Welcome to the New Zero Trust

By Thu T. Pham Complexity, opacity and the gatekeeping of knowledge are tactics often used to appear sophisticated or intelligent. They can also be used to intimidate.
In security and technology, complexity can lead to critical gaps in visibility and an extended attack surface – with too many vendors and solutions to interconnect and manage. Additionally, many enterprises are operating with limited budgets, too many projects with conflicting priorities, projects creating disparity between different technology teams; all supported by a limited security team (or an IT or networking team doing double duty). As a result, complexity creep has risen to counteract our best security efforts.
At Cisco, we’re seeking to eliminate that complexity and close knowledge gaps with simplicity in how we execute and deliver security, as well as transparency in how we talk about it. The security industry is often guilty of using buzzwords and jargon that can add to the growing complexity and shifting priorities as enterprises attempt to follow best security practices defined by the industry.
Zero Trust: The Concept, Defined
To that end, let’s start with defining and simplifying the most popular buzzword, ‘zero trust‘ – it’s about never implicitly trusting, but always verifying someone or something that is requesting access to work resources.
It’s not about getting rid of the perimeter – but rather tightening security on the inside.The new perimeter is less about the edge of the network, and now more about any place you make an access control decision.
–Wendy Nather, Head of Advisory CISOs, Summarized from Zero Trust: Going Beyond the Perimeter
Users, devices and applications were located behind a firewall, on the corporate network
All endpoints accessing resources were managed by the enterprise
Systems managed by enterprises could all inherently trust one another, and trust was often based on network location
The new zero trust is about:
Gaining visibility to intelligently inform policy, and enabling BYOD (bring your own device) or IoT (Internet of Things) devices for business agility
Continual reestablishment of user, device and application trust
Continuous monitoring and threat containment
Protecting the Workforce, Workloads & Workplace
With all of that in mind, what exactly are you trying to protect?
Enterprises are complex by nature. They have vast IT ecosystems, with many different vendors, software and infrastructure spread across the multi-cloud and on-premises. They have many different types of users – employees, contractors, customers, etc. – everywhere across the world – often using their own personal devices to work. They have applications that talk to each other via APIs, microservices and containers. And they still have enterprise networks that devices regularly access, including IoT.
That’s why we’ve simplified things – by classifying each area of your enterprise IT as equally important to protect using a zero-trust security approach.
Zero Trust for the Workforce – Ensure only the right users (employees, contractors, partners, etc.) and their secure devices (BYOD) can access applications (regardless of location).
Zero Trust for Workloads – Secure all connections within your applications (when an API, micro-service or container is accessing an application’s database), across the multi-cloud (cloud, data centers and other virtualized environments).
Zero Trust for the Workplace – Secure all user and device connections across your enterprise network, including IoT (types of devices may include: servers, printers, cameras, HVAC systems, infusion pumps, industrial control systems, etc.).
For complete zero-trust security, you need to address each area of your IT ecosystem – securing access across all environments, in a consistent and automated way.
Enter the Cisco Approach to Zero Trust
Cisco’s approach does not implicitly trust a request – but rather establishes trust for every access request, regardless of where the request is coming from. It secures access across your applications and network, while extending trust to support modern enterprises with BYOD, cloud apps and hybrid environments.
Cisco implements zero trust with a three-step methodology across the workforce, workloads and workplace by:
Establishing trust of a user, device, application, etc. – before granting access or allowing connections or communications.
Enforcing trust-based access policies with granular controls based on changing context – such as the security posture of devices and the behavior of applications
Continuously verifying trust by monitoring for risky devices, policy noncompliance, behavior deviations and software vulnerabilities
For the workforce, Duo Security protects against phishing, compromised credentials or other identity-based attacks with multi-factor authentication (MFA) to verify user identities and establish device trust before granting access to applications.
For workloads, Tetration secures hybrid, multi-cloud workloads and contains lateral movement with application segmentation. Identify vulnerabilities in software versions and block communication to reduce your overall attack surface.
For the workplace, Software-Defined Access (SD-Access) provides insight into users and devices, identify threats and provides control over all connections across the enterprise network, including IoT devices.
Extending Trust
While this is a good starting place, other solutions in the Cisco Security portfolio can extend the zero-trust security model further. Cisco’s framework is built to integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure and investments using an open API model, standards-based platform and strong technology partnerships to ensure that everything across your environment is protected – securing your enterprise as you scale.
Those strong partnerships include major players in the industry, including Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google and many more.Extending trust to integrate with third parties for better visibility and consistent policy enforcement is key to making a zero-trust approach practical and effective for modern enterprises.
Benefits of a Zero-Trust Security Approach
Overall – this framework provides the benefits of a comprehensive zero-trust approach:
Increased visibility – Get insight into the contextual data behind access requests, including users, user endpoints and IoT devices connecting and talking to your applications and network
Reduced attack surface – Mitigate risks related to identity attacks (stolen or compromised passwords, phishing) and lateral attacker movement within your network (in the event of a breach – contain the impact of the initial breach)
Broad coverage – Zero-trust security for not just the workforce, but across workloads and the workplace for complete coverage and a consistent approach to securing access and enforcing policies, regardless of where data or applications are located

Learn more about Cisco Zero Trust. Or, sign up for a free trial of Duo, demo Tetration and learn more about SD-Access to start your zero-trust journey today.
Did you hear? Cisco was named a leader in The Forrester Wave: Zero Trust eXtended Ecosystem Platform Providers, Q4 2019 – read the report.

The post Welcome to the New Zero Trust appeared first on Cisco Blogs.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Consolidate your Security in the Cloud with Cisco Umbrella

By Meg Diaz
What makes a great partnership? Open communication and a passion for constant advancement are two important elements. Our customers have helped us continuously innovate, and together, we’re transforming how security is delivered. Over the past 12+ months, we embarked on a journey to take Cisco Umbrella to a new level.
DNS has always been at our core — starting as a recursive DNS service (OpenDNS) in 2006, then moving into the enterprise security space in 2012 with the release of Umbrella. Enforcing security at the DNS layer was something brand new at the time. People started to see how valuable it was to have a single view of all internet activity across every location, and it was an incredibly effective way to block threats at the earliest possible point (and who doesn’t love fewer alerts to investigate!?). Add in the fact that it’s delivered from the cloud and can be deployed enterprise-wide in minutes…you can start to see the appeal it has.
As we saw more applications and infrastructure move to the cloud, more people working off-network (and “forgetting” to turn on that pesky VPN), and the move to more direct internet access at remote offices, we heard more from our customers about what they needed from a security service. It wasn’t just about DNS-layer security — they often needed more. We’re excited to share that we’re now delivering more. Much more.
Now, Umbrella offers secure web gateway, cloud-delivered firewall, and cloud access security broker (CASB) functionality — in addition to the DNS-layer security and threat intelligence from Investigate — all in a single, integrated cloud console. All of this is available in a new Umbrella package: Secure Internet Gateway Essentials.
By unifying multiple security services in the cloud, we are now able to offer our customers greater flexibility, sharper visibility, and consistent enforcement, everywhere your users work. The goal is simple ­– if we can simplify your security operations and reduce complexity, then you can reduce risk and accelerate secure cloud adoption.
Here are a few examples of innovations that we’re introducing as part of this:
Bye Security Silos, Hello Consolidation
It can be an overwhelming endeavor to help your organization transition to the cloud and secure direct internet access. It takes skill and a considerable amount of resources. How many office locations are you tasked with securing? We’ve heard loud and clear that it’s not sustainable for you to build a separate security stack in each location. By moving those core security services to a single cloud solution, you’ll be able to deploy the right level of security consistently across your organization. And you have the flexibility to deploy it as needed — you’re not forced to proxy everything or deploy in a specific way. For example, you could start with DNS for fast protection everywhere and leverage additional security services (secure web gateway, firewall, CASB, etc.) wherever you need them.

“I like the simplicity of Cisco Umbrella from a management perspective, but I also enjoy the complexity of the advanced layers of protection that Cisco Umbrella provides. This one product has truly transformed our ability to protect our entire workforce, regardless of location.” – Ryan Deppe, Network Operation Supervisor, Cianbro Corporation

Well-known Technology, Brand New Approach
IPSec tunnels have been around forever. But, we set out to do something different based on what we’ve heard from you. Cisco developed a new technology for IPSec tunnels that minimizes downtime and eliminates the need to build secondary tunnels with a patent-pending approach using Anycast technology for automated failover. A single IPsec tunnel can be deployed to send traffic to Umbrella from any network device, including SD-WAN. This integrated approach combined with Anycast routing can efficiently protect branch users, connected devices, and application usage from all internet breakouts with 100% business uptime.
Real-time Detection of DNS Tunneling
Even though we’ve been a leader in DNS-layer security for years, we won’t rest on our laurels. We’re watching attacker tactics and quickly adjusting ours — DNS Tunneling is one example. DNS tunneling utilizes the DNS protocol to communicate non-DNS traffic (i.e. HTTP) over port 53. There are legitimate reasons why you would use DNS tunneling, but attackers have been using it for data exfiltration and command and control callbacks. To better identify and stop this, we’ve added advanced detection capabilities, real-time heuristics, signature, and encoded data detection to Umbrella.
Deeper Web Control, Retrospective Alerts on Malicious Files
Our new secure web gateway (full proxy) provides complete web traffic visibility, control, and protection — with capabilities such as content filtering at the URL-level, blocking applications or app functions, HTTPS decryption (either for select sites or all), file inspection with Cisco Advanced Malware Protection and antivirus, sandboxing unknown files with Cisco Threat Grid, and retrospective alerts on files that subsequently display malicious behavior. Think about it — file behavior can change over time or could put mechanisms in place to evade initial detection. If a file is initially determined to be safe by Threat Grid and downloaded from the web, but later is deemed to be malicious, you can now see that in Umbrella.
All of these Umbrella enhancements are designed to help your organization accelerate cloud adoption with confidence — you need assurance that your users will be secure wherever they connect to the internet and that’s exactly what we’re focused on delivering for you. If you want to learn more, join our Security Virtual Summit on November 12th and check out Jeff Reed’s blog to hear about other Cisco Security innovations.
The post Consolidate your Security in the Cloud with Cisco Umbrella appeared first on Cisco Blogs.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The death of the network perimeter and the firewall? Not so fast.

By Don Meyer Welcome to The Future of Firewalling, Part 1…
For over two decades, the firewall has been the de-facto tool that facilitated secure connectivity between different networks. Firewalls were traditionally designed around the idea that internal traffic and users were inherently trustworthy and external traffic wasn’t. Thus, the firewall was deployed to create a trust boundary – or perimeter – between networks. This network perimeter became the logical security control point to protect an organization’s network, data, users, and devices. What’s more, all network traffic (whether originating from the corporate headquarters, its data center, or remote workers) was funneled through this single control point, making it easy to maintain that trust boundary and establish consistent control. Life was good.
Then the world went digital
And when it did, the way we worked, consumed data, and exchanged ideas transformed. The introduction of the “cloud” further compounded things: many of our business-critical applications started moving from our data centers and premises-based networks to places we no longer owned or controlled. At the same time, our branch offices started directly connecting to the Internet to consume services that are now more frequently hosted outside our data centers. And users began accessing more and more resources from their personal devices everywhere but in the office.
As our networks have become far more interconnected, the notion of a single perimeter or control point no longer exists. The industry has been abuzz for some time about the “dissolving perimeter” and whether the firewall is even necessary anymore. I would argue that not only is the firewall more relevant than ever, we now need more firewalls everywhere – on our premises networks, at branch offices, at the gateway and within our data center, in the cloud, on devices, and even within our application workloads.
From macro to micro
Instead of a single perimeter we now have multiple “micro-perimeters” across a variety of networks, devices, users, and data. Typically, each of these new “perimeters” is secured by adding different point technologies, which require a lot of manual intervention just to get going. Couple that with the significant shortage of available talent to manage all these new devices and we’ve got an even bigger challenge. As a result, organizations are struggling to operationalize their disparate security solutions to maintain consistent policies and uniform threat visibility. Network complexity? Check. Network security complexity? Check. Misconfigurations and inconsistencies leading to exposures and breaches? Check mate!
And while we’re struggling to get a handle on all this complexity, our adversaries continue to unleash more sophisticated threats more frequently across more threat vectors. In fact, the average reported rate of data breaches was 46% in 2018, up from 24% in 2017, according to the 2018 Global Threat Report. This steep climb in reported breaches is a testament to the increasingly sophisticated methods bad actors are using to infiltrate our networks; the growing rate of their success shows just how ineffective the status quo is against modern threats.
And here we are
It has become painfully obvious that we’ve lost visibility and control. We no longer have a good understanding of where our users and data go nor how exposed our businesses are. It’s hard to determine what’s communicating with what, or if we’ve even been breached, until it’s too late. And the pace of change is accelerating as more businesses embrace digital transformation, creating a perfect storm of opportunity for motivated hackers. And a perfect headache for those of us tasked with security. Where do we start to get a handle on it all?
It’s time to rethink the firewall
The importance of the firewall hasn’t diminished – in fact it’s more relevant than ever – but we need to think differently about it. We must go beyond form factors and physical or virtual appliances to embrace firewalling as a functionality. Firewalling needs to be about delivering world-class security controls – the key elements for preventing, detecting, and stopping attacks faster and more accurately – with common policy and threat visibility delivered where you need it: in the data center, in the cloud, at the branch office. So you’re protected everywhere.
At Cisco, we’ve been hard at work bringing that vision into reality, so you can build your strongest security posture for today and tomorrow. Stay tuned to The Future of Firewalling blog series to hear about it. And visit cisco.com/go/ngfw to learn more about Cisco Next-Generation Firewalls.
Coming soon:
The Future of Firewalling, Part 2: Don’t let complexity ruin your security
The post The death of the network perimeter and the firewall? Not so fast. appeared first on Cisco Blogs.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Relentless Breach Defense Endpoint Protection Platform + Endpoint Detection and Response

By Gedeon Hombrebueno As evasive and complex as today’s threats have become, it’s no wonder security professionals in organizations of all sizes are ripping out their legacy antivirus completely in favor of Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) technologies. Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) delivers next generation antivirus that stops today’s complex attacks. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) offers more advanced capabilities like detecting and investigating security incidents, and the ability to remediate endpoints quickly. The question then becomes, which should you choose? And why can’t you have both?
We believe you can AND we believe it should simplify your security operations. That’s why we’ve brought EPP and EDR capabilities together in a single cloud-delivered solution called Cisco® Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) for Endpoints. It is relentless at stopping breaches and blocking malware, then rapidly detects, contains, and remediates advanced threats that evade front-line defenses. Moreover, it’s easy to deploy, easy to use and leverages your existing security investments to help you address threats beyond the endpoint. That’s what we call relentless breach defense and here’s three ways Cisco AMP for Endpoints does this.
#1. Block threats. Before they target you.
How effective you are at protecting your endpoints really depends on how good the threat intelligence you’re acting on. That’s why at Cisco, we employ machine learning and automation to spot malware activity fast, malware attack prevention to block ransomware, exploit prevention to stop fileless malware and a variety of other protection engines fueled by Cisco Talos, the largest non-governmental threat intelligence group on the planet. We find more vulnerabilities than other vendors and push out protection before the bad guys can exploit them, giving you an advantage. And because we’re Cisco, Talos sees more network traffic than anyone else. Whether a threat begins on the Internet, in an email, or on someone else’s network. Our cloud-based global telemetry sees a threat once, anywhere in the world, and blocks it everywhere, across our endpoint ecosystem and our entire security platform.
#2. Know everything. About every endpoint.
We simplify threat hunting and investigation with our newly announced endpoint detection and response (EDR)capabilities that automate advanced investigative queries across any or all of your endpoints. Whether you are doing an investigation as part of incident response, threat hunting, IT operations, or vulnerability and compliance, we get you the answers you need. We have preloaded scripts so you can leverage the expertise of our Talos threat hunters or even customize your own. These queries are organized in a catalog of common use cases, even aligning with the Mitre ATT&CK. We provide deeper visibility on what happened to any endpoint at any given time by taking a snapshot of its current state – you can think about this as a “freeze-framing” activity on a device right to the moment when something malicious was seen. And we continuously monitor and analyze the behavior of your endpoints, giving you the information you need to investigate and respond to the riskiest threats quickly and confidently. If a file that appeared clean upon initial inspection ever becomes a problem, we can provide a full history of the threat’s activity to catch, isolate, contain, and remediate at the first sign of malicious behavior.
#3. Respond completely. With security that works together.
Threats are not one dimensional and neither should your defenses be. That’s why we built our endpoint security with out-of-the-box integrations with the rest of the Cisco security platform to block, detect, investigate and respond to threats across your entire environment – not just your endpoints. With security that works together, we help you streamline your security operations, making security investigations faster and easier. You will get to the root cause fast, and automate actions to stop a threat in its tracks. We empower you to respond to attacks at the first sign of malicious behavior using one-click isolation of any endpoint, everywhere. Importantly, we have broader control beyond just the endpoint. We instrument our endpoint security to leverage threat intelligence from web, email, cloud and network security solutions; and multi-factor authentication integration for Zero-Trust, creating security defenses that work together for more effective protection and response against the most challenging threats with less time, effort, and cost to do so.
Channel your inner threat hunter: register for one of our Threat Hunting Workshops. You’ll get hands on experience threat hunting, investigating and responding to threats so you and be relentless at breach defense too.

The post Relentless Breach Defense Endpoint Protection Platform + Endpoint Detection and Response appeared first on Cisco Blogs.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Establishing Device Trust to Secure the Workforce

By Amanda Rogerson Challenges of Protecting Endpoints
With an estimated 70% of breaches starting on endpoints – laptops, workstations, servers, and mobile devices – organizations need visibility into the devices connecting to applications both on the network and in the cloud. Organizations need the ability to establish trust in the devices connecting to resources containing sensitive information.
Curious how you can determine if you can trust the endpoints that are connecting to your business resources? Ask yourself a few quick questions:
Are you able to automatically notify users of out-of-date software to reduce your help desk tickets or block devices that have been compromised? Or automatically quarantine malicious files from infecting your entire network?
Can you enforce endpoint controls for risky devices or corporate-owned devices? What about contractor devices or external third parties connecting to your network?
Can you enforce access policies based on the application risk or whether the device is a known healthy device that meets security guidelines?

Establishing Trust in Endpoints
In order to effectively establish trust in user devices, organizations should have device-based policies in place to prevent access by any risky or unknown devices. By validating the device is both healthy and meets security policies, you can ensure they’re trustworthy – key components of the Cisco Zero Trust security approach for the workforce.
Cisco implements zero trust with a three-step methodology across the workforce, workloads and workplace by:
Establishing trust of a user, device, application, etc. – before granting access or allowing connections or communications.
Enforcing trust-based policies with granular controls based on changing context – such as the security posture of devices and the behavior of applications
Continuously verifying trust by monitoring for risky devices, policy noncompliance, behavior deviations and software vulnerabilities
With Duo and Cisco® Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) for Endpoints, organizations have the tools in place to effectively establish trust in users‘ devices connecting to protected applications. The ability to prevent, detect and respond are key elements when considering device trust in a zero-trust security approach for the workforce.
Trust Through Protection and Detection
Establishing trust extends beyond managing the status of the device to include inspecting the device and controlling access based on risk evaluations to ensure only devices that are healthy and meet your security controls are able to gain access to your corporate systems. With Duo Trusted Endpoints, you can enforce controls and policies to keep risky endpoints from accessing your applications. This includes devices that are unmanaged; don’t meet OS requirements; status of enabled security features (configured or disabled); full disk encryption.
AMP for Endpoints offers endpoint protection, advanced endpoint detection and response capabilities and a holistic view of your endpoints, regardless of operating system. AMP continuously monitors and analyzes all file and process activity within your network to find and automatically block threats that other solutions miss. It has more than 15 built-in protection and detection mechanisms to prevent threats from compromising your business. With a few clicks in AMP’s browser-based management console, the file can be blocked from running on all endpoints. AMP knows every other endpoint the file has reached, so it can quarantine the file for all users.
Available Soon – Integration between Duo Security and AMP for Endpoints
Adding AMP for Endpoints as a Trusted Endpoint in Duo provides the ability to protect applications from devices that have been flagged by AMP as an infected endpoint containing malware. This prevents access to any application that contains sensitive data reducing the risk of data loss.
Duo’s access policies will allow admins to entirely block access to devices flagged by AMP without blocking the user entirely, permitting them to access applications from an alternate device to ensure continued productivity.
The automatic isolation and blocking of compromised devices provides organizations the ability to quickly remediate potential threats, reducing their risk surface without completely interrupting user productivity.

Duo and AMP provide organizations with comprehensive tools to prevent, detect and respond to potential threats from endpoint devices, helping to establish trust in those devices.
Learn more about Cisco Zero Trust, and get started with a free trial of Duo and Cisco AMP for Endpoints to start establishing trust in your endpoints today.

The post Establishing Device Trust to Secure the Workforce appeared first on Cisco Blogs.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Securing Your Future by Innovating Today

By Jeff Reed At a time when cybercrime costs three times more than natural disasters globally1, the demands on security are constantly growing. Whether you’re asked to protect a workforce that roams anywhere, a workplace that is digitized, or workloads that run wherever, your disparate security solutions are creating discord and an untenable level of complexity.
At Cisco, we’ve been on a quest to change that, and we believe we’re uniquely positioned to redefine security. As you’re innovating to build your future, we’re innovating to keep it secure — by creating a comprehensive platform approach and continuously evolving our security technologies.
That’s why I’m excited today to share some of the recent innovations across our security portfolio. With a cloud-powered platform approach in mind, these enhancements are designed to break down silos between SecOps, NetOps, and ITOps and free up your time by:
Simplifying your firewalling experience with more consistent policy management with cloud-native environments and cloud-based logging.
Accelerating your cloud adoption with new secure web gateway and firewall services in the cloud, deployed through a single IPsec tunnel.
Future-proofing your security with an industry-validated zero-trust approach for your workforce, workloads, and workplace, while integrating threat context.
Simplifying your breach defense experience with more visibility and actions for threat response, plus new services delivered by Cisco experts to help augment your team.

Experience the future of firewalling
As you’re moving applications into the cloud, the NetOps‘ job is expanding to include cloud-native firewalls. Securing all control points across this multicloud environment should not feel like reinventing the wheel. We’re simplifying the experience and enabling NetOps to maintain consistent policies across firewalls, and into the cloud, starting with support for AWS, with more cloud providers roadmapped. Additionally, to help you easily maintain consistent policies as you’re adopting SD-WAN, we’ve simplified policy management for Meraki MX, one of our SD-WAN solutions. Just a few clicks, that’s all it takes to seamlessly harmonize policies across your hybrid environment.
We’re also improving visibility and making compliance easier with cloud-based logging for our NGFWs. This new capability aggregates and centralizes the on-prem and cloud logs so you can search, filter, and sort them, accelerating investigations while ensuring your organization complies with industry regulations.
The increased user connectivity to the cloud creates new demands for faster speeds, so we’re raising the bar with our appliances as well. The latest models of our NGFWs offer a 3X performance boost over previous appliances and optimize the performance-to-price ratio to keep your network — and business — running smoothly and securely.
Accelerate cloud adoption securely
To help you transition to the cloud successfully— and protect any user, anywhere they connect to the internet — while saving a considerable amount of resources, we’ve consolidated a broad range of security services into a single, cloud-delivered security solution and dashboard. Alongside DNS-layer security, CASB, and interactive threat intelligence services, we’ve added secure web gateway and firewall services to our cloud security solution to deliver deeper visibility and control over all ports and protocols, even encrypted web traffic.
The secure web gateway (full proxy) provides complete web traffic visibility, control, and protection — with capabilities like decrypting and scanning files on any site, filtering out inappropriate or malicious URLs, sandboxing unknown files, and blocking applications or app functions.
With this comprehensive set of functionalities, you can rely on us for the full security stack at smaller branches as you adopt SD-WAN. A single configuration in our networking product dashboards deploys DNS-layer security across hundreds of network devices, including SD-WAN. Additionally, a single IPsec tunnel deploys secure web gateway and firewall from any network device, including SD-WAN. Our integrated approach and Anycast routing can efficiently protect your branch users, connected devices, and application usage from all internet breakouts with 100% business uptime.
Secure access with a zero-trust approach
We have been working over the past year to create a more comprehensive zero-trust framework. Based on customer feedback, we focused on securing three key pillars: workforce, workloads, and workplace. We are thrilled that Forrester recognized our strides and named Cisco a leader in the recently released Forrester Wave among Zero Trust eXtended Ecosystem Platform Providers. As the analyst report noted, “Cisco excels in zero trust with a renewed and targeted focus … and is well-positioned as a prominent zero-trust player.”
We continue to innovate in this space and are reducing risks based on device trust by integrating our threat-detection capabilities with multi-factor authentication. The majority of breaches originate on the endpoint, but what if ITOps could establish trust in a user device before it’s allowed any access to sensitive resources? By safeguarding against vulnerable or compromised endpoints and blocking their access, you’ll be able to better detect and respond to malware threats as well as prevent data breaches.
Adopt breach defense everywhere
Taking endpoint defense one step farther, we added the ability to isolate an endpoint, which stops malware from spreading while giving SecOps time to remediate without losing forensics data, or simply giving ITOps time to troubleshoot an unknown issue. Making breach defense less overwhelming, endpoint isolation empowers incident investigators to uncover endpoint data that wasn’t available before — using advanced search with more than 300 query parameters, such as listing applications with high memory utilization.
Malware is also a growing problem at the network level because adversaries have learned to hide behind encrypted traffic. We’ve extended the capability to analyze encrypted traffic behavior into the cloud, providing higher fidelity of threat protection and enabling cryptographic compliance. At the same time, we’re simplifying investigations, giving you deeper visibility at multiple layers, and helping you respond quicker across different vectors by integrating network security analytics with our unified threat response application.
If you need help preparing for and responding to attacks, you can augment your team with our incident response services, now part of Talos. You know Talos as the team who’s constantly researching new threats on your behalf, and now they can integrate that intel even faster across our entire portfolio — benefitting not only retainer customers but everyone. For even leaner teams that need next-level support, we’re adding managed threat detection and response services to help you leverage your Cisco Security investments 24x7x365.
Several of these innovations are industry firsts, and we’re excited to offer customers new ways to better manage their growing business demands. I encourage you to take a closer look at these enhancements and discover how they can make your security an enabler rather than a barrier.
Get Started
Ready to experience for yourself how Cisco can simplify your experience, accelerate your success, and secure your future?
Simplify security and respond to threats with a few clicks using the free Cisco Threat Response application, available for all our solutions as part of our platform approach.
Experience the future of firewalling — see how easy it is to harmonize firewall policies with a free trial to Cisco Defense Orchestrator and learn more about the new Firepower Next-Generation Firewall.
Accelerate your cloud adoption, starting with a free trial of Umbrella, our comprehensive cloud-security solution.
Start with securing your workforce with a zero-trust approach using a Duo free trial.
Enable SecOps to detect, investigate, and respond to threats more efficiently with a free trial to Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) for Endpoints, and get better visibility into encrypted traffic with a free trial to Stealthwatch, our network traffic security analytics solution.
Augment your team and improve your readiness for attacks with Talos Incident Response and our managed security

1Allianz Risk Barometer, 2019

The post Securing Your Future by Innovating Today appeared first on Cisco Blogs.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Roundup for October 25 to November 1

By Talos Group
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed between Oct 25 and Nov 1. As with previous roundups, this post isn’t meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we’ve observed by highlighting key behavioral characteristics, indicators of compromise, and discussing how our customers are automatically protected from these threats.
As a reminder, the information provided for the following threats in this post is non-exhaustive and current as of the date of publication. Additionally, please keep in mind that IOC searching is only one part of threat hunting. Spotting a single IOC does not necessarily indicate maliciousness. Detection and coverage for the following threats is subject to updates, pending additional threat or vulnerability analysis. For the most current information, please refer to your Firepower Management Center, Snort.org, or ClamAV.net.
Read More
TRU11012019 – This is a JSON file that includes the IOCs referenced in this post, as well as all hashes associated with the cluster. The list is limited to 25 hashes in this blog post. As always, please remember that all IOCs contained in this document are indicators, and that one single IOC does not indicate maliciousness. See the Read More link above for more details.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The commoditization of mobile espionage software

By Talos Group Mobile stalkerware has all sorts of wide-ranging consequences. The creators of these types of apps can track user’s locations, see their social media usage and more. And they certainly open the door for abuse by governments hoping to spy on their citizens, parents looking to track their children or controlling spouses hoping to track every move their partners make. This class of software exists to surreptitiously get and provide this personal information, sometimes in real time.
Cisco Talos recently spotted a wave of vendors hawking this software, designed to spy on unsuspecting users. We observed apps across the globe — including activities in countries that have some of the worst human rights records — with vendors offering language- and country-specific services. In all, there were 87 vendors we discovered as part of our research, which we believes poses a serious threat to at-risk individuals. The stalkerware space is completely unregulated, and these apps are allowed to exist on many app stores for extended periods of time, with their creators even offering easy to follow tutorials online as to how to trick users into downloading these apps. This is an easily accessible, yet volatile, market.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Remote Access Trojans

By Ben Nahorney You’re working for a high-profile technology company, close to releasing a market-changing product to the public. It’s a highly contested space, with many competitors, both domestic and international. There’s also a lot of buzz in the media and online speculation on the scope and impact your new product will have. And it goes without question that customers are keen to know more about the upcoming game-changer.
Your goal is to keep the secrets under wraps until the public announcement. Unfortunately, your surprise is about to be spoiled. It happens sometimes, as much as we work to prevent it—from accidental embargo slips to insider leaks. But in this case, it’s arguably the worst-case scenario: Your company has been breached and information about the product was stolen.
It’s unfortunate, but such breaches are not an uncommon occurrence—it’s something security professionals are far too familiar with. They occur across sectors, yet the way the data is stolen often includes familiar patterns. There are plenty of possible suspects, and untangling their motives is difficult. But in this cybersecurity game of “Clue,” we’re less concerned if it were Mrs. Peacock or Professor Plum. We want to know what the weapon was and how to prevent future murders.
There are a variety of useful weapons in an attacker’s arsenal. Downloaders, administration tools, and infostealers all often play a part in such an attack. But the go-to tool in many scenarios like this today are remote access trojans, often referred to as a “RATs.”
The anatomy of a RAT
A RAT is a swiss army knife of sorts. Distributed through familiar vectors, such as malicious downloads and email attachments, many RATs include all the weapons mention above, and more, making it easier for an attacker to leverage each component when carrying out an attack. In short, a RAT consolidates a number of tools into one package.
There is a lot of variation from RAT to RAT. Some are generalist tools, meant to be used across a variety of attack scenarios. Others are highly tailored to a specific attack. Some RATs use predetermined proxies to help mask an attacker’s ultimate location. Other RATs may leverage command-and-control (C2) infrastructure to do the same.

While the functionality and infrastructure used by a given RAT will differ, what follows are common features found within many RATs. To illustrate an attack, let’s take it back to our tech company breach, showing how an attacker can leverage a RAT to gain access to, and steal, sensitive files on your upcoming product.
Gather system information
The attacker managed to breach the defenses in your company using a phishing email that included a link to the RAT. However, that doesn’t mean that they will immediately know where they are on the network. They’ll naturally want to learn more about the computer they compromised. Is it an administrative assistant’s desktop, a laptop belonging to finance, or a web server? Performing reconnaissance on the system helps the attacker learn how deep into an organization they have penetrated, if they need to move laterally, or if they’re reached their intended target. Some reconnaissance tools even allow an attacker to scan other systems, gathering information about them.
Steal usernames and passwords
The attacker got onto one machine, but it wasn’t the intended target. They’d compromised a computer belonging to someone in the engineering group, but the materials they were after resided on a shared server. To move laterally, they may want to try searching for login credentials on the system they’ve already compromised. Many RATs include the ability to scrape saved and cached passwords, and once the usernames and passwords are in hand, the attacker can attempt to log into the shared server.
Log keystrokes
The attacker scanned the compromised computer looking for the login credentials, but no luck. Good news? Yes, but it’s only a minor setback. Many RATs include information-stealing components like keyloggers, meaning all the attacker has to do is enable it, and wait for the user of the compromised system to log into the shared server. When they enter login credentials, the attacker can capture them, and later attempt to log into the server themselves.
Download further malware
The attacker was able to obtain login credentials; however, their attempt to log in failed. (Perhaps your company uses multi-factor authentication?) To get to that shared engineering server, the attacker is going to have to call in reinforcements. They’ve identified a vulnerability on the shared server, and they need an attack toolkit to exploit it and gain access. Given how networks vary widely, many RATS include the ability to download further tools to assist them in gaining further access. In this case, the RAT operates like a downloader, pulling down an attack toolkit that allows the attacker to progress.
Accessing and uploading files
The attacker managed to gain access to the shared server, traversed its directory structure, and located documents that outline your new product’s features. The next step is to exfiltrate those files. Most RATs contain the ability to upload files to a predetermined location. This is often done with help of a proxy or through a C2 infrastructure, thus covering the attacker’s tracks as they steal the documents in question.
Recording audio, video, and taking screenshots
There may be times that an attacker isn’t satisfied with simply stealing design docs. Perhaps they obtained a slide deck, but it lacks context in certain slides. In order to learn more, they might want to return their attention to the initially compromised computer and have the RAT to record audio and/or video. The RAT might overhear the engineer speaking to a coworker or capture a video of a presentation meeting that discusses the product. RATs can often take screenshots as well, capturing critical documents on display.
Other uses
This is just one scenario where a RAT could be used end-to-end in an attack. RATs can be used in other situations as well. For instance, what if an attacker is hoping to exfiltrate financial data? A RAT can be leveraged to scrape banking details from a compromised computer or collect credit card numbers using a keylogger.
What’s important to highlight is that most RATs provide command line access to the systems that have been compromised. If adequate administrative rights are gained on these computers, an attacker can use a RAT to do just about anything that he or she desires.
Notable RATs
RATs have been around for a long time, and many prominent RATs have come and gone. Some recent RATs that have been prevalent on the threat landscape include Orcus RAT and RevengeRAT, which have been used by a variety of threat actors. Another commonly seen RAT is ExileRAT, which has been used in attacks with possible espionage-related motives, and shares a C2 infrastructure with the LuckyCat family of threats.
Not all RATs are built from the ground up either. Some are semi-legitimate tools, repurposed or reconfigured for malicious use. Two such examples include Imminent RAT and Remcos.
There are a number of attack groups monitored by Talos Intelligence that use RATs in their malicious campaigns. The SWEED threat actor often used Agent Tesla, the Panda threat actor has been seen dropping Gh0st RAT, and the Tortoiseshell group, who was recently caught scamming veterans, uses a RAT called IvizTech.
To catch a RAT
So the attacker managed to get into your network and obtain your product plans this time. How do you prevent them from doing it next time?
Fortunately, there isn’t anything particularly special about the way a RAT gets onto a system. They’re distributed in much the same way as other types of malware: they’re sent by email, dropped by droppers, set up as the payloads for exploit kits, along with other common attack vectors. Consider the following:
A good endpoint protection application is very useful in protecting against RATs. AMP for Endpoints blocks malware at point of entry, then detects, contains, and remediates advanced threats.
Monitoring network traffic for unauthorized activity is also important. Cisco Stealthwatch is the most comprehensive visibility and network traffic security analytics solution that uses enterprise telemetry from the existing network infrastructure.
Many RATs encrypt their traffic, as we discussed in last month’s Threat of the Month blog, so be sure you can monitor such traffic as well. Encrypted Traffic Analytics provides insight into threats in encrypted traffic, without the need for decryption, using network analytics and machine learning.
Being able to connect to C2 domains is vital for many RATs to function. Blocking known malicious domains can go a long way in stopping a RAT in its tracks. Cisco Umbrella uses DNS to stop threats over all ports and protocols—even direct-to-IP connections—preventing connections to attacker’s servers.
Multi-factor authentication products can prevent an attacker from logging into a system if they manage to obtain login credentials. Verify users‘ identities with applications such as Cisco Duo.
A good email security solution, as well as a strong network perimeter, will help to ensure that RATs are blocked outright. Cisco Email Security is your best defense against such attacks via email, while Cisco’s Next-Generation Firewall can stop attacks at the network boundaries.
A web security appliance with data loss prevention (DLP) features will also assist in cases where a RAT gets in and is attempting to steal sensitive information through the network. The Cisco and Digital Guardian DLP solution is a high-performance, comprehensive security solution for data in motion.
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Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Named a Leader in the 2019 Forrester Zero Trust Wave

By Dr. Gee Rittenhouse “Cisco has adopted a zero-trust strategy and is well-positioned as a prominent zero-trust player.”
– The Forrester Wave: Zero Trust eXtended Ecosystem Platform Providers, Q4 2019
In today’s modern work environment, where access happens everywhere, security is increasingly complex. With users, devices and clouds moving outside the traditional network, the perimeter has greatly expanded and created
gaps in visibility – making organizations more susceptible to an attack. To reduce organizations‘ vulnerabilities, Cisco has been working to build the most comprehensive and integrated security platform that covers customers whether they are working at headquarters, at a branch office or on-the-go.
A key pillar of that platform is zero-trust. With this model, we move from allow all users, devices and workloads by default to one where organizations do not trust anything inside or outside their network perimeter. Access is only granted to authorized users, devices and workloads after establishing trust and preventing threats—all without a decline in the user experience.
Cisco has been investing in and building the most expansive zero-trust framework in the industry for securing access across the workforce, the workplace and the workload. It is what customers require in this evolving work environment, and the market is taking note. With that, I am proud to share that Cisco has been named a leader in The Forrester Wave: Zero Trust eXtended Ecosystem Platform Providers, Q4 2019 report.

“[Cisco] spent significant time and expense to realign much of its security portfolio to enable or enhance zero trust for its customers.”
– The Forrester Wave: Zero Trust eXtended Ecosystem Platform Providers, Q4 2019

We believe this recognition is validation of Cisco’s multi-year zero-trust vision and strategy. We have long led this market with SD-access and segmentation technologies in our network infrastructure. With the acquisition of Duo last year, we were able to add an additional layer of security with its authentication and adaptive policy technology and extend trusted access to multi-and hybrid-cloud environments. Then with the addition of Tetration, we have been able to ensure that our customers‘ cloud applications remain secure.

These products have come together to create the most comprehensive framework for securing access across three key fronts:
Workforce – Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) and contextual user access policies, Duo allows organizations to verify an employee’s identity to ensure they are who they say they are and add more checks on the trustworthiness of devices through security health inspections.
Workplace – With SD-Access, we are protecting the workplace by securing all connections into and across the network by using segmentation, so that users and devices are only getting access to what they need access to do their job and function.
Workload – Workloads are dynamic, moving across private, hybrid cloud and multi-public cloud environments. With Tetration, you can automate enforcement of highly specific segmentation policy for applications in your multi-cloud environments.
With Cisco Zero Trust, you can ensure secure, trusted access wherever it happens. Start your zero-trust journey today by signing up for a free Duo trial; demoing Tetration and learning more about SD-Access.
Download The Forrester Wave: Zero Trust eXtended Ecosystem Platform Providers, Q4 2019 report.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice