By Omar Santos The Cisco PSIRT openVuln API is a RESTful API that allows customers to obtain Cisco security vulnerability information in different machine-consumable formats. It supports industrywide security standards such as the Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF), Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL), Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) identifiers, Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), and the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). This API […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Peters Since its introduction in 2015, pxGrid has provided you an open, automated, and effective way for your disparate security technologies to work together. In just two years we’ve added 50 separate products that you can integrate to see and stop threats faster, and demonstrate compliance. And we’re bringing on board a mix of new technology […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Peters Since its introduction in 2015, pxGrid has provided you an open, automated, and effective way for your disparate security technologies to work together. In just two years we’ve added 50 separate products that you can integrate to see and stop threats faster, and demonstrate compliance. And we’re bringing on board a mix of new technology […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Dan Stotts Visibility doesn’t just mean seeing data move within the network – it also means seeing who and what is on the network. Trends like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Enterprise Mobility – that will result in tens of billions of connected devices and users – are fundamentally changing the enterprise networking environment. Not knowing […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Dan Stotts Visibility doesn’t just mean seeing data move within the network – it also means seeing who and what is on the network. Trends like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Enterprise Mobility – that will result in tens of billions of connected devices and users – are fundamentally changing the enterprise networking environment. Not knowing […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Ab jetzt bei uns – Microsoft Surface für Ihr Business

Ab sofort sind wir Ihr Microsoft Surface-Partner im Bergischen Land. Egal, mit welchem Gerät Sie heute arbeiten, einen Blick auf das Surface Book und das Surface Pro 4 sollten Sie riskieren – auch auf das Risiko hin, dass Sie dann dringend eines besitzen möchten.


Microsoft stellt mit der Surface Reihe professionelle Arbeitsgeräte mit höchster Flexibilität bereit – egal, ob Sie mit der Tastatur, dem Stift, oder dem Touch-Bildschirm arbeiten möchten. Für den Einsatz im Tagesgeschäft ist es aber sinnvoll, eventuelle Risiken abzusichern und sich die Verfügbarkeit und den Service zu sichern. Hierfür haben wir drei unterschiedliche Service-Pakete für Sie geschnürt:


  • Abgabe/Einsendung ins Reperatur-Zentrallager durch den User
  • Telefonischer Support bei technischen Problemen inklusive
  • RMA Handling inklusive
  • Tausch des defekten Gerätes durch einen Techniker direkt am Arbeitsplatz
  • Telefonischer Support bei technischen Problemen inklusive
  • RMA Handling inklusive
  • Tausch des defekten Gerätes an der Rezeption/ dem Empfang des Users
  • Telefonischer Support bei technischen Problemen inklusive
  • RMA Handling inklusive
80 € / pro Jahr 160 € / pro Jahr 110 € / pro Jahr

Lust auf das ultimative Windows-Erlebnis? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihren Anruf:

Daniel Wenzlau
02261 9155054
DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
02261 9155055
DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
02261 9155052

By Talos Group Overview Talos is disclosing TALOS-2016-0259 / CVE-2016-8710. An exploitable heap write out of bounds vulnerability exists in the decoding of BPG images in libbpg library. A crafted BPG image decoded by libbpg can cause an integer underflow vulnerability causing an out of bounds heap write leading to remote code execution. This vulnerability can be triggered […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Overview Talos is disclosing TALOS-2016-0259 / CVE-2016-8710. An exploitable heap write out of bounds vulnerability exists in the decoding of BPG images in libbpg library. A crafted BPG image decoded by libbpg can cause an integer underflow vulnerability causing an out of bounds heap write leading to remote code execution. This vulnerability can be triggered […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Munawar Hossain It may have come to you in an email or perhaps during a 1:1 with your boss but either way the news probably caught you by surprise. You will be taking your security skills to the industrial side of the house. Congratulations! And good luck – you are going to need it. Much of what […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Munawar Hossain It may have come to you in an email or perhaps during a 1:1 with your boss but either way the news probably caught you by surprise. You will be taking your security skills to the industrial side of the house. Congratulations! And good luck – you are going to need it. Much of what […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice