By Talos Group Overview LabVIEW is a system design and development platform released by National Instruments. The software is widely used to create applications for data acquisition, instrument control and industrial automation. Talos is disclosing the presence of a code execution vulnerability and a memory corruption vulnerability which can be triggered by opening specially crafted VI files, the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Overview LabVIEW is a system design and development platform released by National Instruments. The software is widely used to create applications for data acquisition, instrument control and industrial automation. Talos is disclosing the presence of a code execution vulnerability and a memory corruption vulnerability which can be triggered by opening specially crafted VI files, the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Erin Float Today, we released the first Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication of 2017. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Erin Float Today, we released the first Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication of 2017. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Aaron Weis [Blog authored by Aaron Weis and Samuel Wigley] Cisco has been measuring our security products‘ median “time to detection” (TTD) — the window of time between a compromise and detection of a threat — since 2015. This exercise is a way for us to benchmark our progress, and continually refine our approach, to detecting threats. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Aaron Weis [Blog authored by Aaron Weis and Samuel Wigley] Cisco has been measuring our security products‘ median “time to detection” (TTD) — the window of time between a compromise and detection of a threat — since 2015. This exercise is a way for us to benchmark our progress, and continually refine our approach, to detecting threats. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Der Microsoft Office 2007 Support endet in Kürze. Das bedeutet, dass keine Sicherheitsupdates mehr bereitgestellt werden und die Gefährdung für Nutzer extrem ansteigt.

Bereits am 11.04.2017 wird der Microsoft Exchange Server in der Version 2007 nicht mehr unterstützt. Da Exchange in vielen Umgebungen der Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Bürokommunikation ist, empfehlen wir den dringenden Umstieg auf eine aktuelle Version. Unsere Techniker unterstützen Sie hierbei gerne.

Die Zeitschiene dafür findet man hier bei Microsoft.

Visio 2007 und die gesamte Office 2007 Linie werden ab dem 10.10.2017 nicht mehr unterstützt. Da sich insbesondere bei den beliebten Office-Anwendungen seit der Version 2007 große Änderungen ergeben haben, wurde der Umstieg von vielen Unternehmen geschoben, da man den Schulungsaufwand für die neuen Programme vermeiden wollte. Spätestens jetzt ist es aber an der Zeit, hier Nägel mit Köpfen zu machen.

Ihr Microsoft Partner für Büroanwendungen – Oberberg-Online.

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By Talos Group The post was authored by Sean Baird, Edmund Brumaghin and Earl Carter, with contributions from Jaeson Schultz. Executive Summary The Necurs botnet is the largest spam botnet in the world. Over the past year it has been used primarily for the distribution of Locky ransomware and Dridex. Earlier this year, we wrote about how the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group The post was authored by Sean Baird, Edmund Brumaghin and Earl Carter, with contributions from Jaeson Schultz. Executive Summary The Necurs botnet is the largest spam botnet in the world. Over the past year it has been used primarily for the distribution of Locky ransomware and Dridex. Earlier this year, we wrote about how the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed over the past week. As with previous round-ups, this post isn’t meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we’ve observed by highlighting key behavior characteristics, indicators of compromise, and how our customers are automatically protected from […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice