Avoiding the Trust Cliff of Data Privacy

By Michelle Dennedy Data protection and privacy are red-hot topics right now, as they should be. We are facing a watershed moment that could determine government and organizational policy for years to come. Weighing personal privacy against national security, for instance, is not as cut-and-dry as it may first appear. In our data-centric world, organizations are hungry for […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

SamSam: The Doctor Will See You, After He Pays the Ransom

By Talos Group Cisco Talos is currently observing a widespread campaign leveraging the Samas/Samsam/MSIL.B/C ransomware variant. Unlike most ransomware, SamSam is not launched via user focused attack vectors, such as phishing campaigns and exploit kits. This particular family seems to be distributed via compromising servers and using them as a foothold to move laterally through the network to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

SamSam: The Doctor Will See You, After He Pays the Ransom

By Talos Group Cisco Talos is currently observing a widespread campaign leveraging the Samas/Samsam/MSIL.B/C ransomware variant. Unlike most ransomware, SamSam is not launched via user focused attack vectors, such as phishing campaigns and exploit kits. This particular family seems to be distributed via compromising servers and using them as a foothold to move laterally through the network to […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco IOS & IOS XE Bundled Publication and IOS Software Checker Updates

By Erin Float Today, we released the first of two semiannual Cisco IOS & XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publications of 2016. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses IOS & XE vulnerabilities on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication includes […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco IOS & IOS XE Bundled Publication and IOS Software Checker Updates

By Erin Float Today, we released the first of two semiannual Cisco IOS & XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publications of 2016. (As a reminder, Cisco discloses IOS & XE vulnerabilities on a predictable schedule—the fourth Wednesday of March and September in each calendar year). Today’s edition of the Cisco IOS & XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication includes […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Don’t Let Your Cloud Security Strategy Get Railroaded by Old Thinking

By Player Pate The standard gauge used for railroads (that is the distance between the rails) in the U.S. is four feet, eight and a half inches, which is an odd number however you look at it. The history behind it is even stranger and is a cautionary tale of assumptions and the consequences of basing decisions on […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Don’t Let Your Cloud Security Strategy Get Railroaded by Old Thinking

By Player Pate The standard gauge used for railroads (that is the distance between the rails) in the U.S. is four feet, eight and a half inches, which is an odd number however you look at it. The history behind it is even stranger and is a cautionary tale of assumptions and the consequences of basing decisions on […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Apple OS X Graphics Kernel Driver Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

By Talos Group Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos is credited with the discovery of this vulnerability. Cisco Talos, in conjunction with Apple’s security advisory issued on Mar 22, is disclosing the discovery of a local vulnerability in the communication functionality of the Apple Intel HD3000 Graphics kernel driver. This vulnerability was initially discovered by the Talos Vulnerability […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Apple OS X Graphics Kernel Driver Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

By Talos Group Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos is credited with the discovery of this vulnerability. Cisco Talos, in conjunction with Apple’s security advisory issued on Mar 22, is disclosing the discovery of a local vulnerability in the communication functionality of the Apple Intel HD3000 Graphics kernel driver. This vulnerability was initially discovered by the Talos Vulnerability […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice


By Talos Group This post is authored by Andrea Allievi and Holger Unterbrink Executive Summary Ransomware is malicious software that is designed to hold users‘ files (such as photos, documents, and music) for ransom by encrypting their contents and demanding the user pay a fee to decrypt their files. Typically, users are exposed to ransomware via email phishing campaigns and exploit […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice