Fortinet’s New High-Performance Web Application Firewalls and Security Services Further Protect Customer Data from Attack and Data Loss
Source:: Fortinet
Fortinet’s New High-Performance Web Application Firewalls and Security Services Further Protect Customer Data from Attack and Data Loss
Source:: Fortinet
By Omar Santos Historically, threat actors have targeted network devices to create disruption through a denial of service (DoS) situation. While this remains the most common type of attack on network devices, we continue to see advances that focus on further compromising the victim’s infrastructure. Recently, the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) has alerted customers around the evolution of attacks against Cisco IOS Software platforms . Today, Mandiant/FireEye published an article describing an example of this type of attack. This involved a router “implant” that they dubbed SYNful Knock, reported to have been found in […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Omar Santos Historically, threat actors have targeted network devices to create disruption through a denial of service (DoS) situation. While this remains the most common type of attack on network devices, we continue to see advances that focus on further compromising the victim’s infrastructure. Recently, the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) has alerted customers around the evolution of attacks against Cisco IOS Software platforms . Today, Mandiant/FireEye published an article describing an example of this type of attack. This involved a router “implant” that they dubbed SYNful Knock, reported to have been found in […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Trabant Freunde Kalsbach e.V. bei Oberberg-Online – „Holt Eure Webseiten nach Hause“
Im Mai 2008 von 15 Gründungsmitgliedern ins Leben gerufen, hat der Verein heute 62 Mitglieder mit 28 Fahrzeugen. Neben der Erhaltung der „Trabis“ werden Freundschaften zu anderen Vereinen in Deutschland und den Niederlanden gepflegt. Gemeinsame Ausfahrten zu Oldtimertreffen und Teilemärkten sind fester Bestandteil des Vereinskalenders. In diesem Jahr waren die Trabantfreunde auch bereits im ZDF zu sehen.
Der oberbergische Trabi-Club folgt der Initiative von Oberberg-Online, bergische Webseiten auch „zu Hause“ im Bergischen zu hosten.
Der Gummersbacher Provider betreibt seit 1996 in der Kreisstadt eigene Infrastruktur und greift nicht – wie viele Andere – auf angemietete Maschinen irgendwo in der Welt zurück. Das hat den Vorteil, dass neben der persönlichen Betreuung durch Spezialisten im Hause auch gewährleistet ist, dass Daten des Kunden nicht gehandelt und verkauft werden. Natürlich ist das nicht umsonst zu haben, aber mit der Einführung von Plesk-basierenden Hostingpaketen gibt es auch kleine Pakete ab mtl. EURO 4,90.
Also: „Auf, auf, Ihr Bergischen, Holt Eure Webseiten nach Hause.“
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By Nick Smith The Cisco IPS network based intrusion prevention system (NIPS) uses signatures to detect network-based attacks. Signatures can be created in a variety of engines based on the type of network traffic being inspected. Cisco signatures have very flexible configurations. In this blog post, I will discuss the trade-offs between two basic approaches for signature configuration: anomaly detection and vulnerability detection. With Cisco IPS, anomaly detection is a broad approach of detecting malicious network activity. Signatures written to detect broad categories […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Nick Smith The Cisco IPS network based intrusion prevention system (NIPS) uses signatures to detect network-based attacks. Signatures can be created in a variety of engines based on the type of network traffic being inspected. Cisco signatures have very flexible configurations. In this blog post, I will discuss the trade-offs between two basic approaches for signature configuration: anomaly detection and vulnerability detection. With Cisco IPS, anomaly detection is a broad approach of detecting malicious network activity. Signatures written to detect broad categories […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice