By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Craig Williams & Alex Chiu Adversaries are always trying to take advantage of current events to lure users into executing their malicious payload. These campaigns are usually focussed around social events and are seen on a constant basis. Today, Talos discovered a spam campaign that was taking advantage of a different type of current event. Microsoft released Windows 10 earlier this month (July 29) and it will be available as a free upgrade to users who []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jeff Shipley We are making some changes to the way Cisco Security provides and shares vulnerability and threat intelligence to make it more consumable by our customers and the security community. The Cisco Security IntelliShield Service has been successfully delivering multi-vendor security intelligence to our customers for 15 years. During this time, the security intelligence market has continued to evolve to more integrated and automated solutions. Similarly, the Cisco Security strategy has evolved to add machine-readable security content. We have seen an []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jeff Shipley We are making some changes to the way Cisco Security provides and shares vulnerability and threat intelligence to make it more consumable by our customers and the security community. The Cisco Security IntelliShield Service has been successfully delivering multi-vendor security intelligence to our customers for 15 years. During this time, the security intelligence market has continued to evolve to more integrated and automated solutions. Similarly, the Cisco Security strategy has evolved to add machine-readable security content. We have seen an []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Der 31. Juli ist für Euch alle ein wichtiger Tag. Wir lieben unsere Admins und wünschen einen Happy #SysAdminDay. Wer wissen mag, was dahinter steckt, findet hier die Erklärung dazu.

Wir spendieren unseren Admins Eis und Kuchen. Wie beglückt Ihr Eure? Wir freuen uns auf Eure Posts und Kommentare :-)


By Jason Brvenik Cisco presents a vision of the future in the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report that we expect many—particularly in the security industry—might find a little controversial. We suggest that over the next five years, there will be a continued wave of industry consolidation—driven less by financially motivated M&A and more by the need for capable solutions—that brings together niche innovators and long-standing players for the greater cause of protecting organizations. And then what? This consolidation will lead to the development of an integrated threat defense []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jason Brvenik Cisco presents a vision of the future in the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report that we expect many—particularly in the security industry—might find a little controversial. We suggest that over the next five years, there will be a continued wave of industry consolidation—driven less by financially motivated M&A and more by the need for capable solutions—that brings together niche innovators and long-standing players for the greater cause of protecting organizations. And then what? This consolidation will lead to the development of an integrated threat defense []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

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Wann dürfen wir Ihnen Ihre neue Lösung zeigen? Vereinbaren Sie noch heute einen Termin unter 02261 / 9155050 oder

By Craig Williams The modern online adversary is out to make money, not simply hack networks for the fun of it. In the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report , there’s yet more evidence that criminals are using tools with ever-increasing sophistication to steal valuable personal or financial data and sell it, coerce users into paying ransoms for their own data, and generally reap financial rewards for their exploits. The Angler exploit kit continues to lead the market in terms of sophistication and effectiveness. As explained in the Cisco []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Craig Williams The modern online adversary is out to make money, not simply hack networks for the fun of it. In the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report , there’s yet more evidence that criminals are using tools with ever-increasing sophistication to steal valuable personal or financial data and sell it, coerce users into paying ransoms for their own data, and generally reap financial rewards for their exploits. The Angler exploit kit continues to lead the market in terms of sophistication and effectiveness. As explained in the Cisco []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Craig Williams The modern online adversary is out to make money, not simply hack networks for the fun of it. In the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report , there’s yet more evidence that criminals are using tools with ever-increasing sophistication to steal valuable personal or financial data and sell it, coerce users into paying ransoms for their own data, and generally reap financial rewards for their exploits. The Angler exploit kit continues to lead the market in terms of sophistication and effectiveness. As explained in the Cisco []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice