PHOTO-PAINT X8, a raster graphics editor. Talos has responsibly disclosed this vulnerability […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By David Ulevitch It’s time again for our Midyear Cybersecurity Report (MCR), which offers updates on the security research and insights revealed in the recent Annual Cybersecurity Report. The unsettling news at this halfway point in the year is that the bad actors are adding new and sophisticated spins to their exploits. Their aim is not just to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By David Ulevitch It’s time again for our Midyear Cybersecurity Report (MCR), which offers updates on the security research and insights revealed in the recent Annual Cybersecurity Report. The unsettling news at this halfway point in the year is that the bad actors are adding new and sophisticated spins to their exploits. Their aim is not just to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Arbeiten Sie doch wo Sie wollen – Innovaphone White-Paper Anywhere Workplace jetzt lesen

Die Zeiten von mechanischen Schreibmaschinen, Wählscheiben-Telefonen und Kohlepapier gehören längst der Vergangenheit an.

Massive Veränderungen in der Bürokommunikation der letzten Jahrzehnte haben auch zu drastisch veränderten Herausforderungen geführt. Daten, Sprache und Video laufen heute über die selbe Leitung – mit allen Anforderungen an die Sicherheit, die wir aus dem normalen PC-Umfeld bereits kennen. Dabei ist Telefonie als kritische Anwendung für die meisten Unternehmen besonders zu schützen, denn ein Ausfall führt schnell zu Umsatzeinbußen und Reputationsverlust.

Aber moderne Kommunikation beschränkt sich nicht auf die reine Telefonie. Gerade aus dem privaten Anwenderverhalten drängen weitere Dienste massiv in die Unternehmensnetze, so z.B. die Nutzung von Smartphones, Instant Messaging und Videokommunikation. Gerade die mobile Nutzung von Kommunikationsmitteln bietet eine bislang nicht da gewesene Flexibilität, so dass Arbeitnehmer quasi von überall her ihre Aufgaben erledigen können und nicht starr an Bürozeiten und den Zutritt zum Firmengebäude gebunden sind.

Ob das Tischtelefon noch eine Zukunft hat, wo und wie wir in 10 Jahren arbeiten werden, oder was Sicherheit damit zu tun hat, erfahren Sie im deutschsprachigen Whitepaper unseres Partners Innovaphone zum Thema Anywhere Workplace…oder bei uns:

Dirk Zurawski
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Jörg Wegner
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Sebastian Lutz

By Talos Group Today, Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities that have been identified by Portcullis in various software products. All four vulnerabilities have been responsibly disclosed to each respective developer in order ensure they are addressed. In order better protect our customers, Talos has also developed Snort rules that detect attempts to exploit these vulnerabilities. Vulnerability Details TALOS-2017-0313 […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Today, Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities that have been identified by Portcullis in various software products. All four vulnerabilities have been responsibly disclosed to each respective developer in order ensure they are addressed. In order better protect our customers, Talos has also developed Snort rules that detect attempts to exploit these vulnerabilities. Vulnerability Details TALOS-2017-0313 […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This blog was authored by Paul Rascagneres and Warren Mercer. Introduction .NET is an increasingly important component of the Microsoft ecosystem providing a shared framework for interoperability between different languages and hardware platforms. Many Microsoft tools, such as PowerShell, and other administrative functions rely on the .NET platform for their functionality. Obviously, this makes .NET an enticing language […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This blog was authored by Paul Rascagneres and Warren Mercer. Introduction .NET is an increasingly important component of the Microsoft ecosystem providing a shared framework for interoperability between different languages and hardware platforms. Many Microsoft tools, such as PowerShell, and other administrative functions rely on the .NET platform for their functionality. Obviously, this makes .NET an enticing language […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Mitch Neff It is once again time for Security Summer Camp – the week in July that many of us descend upon LasVegas for Black Hat and DEFCON. This is your official guide to what Cisco’s Talos Threat Intelligence team is doing at Black Hat 2017. Whether you are looking to catch some great talks, hunting down the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Mitch Neff It is once again time for Security Summer Camp – the week in July that many of us descend upon LasVegas for Black Hat and DEFCON. This is your official guide to what Cisco’s Talos Threat Intelligence team is doing at Black Hat 2017. Whether you are looking to catch some great talks, hunting down the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice