By Talos Group Talos is monitoring the major Exploit Kits(EK) on an ongoing basis. While investigating the changes we recently observed in the RIG EK campaigns, we identified another well known candidate: Terror Exploit Kit. Terror EK is one of the new players who showed up after the big Exploit Kit market consolidation last year. When Angler and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

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By Mitch Neff The first episodes of Beers with Talos are now available on iTunes and directly on When Talos decided to make a threat intelligence podcast, we wanted to make it different than your typical buttoned down, subdued security podcast. The BWT crew: Craig, Joel, Nigel, and Mitch, decided to do that by making a podcast […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Mitch Neff The first episodes of Beers with Talos are now available on iTunes and directly on When Talos decided to make a threat intelligence podcast, we wanted to make it different than your typical buttoned down, subdued security podcast. The BWT crew: Craig, Joel, Nigel, and Mitch, decided to do that by making a podcast […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Mitch Neff When Talos decided to make a threat intelligence podcast, we wanted to make it different than your typical buttoned down, subdued security podcast.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Mitch Neff When Talos decided to make a threat intelligence podcast, we wanted to make it different than your typical buttoned down, subdued security podcast.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Talos is disclosing the presence of two vulnerabilities in the Artifex MuPDF renderer. MuPDF is a lightweight PDF parsing and rendering library featuring high fidelity graphics, high speed, and compact code size which makes it a fairly popular PDF library for embedding in different projects, especially mobile and web applications. Both of these vulnerabilities, if […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Talos is disclosing the presence of two vulnerabilities in the Artifex MuPDF renderer. MuPDF is a lightweight PDF parsing and rendering library featuring high fidelity graphics, high speed, and compact code size which makes it a fairly popular PDF library for embedding in different projects, especially mobile and web applications. Both of these vulnerabilities, if […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Unser Technologie-Partner FUJITSU hat mit Palm Secure eine Lösung zur Authentifizierung mit Handvenenscan entwickelt. Dies erfolgt berührungslos und aufgrund der bei jedem Menschen individuellen Venenmerkmale sogar sicherer, als bei einem biometrischen Iris-Scan. Dabei wird u.a. auch darauf geachtet, dass durch die Venen aktuell Blut fließt, so dass wir von einer Lebenderkennung sprechen.

Palm Secure können Sie als Kunde heute bereits erwerben und einsetzen, z.B. eingebaut in Notebooks und Workstations, als USB-Variante zum Nachrüsten, oder als biometrische Zutrittskontrolle für Bereiche oder Gebäude.

Für eine weitergehende Einführung in das Thema schauen Sie sich einfach den CeBIT-Vortrag von Frau Isabelle Frank-Niemann an:


By John Dominguez Cisco AMP for Endpoints was recently the subject of a thorough technical review and test to validate that the solution satisfies requirements in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) version 3.2 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule. The Cisco Security Team is pleased to report […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice