By McCall Moore Partner Success Story
Too often, businesses find out about unhappy customers after they’ve left. Maybe the hotel room was too hot, or they were less than impressed with the free breakfast. The chance to make good is gone, and now there’s a negative online review and a lost opportunity for customer loyalty.
Thankfully, companies are catching on to the beauty of real-time customer feedback, allowing staff to address issues on the spot, and turning negative experiences into positive ones. Local Measure is a leading customer experience platform for the hospitality industry, and their Pulse solution captures feedback that helps convert critics into loyal customers.
It’s simple and seamless: with Pulse in place alongside Cisco Wi-Fi Solutions, customers can easily login through a captive portal—immediately receiving the question “How is your experience going so far?” with an option to tap on an emoji rating. A negative rating generates a request for details, capturing the info in a customer profile and letting staff address the issue right away.
With Local Measure Pulse, businesses can reduce negative online reviews, improve customer satisfaction, and even increase spend per customer. But can real-time feedback also help companies boost their bottom line? That’s the question Local Measure asked when they commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study.
The answer was a resounding yes. The study, The Total Economic Impact of Local Measure’s Pulse, analyzed the solution’s ability to reduce service costs and improve guest experience and staff efficiency—and revealed a potential ROI of 280%.
And the benefits don’t stop there. Solutions like Pulse help businesses know their customers better, capturing feedback and contact details. All the while, managers have eyes into how quickly front-line teams respond to customers. While many companies gather customer feedback, now they can prove its financial benefits—seizing the attention of the C-suite and putting exceptional customer experiences top of mind
Between sad emoji and heart-eyes, there’s a bridge.
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Source:: Cisco Security Notice