Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

By Talos Group Discovered by Marcin ‘Icewall‘ Noga of Cisco Talos. Talos are today releasing a new vulnerability discovered within the Lexmark Perceptive Document Filters library. TALOS-2017-0302 allows for information disclosure using specifically crafted files. Overview The vulnerability is present in the Lexmark Document filter parsing engine which is used across a wide range of services such as […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Discovered by Marcin ‘Icewall‘ Noga of Cisco Talos. Talos are today releasing a new vulnerability discovered within the Lexmark Perceptive Document Filters library. TALOS-2017-0302 allows for information disclosure using specifically crafted files. Overview The vulnerability is present in the Lexmark Document filter parsing engine which is used across a wide range of services such as […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco Earlier this month, I wrote about the need for a holistic security strategy for the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s more than securing a ‘thing‘ within the IoT – it’s about building resilience for the whole system. Cyber resilience is about managing risk; identifying potential risks, evaluating the likelihood of them occurring and their negative […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco Earlier this month, I wrote about the need for a holistic security strategy for the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s more than securing a ‘thing‘ within the IoT – it’s about building resilience for the whole system. Cyber resilience is about managing risk; identifying potential risks, evaluating the likelihood of them occurring and their negative […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Richard Staynings When I ask the question of Healthcare CIOs and CISOs “What keeps you up at night?” one of the most common answers I receive – after the usual jokes about indigestion, or the snoring spouse, is the problem of what to do about securing medical devices in our hospitals. Most healthcare executives are acutely aware […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Richard Staynings When I ask the question of Healthcare CIOs and CISOs “What keeps you up at night?” one of the most common answers I receive – after the usual jokes about indigestion, or the snoring spouse, is the problem of what to do about securing medical devices in our hospitals. Most healthcare executives are acutely aware […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Frisch am Start ist ein neues, robustes DECT-Telefon von innovaphone. Das IP65 ersetzt ab sofort das bisherige Gerät IP63. Mit der Schutzklasse IP44 eignet sich das neue mobile Telefon auch für den Einsatz in staubbelasteten Umgebungen.

Ausgestattet mit einem beleuchteten Farb-Display und einem stabilen Gehäuse, bringt das IP65 weitere, sinnvolle Ausstattungen mit:

  • Vibrationsalarm
  • Bluetooth
  • 18 Menuesprachen
  • Zugriff auf das lokale und das Firmen-Telefonbuch
  • 23 verschiedene Signaltöne, auf Wunsch unterschiedlich bei internen und externen Anrufen
  • bis zu 240 Stunden Standby und bis zu 20 Stunden Gesprächszeit
  • kurze Ladezeit < 4 Stunden
  • Betrieb als eigene Nebenstelle oder parallel zum eigenen Tischapparat möglich

Dazu gelten die bekannten Leistungsmerkmale der innovaphone PBX.

Gerne zeigen wir Ihnen die innovaphone DECT-Lösung live bei uns. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Terminwunsch:

Dirk Zurawski
02261 9155051
DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052
Sebastian Lutz

By Talos Group On Friday, April 14, the actor group identifying itself as the Shadow Brokers released new information containing exploits for previously disclosed and undisclosed vulnerabilities that affect various versions of Microsoft Windows, as well as applications such as Lotus Domino. Additionally, the release included previously unknown tools, including an exploitation framework identified as “FUZZBUNCH”. Several of […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice