By Scott Pope “Kill chain,” a cybersecurity term coined by Lockheed Martin, is shorthand for how cyber criminals target, recon, develop, and eventually penetrate their targets. It’s among the hottest buzzwords in the cybersecurity industry right now, with many security products talking about how they address the kill chain. But playing buzzword bingo in tech often results in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Scott Pope “Kill chain,” a cybersecurity term coined by Lockheed Martin, is shorthand for how cyber criminals target, recon, develop, and eventually penetrate their targets. It’s among the hottest buzzwords in the cybersecurity industry right now, with many security products talking about how they address the kill chain. But playing buzzword bingo in tech often results in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This blog was authored by Ben Baker, Edmund Brumaghin, and Jonah Samost. Executive Summary GozNym is the combination of features from two previously identified families of malware, Gozi and Nymaim. Gozi was a widely distributed banking trojan with a known Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) and also contained the ability to install a Master Boot Record […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This blog was authored by Ben Baker, Edmund Brumaghin, and Jonah Samost. Executive Summary GozNym is the combination of features from two previously identified families of malware, Gozi and Nymaim. Gozi was a widely distributed banking trojan with a known Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) and also contained the ability to install a Master Boot Record […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Oberberg-Online bietet Ihnen ein Cyber Threat Assessment – somit eine Netzwerkanalyse für Ihr Unternehmen – an.

Innerhalb einer typischen Arbeitswoche analysieren wir die Bereiche Netzwerksicherheit, Nutzer-Produktivität und Bandbreitennutzung. Dabei klammern wir auch das Wochenende nicht aus, denn die Erfahrung zeigt, dass auch zu diesen Zeiten beachtenswerte Vorgänge im Netzwerk aufgezeichnet werden. Nach der Analyse erhalten Sie einen detaillierten deutschsprachigen Cyber-Threat-Assessment-Report, den wir mit Ihnen persönlich vor Ort besprechen.

Cyber Threat Assessment - Netzwerkanalyse für Unternehmen

Bisherige Erfahrungen zeigen, dass die meisten Kunden überrascht sind, was in ihrem Netzwerk eigentlich passiert, für welche Anwendungen die Bandbreite genutzt wird und welche Applikationen ein Risiko darstellen.

Seien Sie gespannt, wie Sie im Branchenvergleich abschneiden und nutzen Sie Ihren deutschsprachigen Report für die Verbesserung Ihrer Unternehmenssicherheit. Die Empfehlungen dazu erhalten Sie gerne von unseren technischen Experten.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Terminanfrage:

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Bastian Breidenbach

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Dennis Goslar

Dirk Zurawski
02261 9155051

By Talos Group The Industrial Control System (ICS) security team at Talos frequently see requests from peers and from students on how to build an ICS test lab. After all, the best way to learn is to get some equipment and learn with good old-fashioned hands-on tinkering. Unfortunately, many frame their test lab inquiries based on more traditional […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group The Industrial Control System (ICS) security team at Talos frequently see requests from peers and from students on how to build an ICS test lab. After all, the best way to learn is to get some equipment and learn with good old-fashioned hands-on tinkering. Unfortunately, many frame their test lab inquiries based on more traditional […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Peters Forrester Consulting recently conducted an analysis of customers using TrustSec software-defined segmentation in production networks and deduced the following: This matters today as network segmentation in the branch, campus and data center is a critical foundation for any network defense. Effective segmentation helps protect key assets and data while preventing the dangerous lateral movements of […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Andrew Peters Forrester Consulting recently conducted an analysis of customers using TrustSec software-defined segmentation in production networks and deduced the following: This matters today as network segmentation in the branch, campus and data center is a critical foundation for any network defense. Effective segmentation helps protect key assets and data while preventing the dangerous lateral movements of […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Industry Leading Technology Partners Adopt Fortinet’s Open Security Fabric

Source:: Fortinet