Fortinet Appoints Phil Quade as Chief Information Security Officer
Source:: Fortinet
Fortinet Appoints Phil Quade as Chief Information Security Officer
Source:: Fortinet
By Talos Group Happy New Year to our readers! Today marks the first Patch Tuesday of 2017 with Microsoft releasing their monthly set of bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities. This month’s release is relatively light with 4 bulletins addressing 3 vulnerabilities. Two bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in Office and Adobe Flash Player while the […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Talos Group Happy New Year to our readers! Today marks the first Patch Tuesday of 2017 with Microsoft releasing their monthly set of bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities. This month’s release is relatively light with 4 bulletins addressing 3 vulnerabilities. Two bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in Office and Adobe Flash Player while the […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
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