By Talos Group This post was authored by Marcin Noga with contributions from Jaeson Schultz . Have you ever thought about how security researchers take a patch that has been released, and then reverse it to find the underlying security issue? Well, back In July Microsoft released security bulletin MS15-072, titled: “Vulnerability in Windows Graphics Component Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (3069392)”. According to Microsoft, this vulnerability “could allow elevation of privilege if the Windows graphics component fails to properly process bitmap conversions.” Talos decided to have []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Marcin Noga with contributions from Jaeson Schultz . Have you ever thought about how security researchers take a patch that has been released, and then reverse it to find the underlying security issue? Well, back In July Microsoft released security bulletin MS15-072, titled: “Vulnerability in Windows Graphics Component Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (3069392)”. According to Microsoft, this vulnerability “could allow elevation of privilege if the Windows graphics component fails to properly process bitmap conversions.” Talos decided to have []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Starke Leistung für das „Rückgrat“ eines jeden Unternehmens – Fujitsu Server von Oberberg-Online

Heute ein Beitrag unseres Technologie-Partners Fujitsu:

In einer schnelllebigen Zeit, in der Daten ein wertvolles Gut sind, brauchen wir starke Server, auf deren gute Performance wir uns verlassen können. Die VMmark-Ergebnisse, die wir erreichen konnten, können sich nicht nur sehen lassen – unsere PRIMERGY und PRIMEQUEST Server lieferten sogar in gleich fünf Kategorien hervorragende Resultate. Eine funktionierende und leistungsfähige IT-Infrastruktur stützt Unternehmen nicht nur: In unserer immer digitaler werdenden Welt können wir auf schnelle, effiziente und ausfallsichere Server nicht mehr verzichten. Jeder von uns baut in seinem Business auf eine starke IT, vollkommen unabhängig von der Branche, in der wir uns bewegen. Die Ansprüche an ein Data Center steigen jeden Tag und ohne gute IT-Systeme lassen sie sich kaum mehr bewältigen.

Mit „Made in Germany“ arbeiten wir jeden Tag für Ihr Unternehmen an Ihrer Performance. Am Produktionsstandort Deutschland fertigen wir täglich 12.000 Client Computing Devices, 950 Server und Storage Systeme, 50 Racks und 8.000 Systemboards. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie sich auf uns verlassen und wir möchten Ihnen mit unseren Servern leistungsstarke Partner an die Seite stellen, mit denen Sie die Herausforderungen der Zukunft mit Bravour meistern können. Überzeugen Sie sich von unseren PRIMERGY und PRIMEQUEST Servern auf dem Fujitsu Forum 2015. Lernen Sie unsere Stars kennen – wir stellen Sie Ihnen gerne vor. Mehr zu den Benchmark-Ergebnissen finden Sie hier.

Oberberg-Online, Ihr Fujitsu Select-Expert-Partner für den Mittelstand freut sich auf Ihren Anruf unter 02261 915500 oder Ihre Nachricht an


By Marty Loy Cisco developed Next Generation Encryption (NGE) in 2011. NGE was created to define a widely accepted and consistent set of cryptographic algorithms that provide strong security and good performance for our customers. These are the best standards that can be implemented today to meet the security and scalability requirements for network security in the years to come; or to interoperate with the cryptography that will be deployed in that time frame. Most importantly, all of the NGE algorithms, parameters, and key-sizes are widely believed []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Marty Loy Cisco developed Next Generation Encryption (NGE) in 2011. NGE was created to define a widely accepted and consistent set of cryptographic algorithms that provide strong security and good performance for our customers. These are the best standards that can be implemented today to meet the security and scalability requirements for network security in the years to come; or to interoperate with the cryptography that will be deployed in that time frame. Most importantly, all of the NGE algorithms, parameters, and key-sizes are widely believed []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Elevates High-Performance Cybersecurity to the Access Layer

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Elevates High-Performance Cybersecurity to the Access Layer

Source:: Fortinet

By Anthony Grieco As we continue to observe National Cyber Security Awareness Month, it’s time this week to think about integrity verification and what it means for your network and your organization. As today’s network threats increase in sophistication, the resulting risks to a business’s or government agency’s network may go undetected for days, months or even years. According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2015 Cost of Data Breach Study, malicious attacks take an average of 256 days to identify. The same network that []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco As we continue to observe National Cyber Security Awareness Month, it’s time this week to think about integrity verification and what it means for your network and your organization. As today’s network threats increase in sophistication, the resulting risks to a business’s or government agency’s network may go undetected for days, months or even years. According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2015 Cost of Data Breach Study, malicious attacks take an average of 256 days to identify. The same network that []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Martin Rehak Post authored by Martin Rehak, Veronica Valeros, Martin Grill and Ivan Nikolaev. In order to complement the comprehensive information about the Angler exploit kit from our Talos colleagues [ Talos Intel: Angler Exposed ], let’s have a very brief look at what an Angler and CryptoWall infection looks like from the network perspective. We will present one of the recent Angler incidents discovered by Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA). Cognitive Threat Analytics works after the attack. It sifts through the logs produced by the client’s []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice