By Graham Holmes In a recent post, “ Evolution of attacks on Cisco IOS devices ”, we discussed how threats against network devices have evolved. There was no evidence that a remote attack vector or vulnerability in Cisco IOS was related to these attacks. This reinforces the value of creating more hardened and resilient systems. The strategy for creating more secure technology has an unending goal, yet it’s a journey worth sharing. Much has been written about and shared on our secure development lifecycle and our efforts to ensure security in the supply chain . []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “If you’re ready for a zombie apocalypse, then you’re ready for any emergency.” While events haven’t yet risen to the level of “zombie apocalypse”, computer attackers are continuing to use their voodoo to zombify Internet domains, and repurpose them for their own heinous crimes. Read More >>

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “If you’re ready for a zombie apocalypse, then you’re ready for any emergency.” While events haven’t yet risen to the level of “zombie apocalypse”, computer attackers are continuing to use their voodoo to zombify Internet domains, and repurpose them for their own heinous crimes. Read More >>

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Innovaphone myPBX mobile (iOS, Android, …)

myPBX mobile, das ist die Lösung für alle Smartphones und Tablets um perfekt in die innovaphone PBX integriert zu werden. Ihr mobiles Endgerät wird zum innovaphone Device.

myPBX, der Unified Communications Client der innovaphone PBX, ist als Webapplikation auf allen Browsern und Betriebssystemen zu Hause. Dies gilt ebenfalls für mobile Browser und Betriebssysteme, so auch für Safari und iOS. myPBX mobile können Sie ganz einfach ohne Installation direkt in Ihrem Browser starten. Den passenden Link liefert Ihnen die PBX-Administration.

Möchten Sie Ihre Presence von unterwegs aus bearbeiten? Dies ist mit myPBX mobile möglich. Viele Funktionen des Unified Communications Client myPBX sind für Sie auch mit myPBX mobile nutzbar, z.B. Chatten. Sie können ebenfalls Ihre Favoriten sehen und verwalten. Mit myPBX mobile haben Sie Zugriff auf alle zentral abgelegten Kontakte der innovaphone PBX.

Mit dem One-Number Konzept, das auch in myPBX mobile zu tragen kommt, sind Sie mobil stets unter Ihrer Bürodurchwahl erreichbar. Telefonieren Sie von Ihrem iPhone aus, wird bei Ihrem Gesprächsteilnehmer ebenfalls Ihre Bürodurchwahl angezeigt.

Ihre Anruflisten aktualisieren sich zeitgleich auf dem Smartphone, auf dem myPBX Client Ihres PCs und dem Tischtelefon. Nehmen Sie einen Anruf mit Ihrem iPhone an, wird Ihr Presence-Status als „besetzt“ angegeben.

Herstellerinfos unter:…/…/ip-telefone/mypbx-mobile.html

Live-Demos gibt es bei Oberberg-Online. Termin vereinbaren unter 02261 9155050 oder

By Martin Nystrom Those of us who work in security operations are well accustomed to blind spots. Depending on the size of the network, our security technologies can trigger thousands of security alerts daily. We know from experience that the vast majority of these alerts are false-positives – innocuous activity that behaves a bit funny. But we also know that real threats are hiding in plain sight among the throng, finding safety in numbers. If threats are wolves in sheep’s clothing, false-positives are []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Martin Nystrom Those of us who work in security operations are well accustomed to blind spots. Depending on the size of the network, our security technologies can trigger thousands of security alerts daily. We know from experience that the vast majority of these alerts are false-positives – innocuous activity that behaves a bit funny. But we also know that real threats are hiding in plain sight among the throng, finding safety in numbers. If threats are wolves in sheep’s clothing, false-positives are []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

NTT Communications Selects FortiWeb-VM to Secure Its Cloud Based Services

Source:: Fortinet

NTT Communications Selects FortiWeb-VM to Secure Its Cloud Based Services

Source:: Fortinet

By Peter Romness It seems fitting that I think differently during National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). When I normally think of protecting the homefront I think of homeland security, our military and government but this month really got me thinking about my family and their safety online. I think about enterprise security all day long for work, but considering the overall theme of the month, “Stop, Think, Connect,” I started focusing on the security of my home network. I have access to []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Peter Romness It seems fitting that I think differently during National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). When I normally think of protecting the homefront I think of homeland security, our military and government but this month really got me thinking about my family and their safety online. I think about enterprise security all day long for work, but considering the overall theme of the month, “Stop, Think, Connect,” I started focusing on the security of my home network. I have access to []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice