Threat Spotlight: Exploit Kit Goes International Hits 150+ Countries

By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini Talos is constantly monitoring the threat landscape and exploit kits are a constantly evolving component of it. An ongoing goal of Talos is to expose and disrupt these kits to protect the average internet user being targeted and compromised. We were able to gain unprecedented insight into Angler exploit […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Oracle O Image Export SDK Libvs Pdf Xref Index Code Execution Vulnerability

By Talos Group This post was authored by Aleksandar Nikolic and Jaeson Schultz. Talos has recently discovered a vulnerability in Oracle’s Outside In Technology Image Export SDK which, when exploited, allows an attacker to overflow the heap, leading to arbitrary code execution. The vulnerability lies in the Image Export SDK’s parsing of Portable Document Format (PDF) files. While […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Oracle O Image Export SDK Libvs Pdf Xref Index Code Execution Vulnerability

By Talos Group This post was authored by Aleksandar Nikolic and Jaeson Schultz. Talos has recently discovered a vulnerability in Oracle’s Outside In Technology Image Export SDK which, when exploited, allows an attacker to overflow the heap, leading to arbitrary code execution. The vulnerability lies in the Image Export SDK’s parsing of Portable Document Format (PDF) files. While […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cybersecurity in the Media and Entertainment Industry… Who Has Your Back?

By Sam Rastogi Today’s broadcast media production companies are facing an environment of enhanced formats, evolving platforms, faster processor speeds, and OTT delivery that allows for video to be watched on pretty much any device. These exponential technology advances have had a tremendous impact on the media industry. Video can be shot, produced, edited, and delivered by creative […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cybersecurity in the Media and Entertainment Industry… Who Has Your Back?

By Sam Rastogi Today’s broadcast media production companies are facing an environment of enhanced formats, evolving platforms, faster processor speeds, and OTT delivery that allows for video to be watched on pretty much any device. These exponential technology advances have had a tremendous impact on the media industry. Video can be shot, produced, edited, and delivered by creative […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Widespread JBoss Backdoors a Major Threat

By Talos Group With around 2100 servers affected, there are a lot of stories about how this happened. But a consistent thread in them all is the need to patch.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Widespread JBoss Backdoors a Major Threat

By Talos Group Recently a large scale ransomware campaign delivering Samsam changed the threat landscape for ransomware delivery. Targeting vulnerabilities in servers to spread ransomware is a new dimension to an already prolific threat. Due to information provided from our Cisco IR Services Team, stemming from a recent customer engagement, we began looking deeper into the JBoss vectors […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Widespread JBoss Backdoors a Major Threat

By Talos Group With around 2100 servers affected, there are a lot of stories about how this happened. But a consistent thread in them all is the need to patch.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Widespread JBoss Backdoors a Major Threat

By Talos Group Recently a large scale ransomware campaign delivering Samsam changed the threat landscape for ransomware delivery. Targeting vulnerabilities in servers to spread ransomware is a new dimension to an already prolific threat. Due to information provided from our Cisco IR Services Team, stemming from a recent customer engagement, we began looking deeper into the JBoss vectors […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Designing Security and Trust into the Cloud

By Steve Martino Cloud computing has reached a tipping point as many organizations have either adopted, or are planning to adopt, some form of cloud computing technology – whether IT knows and manages it or not. “Speed to capability” is one of the primary reasons that individuals, business units and departments are using cloud technology and service providers […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice