For Women in Cybersecurity, Possibilities are Endless

By Sujata Ramamoorthy This blog is the third in a series of posts sharing perspectives from Cisco women in security. Previous blogs featured Michele Guel, Engineer and Chief Security Architect and Michelle Dennedy, Chief Privacy Officer. When the public thinks of cybersecurity we often envision people sitting in dark rooms writing code and fighting hackers. Although those people […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Memcached – A Story of Failed Patching & Vulnerable Servers

By Talos Group This blog authored by Aleksandar Nikolich and David Maynor with contributions from Nick Biasini Memcached – Not secure, Not Patched Fast Enough Recently high profile vulnerabilities in systems were used to unleash several global ransomware attacks that greatly impacted organizations. These types of vulnerabilities were previously patched and could have been addressed by organizations before […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Memcached – A Story of Failed Patching & Vulnerable Servers

By Talos Group This blog authored by Aleksandar Nikolich and David Maynor with contributions from Nick Biasini Memcached – Not secure, Not Patched Fast Enough Recently high profile vulnerabilities in systems were used to unleash several global ransomware attacks that greatly impacted organizations. These types of vulnerabilities were previously patched and could have been addressed by organizations before […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Highlights of Effective Security from Cisco Live Las Vegas

By Jason Lamar In case you missed it, here are some key takeaways from John Stewart’s Chief Security Officere keynote, Cisco Encrypted Threat Analytics, and Cisco IoT Threat Defense.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Highlights of Effective Security from Cisco Live Las Vegas

By Jason Lamar In case you missed it, here are some key takeaways from John Stewart’s Chief Security Officere keynote, Cisco Encrypted Threat Analytics, and Cisco IoT Threat Defense.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Are You The Lucky One? Sometimes Luck Can Bring You Malware

By Anna Shirokova For more than two decades, malicious actors have been evolving their Phishing techniques to effectively achieve their goals. From poorly crafted scams to extremely well crafted documents, Phishing attacks keep being a very effective technique in the attackers toolbox. Anyone can be a target. While more sophisticated phishing attacks are constantly changing, some other type of attacks remain under the radar for […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Are You The Lucky One? Sometimes Luck Can Bring You Malware

By Anna Shirokova For more than two decades, malicious actors have been evolving their Phishing techniques to effectively achieve their goals. From poorly crafted scams to extremely well crafted documents, Phishing attacks keep being a very effective technique in the attackers toolbox. Anyone can be a target. While more sophisticated phishing attacks are constantly changing, some other type of attacks remain under the radar for […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Firepower NGFW Delivers Unparalleled Threat Defense in NSS Labs Testing

By Jason Lamar Real-World Testing to Inform Your NGFW Buying Decision We’re excited to share with you the latest NSS Labs NGFW test results. In the most rigorous independent NGFW testing to date, Cisco outperformed eight competitors in security effectiveness, blocking 100% of evasions and surpassing four vendors by over 50 points. You can download the reports to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Firepower NGFW Delivers Unparalleled Threat Defense in NSS Labs Testing

By Jason Lamar Real-World Testing to Inform Your NGFW Buying Decision We’re excited to share with you the latest NSS Labs NGFW test results. In the most rigorous independent NGFW testing to date, Cisco outperformed eight competitors in security effectiveness, blocking 100% of evasions and surpassing four vendors by over 50 points. You can download the reports to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

What your MDR does when threats like Nyetya hit

By Martin Nystrom When your Security Operations team is finishing the day, and you get the following urgent alert, what do you do? Does your SOC have the staff to cover basic threat detection needs, and pivot on a moment’s notice to hunt for the latest threat? Do you leverage the power of analytics to increase efficiencies and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice