The Real IoT Opportunity for Enterprises? A Chance to Address Security Risks Head On

By Craig Williams When business leaders think about the Internet of Things (IoT), they tend to focus on the potential opportunities for the enterprise and give far less attention to security risks. That’s a mistake. So, too, is believing that the IoT is only a concept on the distant horizon. The IoT already exists and is expanding rapidly. […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: EZB Systems UltraISO ISO Parsing Code Execution Vulnerability

By Talos Group Discovered by Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos Today, Talos is releasing details of a new vulnerability discovered within the EZB Systems UltraISO ISO disk image creator software. TALOS-2017-0342 (CVE-2017-2840) may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely on the vulnerable system when a specially crafted ISO image is opened and parsed by the UltraISO […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: EZB Systems UltraISO ISO Parsing Code Execution Vulnerability

By Talos Group Discovered by Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos Today, Talos is releasing details of a new vulnerability discovered within the EZB Systems UltraISO ISO disk image creator software. TALOS-2017-0342 (CVE-2017-2840) may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely on the vulnerable system when a specially crafted ISO image is opened and parsed by the UltraISO […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

From the Trenches: 5 Ways Customers are Improving Security with Cisco AMP for Endpoints

By John Dominguez Does this sound like a day in your IT security life? Wake up, get coffee, drive to work, and battle an almost constant onslaught of attacks, while playing whack-a-mole with too many alerts. If so, we get it. You never know where the next attack will come from. And you’re probably on to the fact […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

From the Trenches: 5 Ways Customers are Improving Security with Cisco AMP for Endpoints

By John Dominguez Does this sound like a day in your IT security life? Wake up, get coffee, drive to work, and battle an almost constant onslaught of attacks, while playing whack-a-mole with too many alerts. If so, we get it. You never know where the next attack will come from. And you’re probably on to the fact […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Black Hat USA 2017: Cisco Umbrella Joins the NOC

By Jessica Bair Cisco Cloud Based Security in the SOC Black Hat USA marked its 20th anniversary this year. The members of the NOC management showed me photos of the original NOC: a single router in a closet. The NOC has grown with the conference; into a well-managed team of experts from around the globe, from various vendors […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Black Hat USA 2017: Cisco Umbrella Joins the NOC

By Jessica Bair Cisco Cloud Based Security in the SOC Black Hat USA marked its 20th anniversary this year. The members of the NOC management showed me photos of the original NOC: a single router in a closet. The NOC has grown with the conference; into a well-managed team of experts from around the globe, from various vendors […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

How Adversaries Are Refining and Improving Ransomware in 2017

By Edmund Brumaghin Once adversaries have found a method for breaching network defenses, stealing data, or otherwise generating revenue, they’ll continue to refine these tactics to avoid detection and improve effectiveness. Ransomware, one of the more high-profile tools leveraged by adversaries, has undergone this same evolution, as we explain in the Cisco 2017 Midyear Cybersecurity Report. Delivery, obfuscation, […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

How Adversaries Are Refining and Improving Ransomware in 2017

By Edmund Brumaghin Once adversaries have found a method for breaching network defenses, stealing data, or otherwise generating revenue, they’ll continue to refine these tactics to avoid detection and improve effectiveness. Ransomware, one of the more high-profile tools leveraged by adversaries, has undergone this same evolution, as we explain in the Cisco 2017 Midyear Cybersecurity Report. Delivery, obfuscation, […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: FreeRDP Multiple Vulnerabilities

By Talos Group Talos has discovered multiple vulnerabilities in the FreeRDP product. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) originally developed by Microsoft. RDP allows users to connect remotely to systems so they can be operated from afar. The open source nature of the FreeRDP library means that it is integrated into many commercial […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice