Threat Round Up for Aug 25 – Sep 1

By Talos Group Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed between August 25 and September 1. As with previous round-ups, this post isn’t meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we’ve observed by highlighting key behavior characteristics, indicators of compromise, and how our customers are automatically […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Back to Basics: Worm Defense in the Ransomware Age

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana The Prequel In March 2017, Microsoft released a security update for various versions of Windows, which addressed a remote code execution vulnerability affecting a protocol called SMBv1 (MS17-010). As this vulnerability could allow a […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Back to Basics: Worm Defense in the Ransomware Age

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana The Prequel In March 2017, Microsoft released a security update for various versions of Windows, which addressed a remote code execution vulnerability affecting a protocol called SMBv1 (MS17-010). As this vulnerability could allow a […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Multiple Gdk-Pixbuf Vulnerabilities

By Talos Group Today, Talos is disclosing the discovery of two remote code execution vulnerabilities which have been identified in the Gdk-Pixbuf Toolkit. This toolkit used in multiple desktop applications including Chromium, Firefox, GNOME thumbnailer, VLC and others. Exploiting this vulnerability allows an attacker to gain full control over the victim’s machine. If an attacker builds a specially […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Multiple Gdk-Pixbuf Vulnerabilities

By Talos Group Today, Talos is disclosing the discovery of two remote code execution vulnerabilities which have been identified in the Gdk-Pixbuf Toolkit. This toolkit used in multiple desktop applications including Chromium, Firefox, GNOME thumbnailer, VLC and others. Exploiting this vulnerability allows an attacker to gain full control over the victim’s machine. If an attacker builds a specially […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Code Execution Vulnerability in LabVIEW

By Talos Group LabVIEW is a system design and development platform released by National Instruments. The software is widely used to create applications for data acquisition, instrument control and industrial automation. Talos is disclosing the presence of a code execution vulnerability which can be triggered by opening specially crafted VI files, the proprietary file format used by LabVIEW. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Code Execution Vulnerability in LabVIEW

By Talos Group LabVIEW is a system design and development platform released by National Instruments. The software is widely used to create applications for data acquisition, instrument control and industrial automation. Talos is disclosing the presence of a code execution vulnerability which can be triggered by opening specially crafted VI files, the proprietary file format used by LabVIEW. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Lexmark Perceptive Document Filters Code Execution Bugs

By Talos Group Overview Talos is disclosing a pair of code execution vulnerabilities in Lexmark Perceptive Document Filters. Perceptive Document Filters are a series of libraries that are used to parse massive amounts of different types of file formats for multiple purposes. Talos has previously discussed in detail these filters and how they operate. The software update to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Lexmark Perceptive Document Filters Code Execution Bugs

By Talos Group Overview Talos is disclosing a pair of code execution vulnerabilities in Lexmark Perceptive Document Filters. Perceptive Document Filters are a series of libraries that are used to parse massive amounts of different types of file formats for multiple purposes. Talos has previously discussed in detail these filters and how they operate. The software update to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

What’s in a Name? Threat Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, and Extreme Snack Foods

By Marc Blackmer What is in a name? A lot, actually. A rose by any other name would certainly smell just as sweet. But if I sold you a dozen dandelions, calling them roses, as the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your sweetheart, neither of you would be none too pleased, would you? It makes me think of […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice