Respecting Customer Privacy is Not an Option

By Greg Rasner There was recent news of a multi-billion dollar start-up that utilized an actual customer’s network environment for sales demonstrations. To make matters worse, the practice went on for years, without the customer’s (which happened to be a medical facility) permission or knowledge (which had the potential of violating The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Randombit Botan Library X509 Certificate Validation Bypass Vulnerability

By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos. Overview Talos has discovered a vulnerability in the Randombit Botan library. A programming error exists in a way Botan library implements x500 string comparisons which could lead to certificate verification issues and abuse. A specially crafted X509 certificate would need to be delivered to the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Randombit Botan Library X509 Certificate Validation Bypass Vulnerability

By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos. Overview Talos has discovered a vulnerability in the Randombit Botan library. A programming error exists in a way Botan library implements x500 string comparisons which could lead to certificate verification issues and abuse. A specially crafted X509 certificate would need to be delivered to the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Zabbix

By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Lilith Wyatt of Cisco ASIG Summary Zabbix is an enterprise monitoring solution that is designed to give organizations the ability to monitor the health and status of various systems within their networks, including: network services, servers, and networking equipment. Cisco recently discovered multiple vulnerabilities in the Zabbix Server software component […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Zabbix

By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Lilith Wyatt of Cisco ASIG Summary Zabbix is an enterprise monitoring solution that is designed to give organizations the ability to monitor the health and status of various systems within their networks, including: network services, servers, and networking equipment. Cisco recently discovered multiple vulnerabilities in the Zabbix Server software component […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: IrfanView Jpeg2000 Reference Tile width Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability

By Talos Group Discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos Overview Talos is disclosing TALOS-2017-0310 / CVE-2017-2813, an arbitrary code execution vulnerability in the JP2 plugin for IrfanView image viewer. IrfanView is a widely used, Windows based, image viewing and editing application. This particular vulnerability is in the jpeg2000 plugin (JP2) for IrfanView resulting in an integer overflow […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: IrfanView Jpeg2000 Reference Tile width Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability

By Talos Group Discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos Overview Talos is disclosing TALOS-2017-0310 / CVE-2017-2813, an arbitrary code execution vulnerability in the JP2 plugin for IrfanView image viewer. IrfanView is a widely used, Windows based, image viewing and editing application. This particular vulnerability is in the jpeg2000 plugin (JP2) for IrfanView resulting in an integer overflow […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Hard-coded Credential Flaw in Moxa ICS Wireless Access Points Identified and Fixed

By Talos Group Earlier this month, Talos responsibly disclosed a set of vulnerabilities in Moxa ICS wireless access points. While most of the vulnerabilities were addressed in the previous set of advisories, Talos has continued to work with Moxa to ensure all remaining vulnerabilities that Talos identified are patched. Today in coordination with Moxa, Talos is disclosing the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Hard-coded Credential Flaw in Moxa ICS Wireless Access Points Identified and Fixed

By Talos Group Earlier this month, Talos responsibly disclosed a set of vulnerabilities in Moxa ICS wireless access points. While most of the vulnerabilities were addressed in the previous set of advisories, Talos has continued to work with Moxa to ensure all remaining vulnerabilities that Talos identified are patched. Today in coordination with Moxa, Talos is disclosing the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Spotlight: Mighty Morphin Malware Purveyors: Locky Returns Via Necurs

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini Throughout the majority of 2016, Locky was the dominant ransomware in the threat landscape. It was an early pioneer when it came to using scripting formats Windows hosts would natively handle, like .js, .wsf, and .hta. These scripting formats acted as a vehicle to deliver the payload via […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice