Security Insights with British Telecom

By Sam Rastogi I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Les Anderson, VP of BT Cyber, and ask him how BT manages security to protect their networks and their customers and to get his take on our new (Cisco) partnership.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

New Cisco AnyConnect Network Visibility Module App for Splunk

By Vinny Parla Users on the network are an important layer of an organization’s security strategy – and a particularly vulnerable one. In fact, a recent IBM cybersecurity report found that human error was a contributing factor in 95% of all security incidents! It is critical to know what users are doing on the network, especially since some potential high-risk behaviors like data disclosure and shadow IT may not trigger current security layers (e.g. malware protection). Cisco AnyConnect Network Visibility Module (NVM) empowers []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

New Cisco AnyConnect Network Visibility Module App for Splunk

By Vinny Parla Users on the network are an important layer of an organization’s security strategy – and a particularly vulnerable one. In fact, a recent IBM cybersecurity report found that human error was a contributing factor in 95% of all security incidents! It is critical to know what users are doing on the network, especially since some potential high-risk behaviors like data disclosure and shadow IT may not trigger current security layers (e.g. malware protection). Cisco AnyConnect Network Visibility Module (NVM) empowers []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Update for Customers

By Anthony Grieco Following a recent Juniper security bulletin discussing unauthorized code, we have fielded a number of related questions from our customers. Being trustworthy, transparent, and accountable is core to our team, so we are responding to these questions publicly. First, we have a “no backdoor” policy and our principles are published at Our development practices specifically prohibit any intentional behaviors or product features designed to allow unauthorized device or network access, exposure of sensitive device information, or a bypass of security features or restrictions. These include, but []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Update for Customers

By Anthony Grieco Following a recent Juniper security bulletin discussing unauthorized code, we have fielded a number of related questions from our customers. Being trustworthy, transparent, and accountable is core to our team, so we are responding to these questions publicly. First, we have a “no backdoor” policy and our principles are published at Our development practices specifically prohibit any intentional behaviors or product features designed to allow unauthorized device or network access, exposure of sensitive device information, or a bypass of security features or restrictions. These include, but []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat-Focused NG-Firewall – Who Cares? Part 3

By Mike Storm This is Part 3 of our blog series about NG-Firewalls. See Part 1 here . Part 3: Challenges of the Typical NGFW What good is a malicious verdict on something that had already penetrated the system? There is no system in the world that can stop 100% of attacks/attackers 100% of the time, so infection is an inevitability that must be anticipated. Something WILL get through and when it does, the quality of your threat system and incident response plan will []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat-Focused NG-Firewall – Who Cares? Part 3

By Mike Storm This is Part 3 of our blog series about NG-Firewalls. See Part 1 here . Part 3: Challenges of the Typical NGFW What good is a malicious verdict on something that had already penetrated the system? There is no system in the world that can stop 100% of attacks/attackers 100% of the time, so infection is an inevitability that must be anticipated. Something WILL get through and when it does, the quality of your threat system and incident response plan will []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Spotlight: Holiday Greetings from Pro PoS – Is your payment card data someone else’s Christmas present?

By Talos Group The post was authored by Ben Baker and Earl Carter . Payment cards without an EMV chip have reached their end-of-life. Point of Sale (PoS) malware, such as PoSeidon , has continued to threaten businesses. The news is continually filled with stories of payment card data being stolen through a breach in the company’s PoS system. From high-end hotels to large retail firms, threat actors are attacking PoS systems in the attempt to capture payment card data. PoS Malware is just another threat category that []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Spotlight: Holiday Greetings from Pro PoS – Is your payment card data someone else’s Christmas present?

By Talos Group The post was authored by Ben Baker and Earl Carter . Payment cards without an EMV chip have reached their end-of-life. Point of Sale (PoS) malware, such as PoSeidon , has continued to threaten businesses. The news is continually filled with stories of payment card data being stolen through a breach in the company’s PoS system. From high-end hotels to large retail firms, threat actors are attacking PoS systems in the attempt to capture payment card data. PoS Malware is just another threat category that []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat-Focused NG-Firewall – Who Cares? Part 2

By Mike Storm This is Part 2 of our blog series about NG-Firewalls. See Part 1 here . Part 2: Enter Threat-Focused NG-Firewall What does a Threat-focused NG-Firewall do differently? Just about everything. Let’s compare the most popular NGFW systems on the market (typical NGFW) with the Cisco Firepower NG-Firewall system, (a Threat-Focused NG-Firewall). If you consider the typical NGFW available from your choice of vendors, you are staring at a system that was designed for, and normally sold to, Network-focused Admins that need more []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice