By Raymond Jett In April we covered the description of Email Spoofing using Microsoft Outlook, but what about detecting and mitigating it on the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)? There are multiple technologies that have attempted to address the issues surrounding spoofed emails on the MTA, but they all have shortcomings that can limit their usefulness. DKIM, or Domain […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Raymond Jett In April we covered the description of Email Spoofing using Microsoft Outlook, but what about detecting and mitigating it on the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)? There are multiple technologies that have attempted to address the issues surrounding spoofed emails on the MTA, but they all have shortcomings that can limit their usefulness. DKIM, or Domain […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Gavin Reid On or Off the Clock, Staying Cyber Secure is a New Fact of Life Cybersecurity has always been a major concern for workplace networks. But, increasingly, it is top of mind for home networks as well. Take a quick guess at how many mobile devices are automatically connecting with your home Wi-Fi once in range? […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Gavin Reid On or Off the Clock, Staying Cyber Secure is a New Fact of Life Cybersecurity has always been a major concern for workplace networks. But, increasingly, it is top of mind for home networks as well. Take a quick guess at how many mobile devices are automatically connecting with your home Wi-Fi once in range? […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Für Ihren Jahresendspurt haben wir auch im Oktober wieder attraktive Aktionsmodelle unseres Partners FUJITSU für Sie zusammengestellt:

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Und auch Displays und Desktops gibt es wieder zu Aktionspreisen.

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By Panos Kampanakis Thanks to DigiCert for their contributions co-authoring this post. Interoperability for technology solutions is a top priority—standards used in these solutions become irrelevant when products operate in a silo. Thus, shifting to a new protocol in any solution takes careful consideration and collaboration by multiple parties in order to achieve a seamless operation. One such […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Panos Kampanakis Thanks to DigiCert for their contributions co-authoring this post. Interoperability for technology solutions is a top priority—standards used in these solutions become irrelevant when products operate in a silo. Thus, shifting to a new protocol in any solution takes careful consideration and collaboration by multiple parties in order to achieve a seamless operation. One such […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Mitch Neff As groups around the world continue the conversation around cybersecurity – we’re at the midway point of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (#NCSAM) in the U.S. and European Cyber Security Month (#CyberSecMonth) – and speed toward the holidays, we at Cisco Talos want to touch on how to stay safe online during this busy time […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Mitch Neff As groups around the world continue the conversation around cybersecurity – we’re at the midway point of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (#NCSAM) in the U.S. and European Cyber Security Month (#CyberSecMonth) – and speed toward the holidays, we at Cisco Talos want to touch on how to stay safe online during this busy time […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Establishes New European Cloud Data Center

Source:: Fortinet