Neue Version des Netzwerk-Tools Wireshark

Das vermutlich weltweit meist genutzte Netzwerk-Analyse-Werkzeug steht in der neuen stable-Version 2.2.4 zum Download bereit. Geneigte User können auf der Wireshark-Seite die gewünschte Version für Windows oder Mac OS herunterladen.

Die Release-Notes zu den Versionen sind hier zu finden…und den User Guide gibt´s hier.

Wer nicht lesen mag, kann sich die Version 2 auch gerne im Video anschauen:


By Aaron Varrone At Cisco, we are often asked to take a vendor agnostic approach when developing a Security Operations Center (SOC) strategy, and as such, we must consider the importance of distinguishing between the various types of SOC models in today’s demanding security needs. However, before explaining the various models that exist for today’s need of monitoring […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Aaron Varrone At Cisco, we are often asked to take a vendor agnostic approach when developing a Security Operations Center (SOC) strategy, and as such, we must consider the importance of distinguishing between the various types of SOC models in today’s demanding security needs. However, before explaining the various models that exist for today’s need of monitoring […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jessica Bair Effective Security requires three essential pillars: Simple to use, Open architecture and Automated workflows. The collaboration with RSA NetWitness Packets and Cisco AMP Threat Grid, in the RSA Conference 2017 Security Operations Center, exemplified the power of a four year partnership that provides an effective solution for network forensics and malware analysis. The SOC team […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jessica Bair Effective Security requires three essential pillars: Simple to use, Open architecture and Automated workflows. The collaboration with RSA NetWitness Packets and Cisco AMP Threat Grid, in the RSA Conference 2017 Security Operations Center, exemplified the power of a four year partnership that provides an effective solution for network forensics and malware analysis. The SOC team […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group ‘Magic Hound‘ is the code name used to reference a seemingly limited series of malware distribution campaigns that were observed targeting organizations in Saudi Arabia as well as organizations with business interests in Saudi Arabia. Similar to other malware distribution campaigns that Talos has observed and documented, this series of campaigns made use of phishing […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group ‘Magic Hound‘ is the code name used to reference a seemingly limited series of malware distribution campaigns that were observed targeting organizations in Saudi Arabia as well as organizations with business interests in Saudi Arabia. Similar to other malware distribution campaigns that Talos has observed and documented, this series of campaigns made use of phishing […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Ende des Supports für folgende Innovaphone-Modelle

Wichtig für alle Innovaphone Kunden: Ab der neuen PBX Version 12r2 werden folgende Geräte nicht mehr unterstützt, da diese nicht über genügend Speicher verfügen:


  • – IP110
  • – IP200A
  • – IP230
  • – IP240

Nicht betroffen davon sind die IP-Telefone IP110A und IP240A. Diese werden auch in Version 12r2 unterstützt.


  • – IP2000
  • – IP6000

Für die folgenden Gateways wird ab Version 12r2 keine PBX-Funktionalität mehr unterstützt:

  • – IP302
  • – IP305
  • – IP800

Das kann insbesondere zu Problemen bei der anstehenden All-IP Umstellung der Telekom führen, denn aktuelle SIP-Profile werden nur für aktuelle Firmwarestände bereitgestellt. Kunden, die noch ältere Gateways betreiben, sollten reagieren und sich mit uns zwecks eines Upgrade-Angebotes auf die neue Gerätegeneration unterhalten. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne:

DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052

Sebastian Lutz

Dirk Zurawski
02261 9155051

By Talos Group Discovered by Tyler Bohan of Cisco Talos Overview Talos is disclosing TALOS-2016-0262 (CVE-2017-2372) and TALOS-2017-0275 (CVE-2017-2374), an out of bounds write vulnerability in Apple GarageBand. GarageBand is a music creation program, allowing users to create and edit music easily and effectively from their Mac computer. GarageBand is installed by default on all Mac computers so […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Discovered by Tyler Bohan of Cisco Talos Overview Talos is disclosing TALOS-2016-0262 (CVE-2017-2372) and TALOS-2017-0275 (CVE-2017-2374), an out of bounds write vulnerability in Apple GarageBand. GarageBand is a music creation program, allowing users to create and edit music easily and effectively from their Mac computer. GarageBand is installed by default on all Mac computers so […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice