Fortinet Launches New Program for Managed Security Service Providers
Source:: Fortinet
Fortinet Launches New Program for Managed Security Service Providers
Source:: Fortinet
Fortinet Launches New Program for Managed Security Service Providers
Source:: Fortinet
Was als Überschrift vielleicht harmlos und romantisch klingt, ist in Wirklichkeit eine ernste und gefährliche Sache. Tim Berghoff von unserem Security-Partner G DATA berichtet in seinem Blog-Eintrag von Sicherheitslücken bei einem amerikanischen Herzschrittmacher mit internem Defibrilator. Das Gerät hat eine Online-Anbindung mittels Funksender. Eigentlich dafür gedacht, die Funktionen und Werte online zu überwachen, gibt es aufgrund der Sicherheitslücken Möglichkeiten, die Steuerung des Gerätes von außen zu beeinflussen – im Grunde ein Horror-Szenario für die Betroffenen.
Weitere angeführte Beispiele sind u.a. die Deaktivierung der Beatmungsfunktion eines Narkosegerätes mit Netzwerkanschluss und manipulierte Insulin- und Infusionspumpen, die ferngesteuert tödliche Dosen verabreichen können.
Den sehr spannenden Blog-Eintrag von G DATA finden Sie hier.
Dass dieser Themenbereich nicht neu ist, kenne unsere Leser bereits. Auf der Sicherheitskonferenz Troopers haben die norwegische Sicherheitsforscherin Marie Moe – die selbst einen Herzschrittmacher trägt – und Dr. Kevin Fu ausführlich auf die Gefahren hingewiesen. Dazu haben wir in der Vergangenheit bereits einen Beitrag veröffentlicht, der hier noch einmal angeschaut werden kann.
By Michael Schueler Cisco PSIRT has become aware of attackers potentially abusing the Smart Install (SMI) feature in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software. While this is not considered a vulnerability, PSIRT published a Cisco Security Response on February 14, 2017 to inform customers about possible abuse of the Smart Install feature if it remains enabled after device […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Michael Schueler Cisco PSIRT has become aware of attackers potentially abusing the Smart Install (SMI) feature in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software. While this is not considered a vulnerability, PSIRT published a Cisco Security Response on February 14, 2017 to inform customers about possible abuse of the Smart Install feature if it remains enabled after device […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Talos Group Summary Talos has become aware of active scanning against customer infrastructure with the intent of finding Cisco Smart Install clients. Cisco Smart Install is one component of the Cisco Smart Operations solution that facilitates the management of LAN switches. Research has indicated that malicious actors may be leveraging detailed knowledge of the Smart Install Protocol to […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Talos Group Summary Talos has become aware of active scanning against customer infrastructure with the intent of finding Cisco Smart Install clients. Cisco Smart Install is one component of the Cisco Smart Operations solution that facilitates the management of LAN switches. Research has indicated that malicious actors may be leveraging detailed knowledge of the Smart Install Protocol to […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Talos Group Overview Talos has discovered multiple vulnerabilities in Iceni Argus PDF content extraction product. Exploiting these vulnerabilities can allow an attacker to gain full control over the victim’s machine. Although the main product is deprecated by Iceni, the library is still supported. Iceni has released a patched version that addresses these vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, the library is […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Talos Group Overview Talos has discovered multiple vulnerabilities in Iceni Argus PDF content extraction product. Exploiting these vulnerabilities can allow an attacker to gain full control over the victim’s machine. Although the main product is deprecated by Iceni, the library is still supported. Iceni has released a patched version that addresses these vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, the library is […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By John N. Stewart Last week at RSA, the 2017 Info Security Products Guide Global Excellence Awards honored three teams from the Cisco Security and Trust Organization
for their work in leading security practices.
Source:: Cisco Security Notice