By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Dave McDaniel, Senior Research Engineer. Summary iPerf is a network testing application that is typically deployed in a client/server configuration and is used to measure the available network bandwidth between the systems by creating TCP and/or UDP connections. For each connection, iPerf reports maximum bandwidth, loss, and other performance related […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Dave McDaniel, Senior Research Engineer. Summary iPerf is a network testing application that is typically deployed in a client/server configuration and is used to measure the available network bandwidth between the systems by creating TCP and/or UDP connections. For each connection, iPerf reports maximum bandwidth, loss, and other performance related […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By John Dominguez No matter how many security tools you deploy to defend your organization, malware is going to get in. You need to see it if you want any chance of stopping it. Cisco AMP for Endpoints provides deep visibility into the activity of files on your system so that you can spot malicious behavior quickly and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By John Dominguez No matter how many security tools you deploy to defend your organization, malware is going to get in. You need to see it if you want any chance of stopping it. Cisco AMP for Endpoints provides deep visibility into the activity of files on your system so that you can spot malicious behavior quickly and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Joe Malenfant Do you dream of keeping your data under a lock and key that only you control? Or are you trying to appease regulations, whether corporate or government mandated? Organizations should not fear the auditor more than the attacker. While many have come to adopt the cloud, there are cases where it might not be for […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Joe Malenfant Do you dream of keeping your data under a lock and key that only you control? Or are you trying to appease regulations, whether corporate or government mandated? Organizations should not fear the auditor more than the attacker. While many have come to adopt the cloud, there are cases where it might not be for […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Announces Acquisition of AccelOps

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Announces Acquisition of AccelOps

Source:: Fortinet

G DATA Endpoint Security 14.0 setzt neue Maßstäbe

Bei Ihrem G DATA Partner Oberberg-Online ist die aktuelle Version 14.0 der Endpoint Security erhältlich. Viele Neuerungen machen das Produkt noch interessanter für den Einsatz im Unternehmensnetzwerk:

  • Exploit-Schutz gegen Zero-Day-Attacken. Schutz vor der Ausnutzung bekannter und unbekannter Schwachstellen in installierter Software von Drittanbietern
  • Erweiterung der BankGuard Technologie. Noch schnellere Reaktion auf neue Bedrohungen von geschützten Servern
  • Zentrale Verwaltung aller Endpoints. Neu: OS X Client
  • Alert & Notification Bar. Zentrale Anzeige aller wichtigen Events – direkt anklickbar
  • Überarbeitetes Design der Reports und Logs
  • Unterschiedliche Client/Group Settings sind auf einen Blick erkennbar
  • Assistent für automatisches Organisieren/Gruppieren von Endpoints
  • LINUX: Integration von AntiVirus/AntiSpam-Schutz in Sendmail und Postfix
  • LINUX: Integration von AntiVirus / AntiSpam-Schutz in Squid
  • NEU: Network Monitoring: Zentrale Überwachung der IT-Infrastruktur und aller relevanten Metriken
  • NEU: Network Monitoring: Übersichtliches Monitoring Dashboard gewährt schnellen Überblick über den Status ihrer Infrastruktur und der ausgewählten Metriken
  • NEU: Network Monitoring: 24×7 Echtzeit Monitoring und automatische Benachrichtigung über kritische Zustände

Wenn Sie die Version 14.0 einsetzen möchten, helfen unsere Experten gerne weiter. Ein guter Grund dafür könnte sein, dass Sie das Modul Network Monitoring bis zum 14.07.2016 mit 25% Rabatt bei uns bekommen.

Nähere Informationen zu den G DATA Business Produkten finden Sie in diesem PDF-Dokument.

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By Sean Mason Having personally spent a lot of time at Fortune 500’s, I know that individuals tend to develop blinders when dedicated to an organization, and begin to accept that things are done a certain way, and there is an order about things. It may come as a surprise then, when others don’t do things the way […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice