By Veronica Valeros Adware has been around for a while now. In principle, displaying advertising in order to finance your software is not necessarily something bad. Users are used to seeing advertising everywhere: newspapers, magazines, and websites. When advertising was introduced to software, users had a surprisingly high tolerance for it. Later, adware applications became more aggressive. Publishers started bundling more applications and taking advantage […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Veronica Valeros Adware has been around for a while now. In principle, displaying advertising in order to finance your software is not necessarily something bad. Users are used to seeing advertising everywhere: newspapers, magazines, and websites. When advertising was introduced to software, users had a surprisingly high tolerance for it. Later, adware applications became more aggressive. Publishers started bundling more applications and taking advantage […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group The final patch Tuesday of 2016 has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release contains 12 bulletins addressing 48 vulnerabilities. Six bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Edge, Microsoft Graphics Components, Microsoft Uniscribe, and Adobe Flash […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group The final patch Tuesday of 2016 has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release contains 12 bulletins addressing 48 vulnerabilities. Six bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Edge, Microsoft Graphics Components, Microsoft Uniscribe, and Adobe Flash […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Vulnerability discovered by Tyler Bohan Overview Talos is disclosing a series of vulnerabilities in Joyent SmartOS, specifically in the Hyprlofs filesystem. SmartOS is an open source hypervisor that is based on a branch of Opensolaris. Hyperlofs is a SmartOS in-memory filesystem that allows users to map files from various different locations under a single namespace. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Vulnerability discovered by Tyler Bohan Overview Talos is disclosing a series of vulnerabilities in Joyent SmartOS, specifically in the Hyprlofs filesystem. SmartOS is an open source hypervisor that is based on a branch of Opensolaris. Hyperlofs is a SmartOS in-memory filesystem that allows users to map files from various different locations under a single namespace. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco Organizations aren’t just talking about digital transformation – they’re doing it: More than 75 percent of global business leaders cite digitization as a top strategic priority and nearly seven in ten say their company will meet its digital transformation objectives this year, according to a recent survey from The Economist Intelligence Unit. To advance these […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco Organizations aren’t just talking about digital transformation – they’re doing it: More than 75 percent of global business leaders cite digitization as a top strategic priority and nearly seven in ten say their company will meet its digital transformation objectives this year, according to a recent survey from The Economist Intelligence Unit. To advance these […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

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