By Vinny Parla As recently announced , Cisco AnyConnect 4.2 extends visibility to the endpoint with the Network Visibility Module (NVM). Users are one of the most vulnerable parts of any security strategy, with 78% of organizations saying in a recent survey that a malicious or negligent employee had been the cause of a breach. However, until now, IT Administrators had been blind to user behavior on their devices. NVM allows you to monitor and analyze this rich data to help you defend against potential []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Vinny Parla As recently announced , Cisco AnyConnect 4.2 extends visibility to the endpoint with the Network Visibility Module (NVM). Users are one of the most vulnerable parts of any security strategy, with 78% of organizations saying in a recent survey that a malicious or negligent employee had been the cause of a breach. However, until now, IT Administrators had been blind to user behavior on their devices. NVM allows you to monitor and analyze this rich data to help you defend against potential []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Martin Rehak This post has been authored by Karel Bartos and Martin Rehak The volume of the network traffic has been steadily increasing in the last years. In the same time, the delivery of critical services from cloud data centers has increased not only the volume of traffic, but also the complexity of transactions. High volumes of network traffic allow the attackers to effectively hide their presence in the background. Moreover, attackers can shift or deceive the internal models of detection systems by creating large bursts []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Martin Rehak This post has been authored by Karel Bartos and Martin Rehak The volume of the network traffic has been steadily increasing in the last years. In the same time, the delivery of critical services from cloud data centers has increased not only the volume of traffic, but also the complexity of transactions. High volumes of network traffic allow the attackers to effectively hide their presence in the background. Moreover, attackers can shift or deceive the internal models of detection systems by creating large bursts []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Meghan Frank AnyConnect 4.2 adds deeper visibility and control over endpoints and network access In our mobile, connected world more users are connecting to the corporate network with more devices from more places than ever before. In fact, analysts estimate that this year the average worker will use three personal devices for work purposes – that’s more than 15 billion mobile devices with access to enterprise networks. And the reality is that many of those devices have been compromised; 75 percent of []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Meghan Frank AnyConnect 4.2 adds deeper visibility and control over endpoints and network access In our mobile, connected world more users are connecting to the corporate network with more devices from more places than ever before. In fact, analysts estimate that this year the average worker will use three personal devices for work purposes – that’s more than 15 billion mobile devices with access to enterprise networks. And the reality is that many of those devices have been compromised; 75 percent of []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Windows 7 und Windows 8 – letzte Liefertermine von Microsoft

Microsoft hat nun offiziell die letzten Liefertermine von Windows 7 Pro und Windows 8.1 an OEMs bekannt gegeben. Demnach wird es ab dem 01.11.2016 keine neuen Lizenzen dazu mehr geben und PCs werden danach nur noch als Lagerware mit den dann alten Systemen erhältlich sein.

Dieses Datum ist jedoch unabhängig vom kommunizierten Supportende für beide Windows-Versionen. Dieses liegt für Windows 7 Anfang 2020 und für Windows 8 Anfang 2023.

Für alle, die schon jetzt auf eine aktuelle Fassung von Windows umsteigen möchten, bieten wir gerne einen Umsteiger-Service an, den Sie bei uns buchen können. Erste Erfahrungen mit Windows 10 sind in unserem Hause ausgesprochen positiv.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf unter 02261 915500 oder Ihre Mail an

By Raja Balakrishnan Cloud applications are revolutionizing the way your employees can do their work. They enable Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD), are inherently mobile, can be up and running in minutes, and allow users to collaborate with anyone from anywhere to get their jobs done. It’s no wonder that cloud app adoption is growing at unprecedented rates. According to Forrester , breakthrough productivity gains are expected to drive the cloud app market to reach over $130 billion by 2020. But along with these benefits, cloud apps []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Raja Balakrishnan Cloud applications are revolutionizing the way your employees can do their work. They enable Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD), are inherently mobile, can be up and running in minutes, and allow users to collaborate with anyone from anywhere to get their jobs done. It’s no wonder that cloud app adoption is growing at unprecedented rates. According to Forrester , breakthrough productivity gains are expected to drive the cloud app market to reach over $130 billion by 2020. But along with these benefits, cloud apps []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Receives Recommendation and Increased Rating From NSS Labs for Exceptional Endpoint Protection and Performance

Source:: Fortinet