Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

By Talos Group Talos is disclosing the discovery of vulnerability TALOS-2016-0095 / CVE-2016-2347 in the Lhasa LZH/LHA decompression tool and library. This vulnerability is due to an integer underflow condition. The software verifies that header values are not too large, but does not check for a too small header length. Decompressing a LHA or LZH file containing an […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Talos is disclosing the discovery of vulnerability TALOS-2016-0095 / CVE-2016-2347 in the Lhasa LZH/LHA decompression tool and library. This vulnerability is due to an integer underflow condition. The software verifies that header values are not too large, but does not check for a too small header length. Decompressing a LHA or LZH file containing an […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Pünktlich mit der Verfügbarkeit der neuen Innovaphone Gateways (siehe auch unseren Artikel hier) gibt es auch den neuen Innovaphone Produktkataklog 2016/2017.

Hier finden Sie alle neuen Endgeräte, Gateways und die aktuellsten Funktionen der Innovaphone PBX Telefonanlagen-Software. Highlights sind u.a. die Möglichkeit der sanften Migration von der klassischen Telefonanlage auf die moderne All-IP Lösung (Investitionsschutz für Sie), die Einbindung Ihrer Mobiltelefone als Nebenstelle (One Number Concept), oder die leicht bedienbare Software myPBX zur Steuerung Ihrer Kommunikationskanäle per PC, Mac, Tablet oder Smartphone.

Mit Erscheinen der PBX in der Version 12 ist dann auch die Einbindung von Standard-Webbrowsern (heute Chrome und Firefox) mittels WebRTC als Endgerät möglich. Damit lassen sich z.B. direkte Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten in Ton und Video direkt auf Ihrer Webseite integrieren.

Der neue Innovaphone Produktkatalog 2016/2017 ist ab sofort erhältlich als Download hier.

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By Joe Malenfant Most malware analysis technologies, like sandboxes, put some sort of hook or software inside their analysis environment in order to observe what is actually happening. This could be a specific DLL file, or a debugger. The problem with this approach is that malware authors are aware of it, they look for it, and they build […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Joe Malenfant Most malware analysis technologies, like sandboxes, put some sort of hook or software inside their analysis environment in order to observe what is actually happening. This could be a specific DLL file, or a debugger. The problem with this approach is that malware authors are aware of it, they look for it, and they build […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

By John Dominguez At RSA this year and last, Marty Roesch, VP and Chief Architect for Cisco’s Security Business Group, talked about the need of an integrated threat defense to drive systemic response. The idea is to correlate and analyze data and telemetry from the multiple security technologies that organizations have deployed across different control points. And then […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice