By Tobias Mayer This post is the second part of my series around the impact of encrypted protocols on network security. You can find the first article about HTTP/2 here: Now let us focus on the new and upcoming specification of TLS 1.3. It is important to understand what advantages TLS 1.3 brings to us, but also […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Tobias Mayer This post is the second part of my series around the impact of encrypted protocols on network security. You can find the first article about HTTP/2 here: Now let us focus on the new and upcoming specification of TLS 1.3. It is important to understand what advantages TLS 1.3 brings to us, but also […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

FUJITSU Aktionsmodelle Februar 2017

Auch im kürzesten Monat des Jahres gibt es wieder frische Aktionsmodelle unseres Technologie-Partners FUJITSU. Besonderes Augenmerk sollten Sie auf die brandneuen FUJITSU Ultrabooks legen (U727, U747 und U757). Auch für das Stylistic Tablet R726 gibt es eine aktuelle Aktion, in der Sie das Docking-Cradle zum Kauf on top erhalten!

Alle Aktionsmodelle aus dem Bereich mobile Endgeräte finden Sie in diesem Flyer.

Stationäre Arbeitsplätze und Monitore sind hier als Aktionsmodelle verfügbar.

Zum Netz gehören selbstverständlich die passenden Server und Speicherlösungen, die hier zu finden sind.

Wie immer sind dies nur Konfigurationsvorschläge. Auf Ihre Anforderung abgestimmte Systeme erhalten Sie von uns:

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Frank Erlinghagen
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Daniel Wenzlau
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Jörg Wegner
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By Jason Lamar Many pieces of forensic evidence come into play when investigating a crime scene – analysis of fingerprints, DNA, shoe prints, videos/photos, ballistics, etc. By analyzing the data, a picture of the crime emerges, which in the case of a serial killer often includes his or her MO or method of operation. In the cyber world, […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jason Lamar Many pieces of forensic evidence come into play when investigating a crime scene – analysis of fingerprints, DNA, shoe prints, videos/photos, ballistics, etc. By analyzing the data, a picture of the crime emerges, which in the case of a serial killer often includes his or her MO or method of operation. In the cyber world, […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Promotes Cybersecurity Education by Providing Universal Access to Its Network Security Expert Courses

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Promotes Cybersecurity Education by Providing Universal Access to Its Network Security Expert Courses

Source:: Fortinet