What’s in a Name? Threat Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, and Extreme Snack Foods

By Marc Blackmer What is in a name? A lot, actually. A rose by any other name would certainly smell just as sweet. But if I sold you a dozen dandelions, calling them roses, as the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your sweetheart, neither of you would be none too pleased, would you? It makes me think of […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Here Are 3 Things that Drive Security for the Intuitive Network Hint: ISE 2.3 Plays Key Role

By Kevin Skahill We recently announced the Network Intuitive architecture, a new era of networking that removes complexity and enables automation, assurance, and security. With built-in security, you get dynamic protection that enables your business to evolve at the breakneck pace the market demands. Recent events highlight the criticality of securing the digital network against today’s AND tomorrow’s […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Here Are 3 Things that Drive Security for the Intuitive Network Hint: ISE 2.3 Plays Key Role

By Kevin Skahill We recently announced the Network Intuitive architecture, a new era of networking that removes complexity and enables automation, assurance, and security. With built-in security, you get dynamic protection that enables your business to evolve at the breakneck pace the market demands. Recent events highlight the criticality of securing the digital network against today’s AND tomorrow’s […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Securing the IoT: Processes and People Needed!

By Sudarshan Krishnamurthi IoT promises to boost corporate profits worldwide by 21 percent by 2022, according to Cisco analysts. That’s because IoT can help businesses lower costs by realizing new efficiencies and drive new revenues by enabling new business models. Digital transformation in general, and IoT in particular, can help organizations become more productive and more responsive to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Securing the IoT: Processes and People Needed!

By Sudarshan Krishnamurthi IoT promises to boost corporate profits worldwide by 21 percent by 2022, according to Cisco analysts. That’s because IoT can help businesses lower costs by realizing new efficiencies and drive new revenues by enabling new business models. Digital transformation in general, and IoT in particular, can help organizations become more productive and more responsive to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Take incident response to the next level with AMP for Endpoints and Cognitive Threat Analytics

By Evgeny Mirolyubov Our data shows that there are 5 to 10 breaches per 1000 seats every week. That number is staggering and exemplifies the limits of traditional prevention. Most of these attacks will be done using repackaged malware distributed by known threat actors. We also see that such attacks not only remain undetected for a very long […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Take incident response to the next level with AMP for Endpoints and Cognitive Threat Analytics

By Evgeny Mirolyubov Our data shows that there are 5 to 10 breaches per 1000 seats every week. That number is staggering and exemplifies the limits of traditional prevention. Most of these attacks will be done using repackaged malware distributed by known threat actors. We also see that such attacks not only remain undetected for a very long […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Adversaries’ New Strategy: Cyber Attacks Designed for Destruction, Not Just Disruption?

By Jim Cubbage As defenders, one of our key objectives is to help organizations and individual users understand the threat landscape so they can reduce their exposure to cyber threats. Our threat researchers and technology partners watch that ever-changing landscape very closely, as they have for many years now. That’s one reason we are confident when we say […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Adversaries’ New Strategy: Cyber Attacks Designed for Destruction, Not Just Disruption?

By Jim Cubbage As defenders, one of our key objectives is to help organizations and individual users understand the threat landscape so they can reduce their exposure to cyber threats. Our threat researchers and technology partners watch that ever-changing landscape very closely, as they have for many years now. That’s one reason we are confident when we say […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Round-up for Aug 11 – Aug 18

By Talos Group Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed between August 11 and August 18. As with previous round-ups, this post isn’t meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we’ve observed by highlighting key behavior characteristics, indicators of compromise, and how our customers are automatically […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice