Want Tofsee My Pictures? A Botnet Gets Aggressive

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin Summary Tofsee is multi-purpose malware that has been in existence for several years, operating since at least 2013. It features a number of modules that are used to carry out various activities such as sending spam messages, conducting click fraud, mining cryptocurrency, and more. Once infected, systems become […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Using OpenDNS with Cisco WSA and Splunk for private reporting

By Tobias Mayer Sometimes having a effective and innovative solution goes in a confrontation with the local country requirements. Especially when we want to deploy as Cloud based security service. Using a Cloud Security Service will one the one hand address quite nicely the need for better security and easy deployment , on the other hand a CxO […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Using OpenDNS with Cisco WSA and Splunk for private reporting

By Tobias Mayer Sometimes having a effective and innovative solution goes in a confrontation with the local country requirements. Especially when we want to deploy as Cloud based security service. Using a Cloud Security Service will one the one hand address quite nicely the need for better security and easy deployment , on the other hand a CxO […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Going back to school on IoT security – personal reflections from a cybersecurity product marketeer

By Story Tweedie-Yates Has anybody ever actively encouraged you to hack your own car? Did you know that hacking your car could mean diagnosing problems easily and for a lower cost than you would find at the local dealer? Did you know that the aviation industry has built in both safety and security from the ground up? How […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Going back to school on IoT security – personal reflections from a cybersecurity product marketeer

By Story Tweedie-Yates Has anybody ever actively encouraged you to hack your own car? Did you know that hacking your car could mean diagnosing problems easily and for a lower cost than you would find at the local dealer? Did you know that the aviation industry has built in both safety and security from the ground up? How […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

September 2016 Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Bundled Publication

By Erin Float Today, we released the last Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication of 2016. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

September 2016 Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Bundled Publication

By Erin Float Today, we released the last Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication of 2016. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & IOS XE Software Security Advisory […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Creating a “Kill Switch” in the Cybersecurity “Kill Chain”

By Scott Pope “Kill chain,” a cybersecurity term coined by Lockheed Martin, is shorthand for how cyber criminals target, recon, develop, and eventually penetrate their targets. It’s among the hottest buzzwords in the cybersecurity industry right now, with many security products talking about how they address the kill chain. But playing buzzword bingo in tech often results in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Creating a “Kill Switch” in the Cybersecurity “Kill Chain”

By Scott Pope “Kill chain,” a cybersecurity term coined by Lockheed Martin, is shorthand for how cyber criminals target, recon, develop, and eventually penetrate their targets. It’s among the hottest buzzwords in the cybersecurity industry right now, with many security products talking about how they address the kill chain. But playing buzzword bingo in tech often results in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Spotlight: GozNym

By Talos Group This blog was authored by Ben Baker, Edmund Brumaghin, and Jonah Samost. Executive Summary GozNym is the combination of features from two previously identified families of malware, Gozi and Nymaim. Gozi was a widely distributed banking trojan with a known Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) and also contained the ability to install a Master Boot Record […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice