By Panos Kampanakis Quantum-resistant crypto Recently there has been great media attention on Quantum Computers (QC) and their potential impact on current cryptography standards. We blogged about it in 2015. All of this attention has drawn out critical efforts from many in academia and industry to solve problems with today’s cryptography that would break in a post quantum […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Panos Kampanakis Quantum-resistant crypto Recently there has been great media attention on Quantum Computers (QC) and their potential impact on current cryptography standards. We blogged about it in 2015. All of this attention has drawn out critical efforts from many in academia and industry to solve problems with today’s cryptography that would break in a post quantum […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

By Matthew Robertson Visibility has always been a core component of building effective security policy. Starting with the discovery phase of understanding the behavior of the users and assets on a network through the effective monitoring of the policy once the policy is implemented. Through the collection and analysis of NetFlow data from the network infrastructure Cisco Stealthwatch […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Matthew Robertson Visibility has always been a core component of building effective security policy. Starting with the discovery phase of understanding the behavior of the users and assets on a network through the effective monitoring of the policy once the policy is implemented. Through the collection and analysis of NetFlow data from the network infrastructure Cisco Stealthwatch […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Herzlich willkommen im Team bei Oberberg-Online.

Zum 1.8.2016 haben wir zwei neue Auszubildende an Bord genommen.


Evelyn Strauch startet Ihre Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Bürokommunikation und Maik Eck ist unser neuer Azubi als Fachinformatiker. Wir wünschen Euch einen guten Start bei uns und freuen uns auf die nächsten Jahre mit Euch. Wenn irgendwo etwas klemmt – einfach Fragen stellen und wir helfen gerne weiter.

Auf eine gute Zeit,

Eure Onliner



By Leonardo Nve To prevent a security breach and loss of critical business data, security teams must be diligent in defining, identifying, and classifying security gaps in their organization’s network. Many security teams conduct pentesting as a way to assess and mitigate any potential gaps. As a consulting engineer for Cisco Security Services, I’ve observed a deeper understanding […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice