By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini Talos is constantly monitoring the threat landscape including the email threat landscape. Lately this landscape has been dominated with Locky distribution. During a recent Locky vacation Talos noticed an interesting shift in file types being used to distribute another well known malware family, Fareit. We’ve discussed Fareit before, it’s […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini Talos is constantly monitoring the threat landscape including the email threat landscape. Lately this landscape has been dominated with Locky distribution. During a recent Locky vacation Talos noticed an interesting shift in file types being used to distribute another well known malware family, Fareit. We’ve discussed Fareit before, it’s […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

FUJITSU Tablet STYLISTIC R726 mit Cradle und LTE

Mobiles Business auf höchstem Niveau

Ob Sie das FUJITSU Tablet STYLISTIC R726 als vollwertiges Notebook oder als elegantes Tablet nutzen, können Sie in jeder Situation neu entscheiden. Denn die schlanke, ansteckbare Magnet- Tastatur macht die neue 2-in-1-Kombination sekundenschnell wandlungsfähig. Seien Sie überall für das Arbeiten von Unterwegs bestens gerüstet durch die optional integrierte LTE-Konnektivität. Und das Beste: Mit der Cradle, die Sie jetzt beim Kauf des Tablets gratis dazu erhalten, wechseln Sie im Office mit nur einem Klick vom mobilen in den Desktop-Modus. Genießen Sie ein uneingeschränktes Desktop-Erlebnis mit einem FUJITSU Display, einer drahtlosen Maus und Tastatur oder Magnet-Tastatur und arbeiten Sie komfortabel an Kalkulationstabellen oder Präsentationen. Die perfekte Lösung also für alle, die arbeiten möchten, wann und wo Sie wollen.

  • Intel® Core™ i5-6300U Prozessor
    (3M Cache, bis zu 3,00 GHz)
  • Windows 10 Pro vorinstalliert1
  • 8 GB Arbeitsspeicher
  • LTE, GPS, WLAN, LAN, Bluetooth, PLS, Full HD, Glare-Display
  • 1 x 256 GB, SSD SATA III, M.2-Modul, OPAL-fähig Anschlüsse der Cradle: HDMI, DisplayPort, VGA, 2 x USB 3.0, LAN


1Recovery DVD Windows 10 Pro (64-bit).

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Fortinet Predicts Tipping Point For Cybersecurity as Threats Become More Intelligent, Autonomous, and Difficult to Detect Than Ever Before in 2017

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Predicts Tipping Point For Cybersecurity as Threats Become More Intelligent, Autonomous, and Difficult to Detect Than Ever Before in 2017

Source:: Fortinet

By Gavin Reid 5 First Steps to Defending against IoT Driven DDoS Attacks In honor of October’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, users of Twitter, Netflix, Reddit and the New York Times were treated to a special treat – and just in time for Halloween. Unfortunately it was more of a trick as users of these and other major […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Gavin Reid 5 First Steps to Defending against IoT Driven DDoS Attacks In honor of October’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, users of Twitter, Netflix, Reddit and the New York Times were treated to a special treat – and just in time for Halloween. Unfortunately it was more of a trick as users of these and other major […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone