By Talos Group In today’s threat landscape, Adobe Flash Player unfortunately remains an attractive attack vector for adversaries to exploit and compromise systems. Over the past year, Talos has observed several instances where adversaries have identified zero-day vulnerabilities and exploited them to compromise systems. Talos is aware of reports that CVE-2016-1019, an Adobe Flash 0-day vulnerability, is currently […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group In today’s threat landscape, Adobe Flash Player unfortunately remains an attractive attack vector for adversaries to exploit and compromise systems. Over the past year, Talos has observed several instances where adversaries have identified zero-day vulnerabilities and exploited them to compromise systems. Talos is aware of reports that CVE-2016-1019, an Adobe Flash 0-day vulnerability, is currently […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Cisco Talos vulnerability researcher Piotr Bania recently discovered a vulnerability in the Apple Intel HD 3000 Graphics driver, which we blogged about here. In this post we are going to take a deeper dive into this research and look into the details of the vulnerability as well as the KASLR bypass and kernel exploitation that […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Cisco Talos vulnerability researcher Piotr Bania recently discovered a vulnerability in the Apple Intel HD 3000 Graphics driver, which we blogged about here. In this post we are going to take a deeper dive into this research and look into the details of the vulnerability as well as the KASLR bypass and kernel exploitation that […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Steve Caimi It’s late in the day, and the Chief Information Security Officer walks over to you. She asks you a single question: “How do you think about cybersecurity?” The question catches you by surprise. How do I think about cybersecurity? So many things run through your mind at once: Do I think about it in terms […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Steve Caimi It’s late in the day, and the Chief Information Security Officer walks over to you. She asks you a single question: “How do you think about cybersecurity?” The question catches you by surprise. How do I think about cybersecurity? So many things run through your mind at once: Do I think about it in terms […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Oberberg-Online wird 20 – Gewinnspiel April

Auf zur dritten Gewinnspielrunde in unserem Jubiläumsjahr. Im April gibt es 5 mal je eine Jahreslizenz unsere Technologiepartners G DATA für das Produkt Total Care (für 1 PC) zu gewinnen.

Im aktuellen Heft der Stiftung Warentest wurde der G DATA Virenscanner als bestes Produkt getestet.

Seit 20 Jahren sind wir der IT- und TK-Dienstleister und Lösungsanbieter für den Mittelstand im Bergischen Land.

Unser Jubiläumsgewinnspiel bietet bis zur Jubiläumsveranstaltung im Oktober monatlich die Möglichkeit, attraktive Preise zu erhalten. Auf unserer Webseite wird die jeweilige Spielrunde angekündigt und mit der korrekten Beantwortung der Gewinnspielfrage landen Sie auch schon im Lostopf des jeweiligen Monats. Alle Fragen lassen sich mit Hilfe unserer Webseite beantworten. Die Lösung findet man z.B. im Bereich unserer Technologiepartner.

Los geht´s hier: Oberberg-Online Jubiläumsgewinnspiel

By Michelle Dennedy With the International Association of Privacy Professionals gathering this week to discuss evolving regulatory requirements and rising customer expectations, there’s no better time to talk about privacy. Privacy is an integral part of the digital transformation wave. As more countries, companies and organizations take advantage of cloud, mobile and data analytics, privacy plays an increasingly […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Michelle Dennedy With the International Association of Privacy Professionals gathering this week to discuss evolving regulatory requirements and rising customer expectations, there’s no better time to talk about privacy. Privacy is an integral part of the digital transformation wave. As more countries, companies and organizations take advantage of cloud, mobile and data analytics, privacy plays an increasingly […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Kevin Floyd What is Email Spoofing? Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address for the purpose of fooling the recipient into providing money or sensitive information. For example: a sender sends a message to your business email address stating that you have one day to log into your account to take […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice