By Talos Group Streams of malicious emails Talos inspects every day usually consist of active spamming campaigns for various ransomware families, phishing campaigns and the common malware family suspects such as banking Trojans and bots.. It is however often more interesting to analyze campaigns smaller in volume as they might contain more interesting malware. A few weeks ago […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Streams of malicious emails Talos inspects every day usually consist of active spamming campaigns for various ransomware families, phishing campaigns and the common malware family suspects such as banking Trojans and bots.. It is however often more interesting to analyze campaigns smaller in volume as they might contain more interesting malware. A few weeks ago […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Marc Blackmer Protect Vital Services in Advanced Medical Care, Automated Manufacturing, and Power Generation and Delivery From time to time, I find it’s helpful to pause and take stock of why I do what I do. Recently, I found myself talking with a CEO of a medical startup. Their goal was to improve the care of cancer […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Marc Blackmer Protect Vital Services in Advanced Medical Care, Automated Manufacturing, and Power Generation and Delivery From time to time, I find it’s helpful to pause and take stock of why I do what I do. Recently, I found myself talking with a CEO of a medical startup. Their goal was to improve the care of cancer […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Hat schon jemand einen Roboter zu Hause?

Vermutlich, aber das beschränkt sich im Normalfall auf Staubsauger oder Rasenmäher. Diese kleinen Helfer sind nützlich, aber sie sind keine Roboter im hier gemeinten Sinne – auch wenn durch die eingebauten Sensoren Sicherheitslücken im eigenen zu Hause geboten werden. Wir sprechen heute über Roboter mit menschenähnlichem Aussehen und mit umfangreichen Sensoren und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten. Jeder, der das entsprechende „Kleingeld“ hat, kann heute unterschiedliche Modelle kaufen und einsetzen.

Aber welche Einflüsse hat das auf unser Leben? Wie verhalten wir uns gegenüber Maschinen, die menschlich mit uns interagieren? Erstaunliche Forschungsergebnisse dazu präsentierte Brittany Postnikoff (University of Waterloo, Manitoba, Canada) auf der diesjährigen NGI-Konferenz im Rahmen der 10. Troopers in Heidelberg.

Roboter, die bei Stein, Schere, Papier mogeln, Roboter, die ein Hotel betreiben (Japan), Roboter, die im Restaurant kochen…die Entwicklung ist in vielen Bereichen des Kundenservice weit fortgeschritten und man begegnet den künstlichen Kollegen auch schon im medizinischen Bereich. Betroffen sind alle Bereiche, in denen Aufgaben zu wiederkehrender Routine gemacht werden können. Auch wenn ein Roboter heute noch ab 20.000 Dollar aufwärts kostet, ist das in der Welt der Robotik eher preiswert einzuordnen, denn der Roboter wird nicht krank, hat keinen Urlaub und arbeitet 24 Stunden am Tag, ganz zu schweigen von der präzisen Abarbeitung einmal angelernter Prozesse.

So verlockend das für Unternehmen klingen mag, birgt es auch Risiken. Die ausgesprochen sehenswerte Aufzeichnung des Vortrags von Brittany Postnikoff haben wir hier verlinkt (in englischer Sprache):


By Talos Group When the WannaCry attack was launched a little over a week ago, it was one of the first large scale attacks leveraging the data that was leaked by the Shadow Brokers. At the time the real concern was how quickly we would begin to see other threats leverage the same vulnerabilities. Over the past couple […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group When the WannaCry attack was launched a little over a week ago, it was one of the first large scale attacks leveraging the data that was leaked by the Shadow Brokers. At the time the real concern was how quickly we would begin to see other threats leverage the same vulnerabilities. Over the past couple […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco Over the past few weeks, I’ve blogged about the importance of having a holistic security strategy for the Internet of Things (IoT). Now is the time to really amp up security and privacy by design at the endpoint device level. Everyone has a role to play. We know that enterprises are struggling to secure their […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco Over the past few weeks, I’ve blogged about the importance of having a holistic security strategy for the Internet of Things (IoT). Now is the time to really amp up security and privacy by design at the endpoint device level. Everyone has a role to play. We know that enterprises are struggling to secure their […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Talos is monitoring the major Exploit Kits(EK) on an ongoing basis. While investigating the changes we recently observed in the RIG EK campaigns, we identified another well known candidate: Terror Exploit Kit. Terror EK is one of the new players who showed up after the big Exploit Kit market consolidation last year. When Angler and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice