The First Law of IoT: Things that Can Be Connected, Will Be Connected

By Eric Wenger Recently, I had the opportunity to participate on a panel discussion of Internet of Things (IoT) privacy and security at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. This week, Barcelona plays host to the 2016 Mobile World Congress, where technology leaders convene to discuss what’s next in the mobile industry. Both events point to a future in which Internet-enabled devices are ubiquitous. We cannot yet see exactly how our lives will change as a result of this next wave of innovation. What is clear, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Drives Service Provider Cloud and NFV Growth with EANTC Validated Security Solutions

By Sam Rastogi Massive digital transformation is creating significant new opportunities for service providers. The number of Internet connected devices will grow from 15 billion today to 500 billion by 2030. The rise of cloud computing is a game-changer in service provider architecture and service delivery resulting in greater efficiency, capacity and reduced costs. Unfortunately, this means that as modern networks evolve, the attack surface that service providers must protect is expanding. Financially motivated attackers recognize the opportunity and devise sophisticated methods to []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Drives Service Provider Cloud and NFV Growth with EANTC Validated Security Solutions

By Sam Rastogi Massive digital transformation is creating significant new opportunities for service providers. The number of Internet connected devices will grow from 15 billion today to 500 billion by 2030. The rise of cloud computing is a game-changer in service provider architecture and service delivery resulting in greater efficiency, capacity and reduced costs. Unfortunately, this means that as modern networks evolve, the attack surface that service providers must protect is expanding. Financially motivated attackers recognize the opportunity and devise sophisticated methods to []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Here, There & Everywhere – Harnessing Your Value Chain Security Beast!

By Edna Conway Security threats are varied and often unpredictable. We are faced with an expanding attack surface. Adversaries abound, spanning organized crime, nation-states and malicious insiders. It is against this backdrop that the IT solutions lifecycle may appear to be an “unharnessable” security beast: the value chain. Many hypothesize that IT solutions with security “built in” are as rare as the mythological unicorn. I propose quashing such a hypothesis and making security “built in” a reality. And…the very place to do it []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Here, There & Everywhere – Harnessing Your Value Chain Security Beast!

By Edna Conway Security threats are varied and often unpredictable. We are faced with an expanding attack surface. Adversaries abound, spanning organized crime, nation-states and malicious insiders. It is against this backdrop that the IT solutions lifecycle may appear to be an “unharnessable” security beast: the value chain. Many hypothesize that IT solutions with security “built in” are as rare as the mythological unicorn. I propose quashing such a hypothesis and making security “built in” a reality. And…the very place to do it []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Operation Blockbuster: Coverage for the Lazarus Group

By Talos Group The threat landscape is in constant flux. In many situations, the entire security community must work together to combat some of today’s larger threats. Novetta researched a group of malware families that all appear to be related to the same group of threat actors dubbed “The Lazarus Group” (Group 77).According to Novetta’s analysis, which was released in a report titled “ Operation Blockbuster ”, these malware families have been behind multiple high profile attacks over the last nine years. By working with Novetta, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Operation Blockbuster: Coverage for the Lazarus Group

By Talos Group The threat landscape is in constant flux. In many situations, the entire security community must work together to combat some of today’s larger threats. Novetta researched a group of malware families that all appear to be related to the same group of threat actors dubbed “The Lazarus Group” (Group 77).According to Novetta’s analysis, which was released in a report titled “ Operation Blockbuster ”, these malware families have been behind multiple high profile attacks over the last nine years. By working with Novetta, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Firepower NGFW Steps up to Deliver Greater Effectiveness with Reduced Costs and Complexity

By David C. Stuart Full NGFW integration yields streamlined security and greater value from investments We know that security, when done properly, can be a business enabler. But as IT teams build out their security capabilities, the lack of integrated solutions yields lower threat effectiveness and inevitably leads to an explosion of complexity and cost. When Cisco developed the Firepower NGFW , providing best-of-breed effectiveness while keeping costs and complexity in check were a priority, so organizations could focus on security while optimizing resources to focus []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Firepower NGFW Steps up to Deliver Greater Effectiveness with Reduced Costs and Complexity

By David C. Stuart Full NGFW integration yields streamlined security and greater value from investments We know that security, when done properly, can be a business enabler. But as IT teams build out their security capabilities, the lack of integrated solutions yields lower threat effectiveness and inevitably leads to an explosion of complexity and cost. When Cisco developed the Firepower NGFW , providing best-of-breed effectiveness while keeping costs and complexity in check were a priority, so organizations could focus on security while optimizing resources to focus []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Protecting Data Globally: A Modern Mandate

By Michelle Fleury Data is the currency of the knowledge economy. This makes it a highly valuable commodity – for organizations and cybercriminals alike. As threats to data security mount, organizations must find ways to keep their critical digital assets safe at all touch points and compliant to international data protection regulations that vary by country. A tall order, to be sure. Yet protecting data is a mandate in today’s global economy. With customers all over the world, organizations need to be able []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice