Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

Fortinet Threat Landscape Report Examines How Cybercriminals Are Building an Army of Things Creating a Tipping Point for Cybersecurity

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Threat Landscape Report Examines How Cybercriminals Are Building an Army of Things Creating a Tipping Point for Cybersecurity

Source:: Fortinet

Attraktiv sind sie, die innovaphone IP Telefone  IP111, IP112, IP222 und IP232. Einen ersten Eindruck vermittelt dieses Video. Den zweiten Eindruck bekommen Sie live und zum Anfassen und Ausprobieren bei Oberberg-Online. Im Rahmen der Live-Vorführung in unserem Hause zeigen wir auch das Zusammenspiel der innovaphone IP Telefone mit der PC-Software innovaphone myPBX, den Einsatz von Sennheiser oder GN Jabra Headsets, sowie die Ergänzung der Tischgeräte um DECT- und WLAN-Telefone.

Spannend wird es, wenn dazu noch die myPBX-App für iOS und Android ins Spiel kommt, denn damit sind Sie auch unterwegs ein vollwertiger Teilnehmer Ihrer Unternehmens-Telefonielösung.

Also, Video ansehen, Ihren Hörer abnehmen und 02261 9155050 wählen, um einen Live-Termin mit uns abzustimmen.

Zum Thema Innovaphone für Sie da:

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Jörg Wegner
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Sebastian Lutz

Dirk Zurawski
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By Talos Group Most people don’t give much thought to what happens when you connect to your bank’s website or log in to your email account. For most people, securely connecting to a website seems as simple as checking to make sure the little padlock in the address bar is present. However, in the background there are many […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Most people don’t give much thought to what happens when you connect to your bank’s website or log in to your email account. For most people, securely connecting to a website seems as simple as checking to make sure the little padlock in the address bar is present. However, in the background there are many […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Shelly Giesbrecht How to take your Incident Response plan to the next level ‘Practice does everything‘ – Periander (Often misquoted as ‘Practice makes perfect‘) You’ve gone through the work of creating an incident response (IR) plan, created some runbooks to deal with likely, known threats, and you’re feeling a lot better about the ability of your organization’s ability […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Shelly Giesbrecht How to take your Incident Response plan to the next level ‘Practice does everything‘ – Periander (Often misquoted as ‘Practice makes perfect‘) You’ve gone through the work of creating an incident response (IR) plan, created some runbooks to deal with likely, known threats, and you’re feeling a lot better about the ability of your organization’s ability […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

How These Application Software Stocks are Faring? — Adobe Systems, Fortinet, Allscripts Healthcare, and Red Hat

Source:: Fortinet