By Talos Group This post was authored by Warren Mercer & Edmund Brumaghin Summary We had .locky, we had .odin and then we had .zepto but today we hit rock bottom and we now have Locky using .shit as their encrypted file extension. In today’s latest wave of spam, Talos has observed three distinct spam campaigns distributing the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco The Internet of Things (IoT) era is here: Nearly two-thirds of organizations currently collect data from equipment, devices or other connected endpoints and use it for a business purpose, according to survey findings from 451 Research. The most common sources of IoT data are equipment related to data center IT operations (as cited by 51 […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco The Internet of Things (IoT) era is here: Nearly two-thirds of organizations currently collect data from equipment, devices or other connected endpoints and use it for a business purpose, according to survey findings from 451 Research. The most common sources of IoT data are equipment related to data center IT operations (as cited by 51 […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jan Kohout This post was authored by Jan Kohout, Veronica Valeros and Petr Somol. Increasing adoption of encryption in web communication significantly contributes to protection of users‘ privacy. However, it also brings tough challenges for intrusion detection systems that need to analyze the traffic without actually decrypting it. There is not much information left in encrypted web […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jan Kohout This post was authored by Jan Kohout, Veronica Valeros and Petr Somol. Increasing adoption of encryption in web communication significantly contributes to protection of users‘ privacy. However, it also brings tough challenges for intrusion detection systems that need to analyze the traffic without actually decrypting it. There is not much information left in encrypted web […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Ashley Arbuckle Most C-suite leaders think about cybersecurity as a way to stop threats. But in today’s intensely competitive digital economy they should be thinking about cybersecurity as a strategic advantage that not only protects business value, but enables new business value. The prevailing focus on threats to protect business value isn’t surprising. Modern digital businesses go […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Ashley Arbuckle Most C-suite leaders think about cybersecurity as a way to stop threats. But in today’s intensely competitive digital economy they should be thinking about cybersecurity as a strategic advantage that not only protects business value, but enables new business value. The prevailing focus on threats to protect business value isn’t surprising. Modern digital businesses go […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Das Warten hat ein Ende- Microsofts Windows Server 2016 ist jetzt erhältlich.

Wie auf der Anwenderkonferenz Ignite angekündigt, ist Windows Server 2016 jetzt erhältlich. Nachdem am 17.10. die 180 Tage lauffähige Evaluierungsversion veröffentlicht wurde, sind jetzt auch die übrigen Editionen verfügbar.

Neben den Standard- und Datacenter-Editionen sind dies der Hyper-V-Server, der Storage-Server und die Essentials Version.

Der Hyper-V-Server ist wie die vorigen Ausgaben kostenlos erhältlich und nutzbar, der Storage-Server hingegen an Hardware-Bundles gebunden.

Die Essentials Edition ist wie zuvor für kleine Unternehmen mit weniger als 50 Nutzern gedacht.

Die Standard- und Datacenter-Editionen bieten jetzt neben den bekannten Installationsoptionen (Desktop Experience mit GUI oder Core Server ohne grafische Oberfläche) eine weitere an, den Nano Server.

Der Nano Server ist ein leichtgewichtiges Betriebssystem, das laut Microsoft nur etwa ein zwanzigstel der Größe des Server Core hat und nur absolut notwendige Komponenten, wie u.a. Hyper-V, Clustering und Networking, enthält.

Durch Verzicht auf eine grafische Oberfläche – wie schon bei der Core Installation – werden die Angriffspunkte auf die firmeneigene IT und die benötigten Patches und daraus resultierende Neustarts weiter verringert.

Mehr zum fortschrittlichen Microsoft Windows Server 2016 erfahren Sie gerne von uns:

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Frank Erlinghagen
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Jörg Wegner
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Daniel Wenzlau
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By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin Summary Ransomware has become increasingly prevalent in the industry, and in many cases, unless there is a publicly released decryptor available, there is often not an easy means of retrieving encrypted files once a system has been infected. In addition to the creation and maintenance of regular system […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin Summary Ransomware has become increasingly prevalent in the industry, and in many cases, unless there is a publicly released decryptor available, there is often not an easy means of retrieving encrypted files once a system has been infected. In addition to the creation and maintenance of regular system […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice