Source:: Innovaphone

By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos. Today, Talos is releasing details of a new vulnerability discovered within the Power Software PowerISO disk imaging software. TALOS-2017-0318 and TALOS-2017-0324 may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely on the vulnerable system when a specially crafted ISO image is opened and parsed by […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos. Today, Talos is releasing details of a new vulnerability discovered within the Power Software PowerISO disk imaging software. TALOS-2017-0318 and TALOS-2017-0324 may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely on the vulnerable system when a specially crafted ISO image is opened and parsed by […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Marcin ‘Icewall‘ Noga of Talos. Today, Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities that have been identified in the AntennaHouse DMC library which is used in various products for web-based document searching and rendering. These vulnerabilities manifest as a failure to correctly parse Microsoft Office documents and could be exploited to achieve […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Marcin ‘Icewall‘ Noga of Talos. Today, Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities that have been identified in the AntennaHouse DMC library which is used in various products for web-based document searching and rendering. These vulnerabilities manifest as a failure to correctly parse Microsoft Office documents and could be exploited to achieve […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice


„Sind Sie fit für die IP-Technologie?“, fragt die Telekom in diversen Medien. Mit Oberberg-Online und Innovaphone setzen Sie auf das richtige Gespann, denn bereits seit 1996 bieten wir IP-Technologie für Geschäftskunden und seit 2003 sind wir zertifizierter Partner des schwäbischen Herstellers Innovaphone AG.

Bis Ende 2018 wird die deutsche Telekom alle ISDN-Anschlüsse auf IP umstellen. Innovaphone hat seine Lösung im Labor der Telekom getestet und mit dem erfolgreichen Verlauf bewiesen, dass Innovaphone-Kunden sich auf ein gutes Zusammenspiel mit den neuen IP-Produkten der Telekom verlassen dürfen.

Technisch gesehen sind also keine sonderlich großen Überraschungen zu erwarten. Tiefgreifender ist vermutlich das Thema Kommunikationskultur in den Unternehmen, denn hier wird mit Einführung der neuen Lösungen ein großes Bündel an neuen Funktionalitäten bereitgestellt, das wohl nicht bei allen Nutzern auf direkte Gegenliebe stoßen wird.

Meschen sind in ihrem Kommunikationsverhalten einfach zu verschieden, als dass es eine einzige, richtige Variante gibt, die man technisch überstülpt. Hier das richtige Augenmaß zu wahren und Umstellungen nicht nur vorzugeben, sondern die Mitarbeiter abzuholen und zu entwickeln, ist die große Herausforderung.

Sehr anschaulich wird der Ansatz unseres Partners Innovaphone in diesem Interview anlässlich der diesjährigen CeBIT verdeutlicht. Investieren Sie eine sinnvolle Viertelstunde und schauen Sie sich Lars Dietrichkeits Antworten an. Mit Innovaphone und Oberberg-Online sind Sie gut gerüstet für die anstehenden Themen.

Gerne zeigen wir Ihnen im Rahmen einer Live-Vorführung, wie unsere Lösung Ihnen die tägliche Arbeit erleichtert.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie:

DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052

Sebastian Lutz

Dirk Zurawski
02261 9155051

By Talos Group This post authored Sean Baird and Nick Biasini Attackers are always looking for creative ways to send large amount of spam to victims. A short-lived, but widespread Google Drive themed phishing campaign has affected a large number of users across a variety of verticals. This campaign would be bcc’d to a target while being sent […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post authored Sean Baird and Nick Biasini Attackers are always looking for creative ways to send large amount of spam to victims. A short-lived, but widespread Google Drive themed phishing campaign has affected a large number of users across a variety of verticals. This campaign would be bcc’d to a target while being sent […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Over the past 3 years, Talos has been monitoring the KONNI Remote Administration Tool, which we has not been described elsewhere. During this time it has managed to avoid scrutiny by the security community. The most recent version of the malware allows the operator to steal files, keystrokes, perform screenshots, and execute arbitrary code on […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Over the past 3 years, Talos has been monitoring the KONNI Remote Administration Tool, which we has not been described elsewhere. During this time it has managed to avoid scrutiny by the security community. The most recent version of the malware allows the operator to steal files, keystrokes, perform screenshots, and execute arbitrary code on […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice